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Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

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Hello, I am on my last year of high school and I plan on joining the CAF. I have a few questions though.

1. Is there a way for me to join the Regular Forces and continue my education while in the Regular Forces?

2. Will the CAF help me pay for it or will I have to do it out of my own pocket?

3. If I were to join the ROTP program where would I be living in while I'm in RMC?

4. How much would I be getting paid if I was under the ROTP?

5. What would I be doing during the summer of the ROTP if I was studying at RMC?

6. How tough is it staying in RMC?

WFT32 said:
Hello, I am on my last year of high school and I plan on joining the CAF. I have a few questions though.

1. Is there a way for me to join the Regular Forces and continue my education while in the Regular Forces?

Other than attending RMC under ROTP, you'd have to be a candidate for UTPNCM, or attended trade school for select NCM trades. Sounds like you're going into University so ROTP would be the only way.

2. Will the CAF help me pay for it or will I have to do it out of my own pocket?

Not only will the CAF pay for it, you will be paid to attend RMC/trade school. You will be asked to repay your education by serving 2 months for every 1 month of schooling. Your rent and accommodation (called Rations and Quarters) will automatically be deducted from your pay.

3. If I were to join the ROTP program where would I be living in while I'm in RMC?

On campus.

4. How much would I be getting paid if I was under the ROTP?

Your first year as an Officer Cadet will earn you $1567 per month (as of 2013).

5. What would I be doing during the summer of the ROTP if I was studying at RMC?

You would be conducting your military training. Your Basic Military Officer Qualification (BMOQ, followed by BMOQ-Land if you're Army), then you will conduct On the Job Training and further officer development training.

6. How tough is it staying in RMC?

No idea. Hundreds of people attend and graduate every year. If you put your mind to it, have a good attitude, and work hard; it won't be tough. It certainly won't be easy as they will challenge you throughout, but the only factor that makes things tough or difficult is you.

Thank you so much for answering my questions but now I have a few more if you don't mind answering them hahaha

1. Is the rations and quarters already deducted from the $1567? Or is it still to be deducted?

2. What happens after the 4 years of RMC?

Thanks for the help I really appreciate it
1. No, that's your Gross Monthly Salary.

2. After you graduate, you'll be posted out to a unit where you'll do more work and more training. More training and more work. Do cool things and look cool doing it.  8)
Welcome to Army.ca, WFT32

There is a ton of information about almost everything CF-related here on this Site already. Please read through older threads and use the Search Function before asking questions that have been asked before, often many times. In doing so, you will likely find answers to questions that have not even occurred to you yet.
I was just wondering when they look over the grades of 10~12 grades. Do they look for how well you did or how much you improved over the period?
I am a 16 year old female, I just started cadets in the September of 2015 and plan on going till I age out.  I've been on Student Council for about 2 years and have been elected for the following year. I danced since I was three for 6 hours a week. My grades are in the low 90's and high 80's, like 89's. But one problem I have is that I finished my grade 10 gym with a 74. That will probably look bad, right? But in Manitoba, grade 11 or 12 gym is pass or fail so I'm going to say that isn't an issue. I also plan on doing IB diploma next year, which is like AP but harder. I know that IB diplomas are known worldwide hence the "I" standing for international. I just want someone from RMC to tell me what first year orientation program is going to be like. How I should workout to prepare and get accepted in RMC. I'm not super athletic but I still have 2 years but build my body. So if someone could tell me what kind of workouts I should do and also tell me your opinion about my chance of getting into RMC. Thank you.
Welcome to Army.ca, jaerbear2000

You will never know what your chances are until you actually apply. Unless you do that, though, your chances are exactly zero.

There are threads on this Site that discuss physical fitness and all sorts of other useful topics. Please take the time to explore and learn. You've got time to do that, and, in the process, you will likely find answers to questions that have not even occurred to you yet.
mariomike said:
Saw this in Ask a CAF Recruiter. ( 2016 )

Adding here to update the discussion,

Joining the CAF forces wanting to know info

OP: "Would I still be able to join the forces in infantry if I haven't graduated/am not currently attending school but have intentions of going back in after I get my life started?"

Thank you Mariomike, this answered a question I had!

I am currently finishing high school a year late, but hopefully I will be able accomplish my dream of serving my country. Graduating very soon and I did my CFAT today, very excited!    [:D
OneAndOnlyKongo said:
Thank you Mariomike, this answered a question I had!

I am currently finishing high school a year late, but hopefully I will be able accomplish my dream of serving my country. Graduating very soon and I did my CFAT today, very excited!    [:D

Congratulations on your CFAT. If I recall correctly you were interested in a technical trade? Good luck with that!  :)
Hey everyone! I just have a question about my application to RMC this September. So last year in grade 11 I finished with an average of 74%. This year in grade 12 I plan to really excel myself and shoot for 80's and higher. My first question how much will my grade 10 and 11 marks affect my acceptance even if I do really well in grade 12? (I got a 75% average in grade 10). My second question is on the RMC website it says "Students must offer a minimum course mark of 75% for each of the required courses and have an overall average of 75% on the best 6 courses completed in grade 12 including the required courses." I plan to apply for the arts program and it requires ENG4U (which I will be taking) and MCF3M along with other optional math courses. In grade 11 I took MCF3M and received a 68%. To get to my question will I still be considered for enrollment even though my math mark did not meet the requirement even though my grade 12 marks (hopefully) will be really good? (say 80's-90's) I also have an excellent extracurricular and leadership background as well which I know RMC will like to see. Thanks for responding and for your help!
I have a few specific questions I'd be grateful if someone could help me out,

1. I am a Canadian citizen who is currently residing in the Philippines, I am 16 years old and from what I hear the application process for RotP takes a while from another country. Am I allowed to apply even if I haven't graduated yet?

2. If I could how long before I graduate do you think I should apply?

3. Could I get a tattoo while I study in RMC if ever I get in?

4. Do you guys ever get vacation at RMC that I can use to go back to the Philippines to visit my family if ever I get in?

Thanks guys  [:D
All of this has been discussed in various threads here already, in some cases multiple times. Please start reading these threads. The information is there for you, and you will learn far more that way.
Before and during my online application process I was searching the forums intensely for stories of applicants in similar grade/experience situations as myself, so I thought I would share my own experience now that I have made it past the academic selection board.

I went to high school from 2005-2009. My grades were terrible. My grade 12 English mark was 65 and my grade 11 math mark was 56. My overall high school average was around 60. (I did have some 80's , a 90, and somehow got 100 in a grade 9 music course).

Immediately following high school I went to college for a one year certificate. My grades were still terrible. I graduated with around a 70.

After that, I spent 3 years in the Canadian Forces as a Crewman (or Armoured Soldier as the Forces.ca website likes to say).

I released at the end of my contract and immediately went back to school, taking a college program called Computer Programmer Analyst. It is a 3 year program that offers 3 co-op placements totaling a year of work experience, as well as 6 semesters of instruction. I've managed a 4.01 GPA (out of 4.2 , so roughly high 80's ), and have worked as a Software Developer part-time during the school year between co-op placements. I've done some volunteering around the school as well, but not a huge amount.

I should add that my college program does have many articulation agreements with other Universities that give advanced standing into higher years. However, I haven't really taken any courses that (in my opinion) are direct upgrades of my high school classes. For instance, I haven't taken any additional English courses or any specific high school level math courses.

I do not know how heavily they look into previous service, or if my evaluations during that time were read.

Hopefully my experience will shed some light on questions others may have, or provide some hope.

Also, my two trade choices are Pilot, and ACSO.

If anyone has any other questions, feel free to PM me.

Best of luck to anyone who applies.

I'm currently in Grade 11 and I no longer wish to further my education I'm tired of school and it doesn't particularly interest me.
I plan on just joining the forces as an NCM because that's what I want to do. I'd like to hear what you guys think, will not fishing Grade 12 hold me back from certain things as an NCM? If so what would it be. Thank you very much I appreciate all the replies.
the patriot said:
Keep in mind that you can still get an education as an NCM in the regs.  There is a plan I believe called the UTNMP.  Basically commissioning from the ranks.  Start your career as an NCM, then when you feel you‘re ready for university studies, they‘ll send you off to RMC and graduate you with a commission. 

What if I didn't finish grade 12 and only finished grade 11 would I still be eligible for this program?
April 07, 2016
OP WFT32:  "I am on my last year of high school"

Education And Joining The CAF 
8 pages.

High School Drop Outs?
3 pages.

Dropping out to be a medic - Advise please 

Join Now Or Later?

Joining the reg force with only Grade 10?
2 pages.


The general opinions I have read on here over the years is to not drop out. That the CAF will still be there when you graduate.

WFT32 said:
I plan on just joining the forces as an NCM because that's what I want to do.

[size=14pt][/size]  :cdn::salute::salute::salute::army:

HI everyone,

Does the Canadian Army accept people with degrees form the states for an officer position? I'm a natural born Canadian, and I'll have 90 credits in university by May 10th. I hold an Associate of Arts from Broward College, and I plan on transferring to SNHU (Southern New Hampshire University) which is a private school but recognized throughout the entire States, just like any regular University. I'll graduate by February 2018 with my Bachelors in criminal justice and minor in homeland security.
Johnnny said:
Does the Canadian Army accept people with degrees form the states for an officer position?

If you attended and graduated high-school, college or university in another country, you may need to have your education evaluated by the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada to determine if it is equivalent to the education provided in Canada. The Forces will not pay for the cost of the evaluation.

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of education.