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Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

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Hey, new to the forums. Sorry if this is done wrong.

So I've wanted to the join the army since I was 10 and I'm really getting into finally getting into the life. (16 y/o now) I've visited the recruiters and my local CFB (as forwarded by the recruiters at my detachment, to speak to the Reserves recruiters on-base), and they answered some pre-application stuff. I just forgot to ask at the time, but anyways, I missed about 3 semesters of high school  (I will of course be making up for it), so I don't have the minimum 15 credits. In my system in Ontario, it's 4 credits per semester. I'll of course wait until I do reach the minimum of 15 to apply, but I'm just wondering, as long as I do make up and have those credits by then, will it affect my chances at all? Thank you.
10yfaith said:
I missed about 3 semesters of high school  (I will of course be making up for it), so I don't have the minimum 15 credits. In my system in Ontario, it's 4 credits per semester. I'll of course wait until I do reach the minimum of 15 to apply, but I'm just wondering, as long as I do make up and have those credits by then, will it affect my chances at all?


To apply to the Forces you must have passed Grade 10 or Secondaire IV (in Quebec). However, a number of the jobs available require high school diplomas, college certificates, or university degrees.

The Forces will consider applicants who have passed a General Education Development (GED) test. However, applicants from Quebec who have a GED must also have the necessary credits from Secondaire IV.

Adults who have not completed high school can submit an Attestation of Secondary School Equivalency, but it is not considered equivalent to a high school diploma.

If you have been home-schooled, you will need to provide proof from your home province’s educational authority that your marks have been assessed and meet their standards.

If you attended and graduated high-school, college or university in another country, you may need to have your education evaluated by the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada to determine if it is equivalent to the education provided in Canada. The Forces will not pay for the cost of the evaluation.

If you have completed college or university, or have skilled work experience, you may qualify to have your military and occupational training reduced. In these cases, the Forces will complete a Prior Learning Assessment.
mariomike said:

To apply to the Forces you must have passed Grade 10 or Secondaire IV (in Quebec). However, a number of the jobs available require high school diplomas, college certificates, or university degrees.

The Forces will consider applicants who have passed a General Education Development (GED) test. However, applicants from Quebec who have a GED must also have the necessary credits from Secondaire IV.

Adults who have not completed high school can submit an Attestation of Secondary School Equivalency, but it is not considered equivalent to a high school diploma.

If you have been home-schooled, you will need to provide proof from your home province’s educational authority that your marks have been assessed and meet their standards.

If you attended and graduated high-school, college or university in another country, you may need to have your education evaluated by the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada to determine if it is equivalent to the education provided in Canada. The Forces will not pay for the cost of the evaluation.

If you have completed college or university, or have skilled work experience, you may qualify to have your military and occupational training reduced. In these cases, the Forces will complete a Prior Learning Assessment.

Yes, I understand that. They also explained this. I just mean, even with meeting those requirements, would my HISTORY of missing school affect my chances?
All that you have to do is meet the requirements.

That is all that stated in the requirements, no more, no less.
Loachman said:
All that you have to do is meet the requirements.

That is all that stated in the requirements, no more, no less.
Generally speaking this is correct but best speak to a recruiter and/or apply. Good luck.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
10yfaith said:
Yes, I understand that. They also explained this. I just mean, even with meeting those requirements, would my HISTORY of missing school affect my chances?
Not going to look good in the interview if you just skipped school for a year and a half. Be prepared to explain that situation.
10yfaith said:
Yes, I understand that. They also explained this. I just mean, even with meeting those requirements, would my HISTORY of missing school affect my chances?
As PuckChaser stated be prepared to explain.  If you missed/skipped school for a legitimate reason, or if it's been years and you've proven that you're more reliable now it likely won't have any impact or much of an impact.  If it's that you recently skipped school and it was because you were "sick of the system" (just an example); that wouldn't play well during your interview.
No matter the reason you will have to fill in the gap of that 1.5 years when you do your interview.
So my question here mainly is the Education Requirements for Enlisting, It says that to join you are required to have completed Grade 10 - 12 or GED Equivalent! What i don’t understand is why the requirements other than the simple fact that they do not want to recruit idiots? I feel as a Highschool Dropout that the requirements are unfair for “Mature Adults” who have spent most their Teenage / Adult Lives working for a living and self teaching themselves skills that are not taught by our Educational System.

I myself spent time with the Army Cadets and my future goal was to Enlist with the Forces at 18 but due to the fact that i never was any good at School or Books in general and was more of a Hands On Learner, That i did not reach the Educational Requirements that the Canadian Forces expect Recruits to have. I also don’t understand as to why it is required for jobs such as “Infantry” or “Mobile Support Operators” since they do what most Dropouts do on a regular basis in standard civilization who have excelled at those jobs better than most Graduates from Highschool, College, Operator Schools or avid Hunters or Competition Shooters. Also i have talked to many Ex Army in Canada and the U.S about how they got in without a Grade 10 and some were at one point Special Forces and they have all told me the same thing, You don’t need a Grade 10 and to just walk into a Recruiter’s and apply but i have talked to Recruiters and they tell me i need to pass the Educational Requirements.

So is Grade 10 absolute mandatory? Or is there other ways around it?
rchapelas said:
So is Grade 10 absolute mandatory?


To start a full or part-time career in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) you must:

•have completed at least Grade 10 or Secondaire IV in Québec (some jobs need higher levels of education)


As always, Recruiting is your most trusted source of official, up to date information.

"Unofficial site, not associated with DND or the Canadian Armed Forces."

rchapelas said:
Also i have talked to many Ex Army in Canada and the U.S about how they got in without a Grade 10 and some were at one point Special Forces and they have all told me the same thing, You don’t need a Grade 10 and to just walk into a Recruiter’s and apply but i have talked to Recruiters and they tell me i need to pass the Educational Requirements.

So is Grade 10 absolute mandatory? Or is there other ways around it?

How long ago did these people you talked with claim they served? Also, are you sure they are legitimate?

Grade 10 is the minimum, no way around that.  The recruiter(s) you’ve spoken with told you that.

Some NCM trades(and all officer MOSIDS) require higher levels of education.  With only having grade 10, you probably won’t merit as well compared to someone who finished high school or has a higher level of education.

As well, the current US Military minimum for education is grade 12 or GED.

Lastly, there will be classroom learning within the Military, even in the Infantry.
rchapelas said:
You don’t need a Grade 10 and to just walk into a Recruiter’s and apply but i have talked to Recruiters and they tell me i need to pass the Educational Requirements.

So is Grade 10 absolute mandatory? Or is there other ways around it?

Sounds like you just answered your own question....
Welcome to Army.ca

Keep in mind that minimum standards  (which will not be waived) are exactly that - minimum. Many occupations are highly competitive, and education is an easily-measured factor by which prospective candidates are evaluated. Simply meeting standards may not suffice. One should always strive to exceed them.

The ability to learn is crucial, and that includes classroom learning. You need to demonstrate that capability. If you want this enough, you will do what is required and more. If you are not so willing, then this is not the career for you. We want, need, and expect excellence, not mediocrity. Lives - including yours - and expensive equipment depend upon topnotch performance.

Take some time to look around this Site. There is a ton of useful information and guidance here in a variety of threads. Reading through some of those would be a good start.

rchapelas said:
So my question here mainly is the Education Requirements for Enlisting, It says that to join you are required to have completed Grade 10 - 12 or GED Equivalent! What i don’t understand is why the requirements other than the simple fact that they do not want to recruit idiots? I feel as a Highschool Dropout that the requirements are unfair for “Mature Adults” who have spent most their Teenage / Adult Lives working for a living and self teaching themselves skills that are not taught by our Educational System.

I myself spent time with the Army Cadets and my future goal was to Enlist with the Forces at 18 but due to the fact that i never was any good at School or Books in general and was more of a Hands On Learner, That i did not reach the Educational Requirements that the Canadian Forces expect Recruits to have. I also don’t understand as to why it is required for jobs such as “Infantry” or “Mobile Support Operators” since they do what most Dropouts do on a regular basis in standard civilization who have excelled at those jobs better than most Graduates from Highschool, College, Operator Schools or avid Hunters or Competition Shooters. Also i have talked to many Ex Army in Canada and the U.S about how they got in without a Grade 10 and some were at one point Special Forces and they have all told me the same thing, You don’t need a Grade 10 and to just walk into a Recruiter’s and apply but i have talked to Recruiters and they tell me i need to pass the Educational Requirements.

So is Grade 10 absolute mandatory? Or is there other ways around it?

rchapelas, could you please describe what you believe are the main duties of an infantry soldier and a mobile support operator.  Also, could you please explain the skills and traits required for the above mentioned trades.
rchapelas said:
I also don’t understand as to why it is required for jobs such as “Infantry” or “Mobile Support Operators” since they do what most Dropouts do on a regular basis in standard civilization

I don't know if you are purposely trying to come off as demeaning but I suggest you check yourself before you offend people on here from these trades that are apparently full of "high school dropouts". You'd be surprised at the quality of people in the CF...apparently.
Unless and until somebody has something excruciatingly constructive to add, there is no need to post anything further until rchapelas returns with additional questions.
I run a start-up company in which a plurality of staff have some significant neurological variations. For both legal and moral reasons, I can't really go into detail, but it has left me to wonder. Given that my administrative and managerial experience has involved ensuring that the staffers are able to put their skills to use in ways that complement each others' strengths while neutralizing weaknesses, giving full account to any specifics (with the understanding that I can't help people who aren't fully honest with me about their specific challenges and risks), how different would this be from being an officer in the Canadian Forces?

Given that the military is structurally more inherently hierarchical, it seems to me that the best managerial practices of the civilian world may prove insufficient. It's the difference between a group of sled dogs and a pack of wolves, in my estimation. One works together effortlessly in regards to a specific individual task, and the other is much more similar to a family group, working as a symbiotic whole in *all* regards.

I wrote the CFAT earlier this month at least partly out of the premise that I have a demonstrated ability to forge a stable team out of individuals with skills and backgrounds which do not blend naturally (given that the company has been in operation longer than five years). I have my suspicions that it's rather arrogant for me to believe that this skill alone is sufficient justification to seek a military career, but I'm glad to make the attempt.
I should probably clarify what my question is, since my previous post read more like I'm making a statement rather than asking a question.

How useful would a background in business (with additional experience in special education) be for a serving officer in the Canadian Forces?
I am not an officer, but I do know that different trades require different degrees from their officers. For example, it is doubtful (I'm going to go out on a limb and say impossible) for you to become a medical officer without a medicine-related degree, but someone with more knowledge might correct me. I can however, say rather certainly that combat arms trades such as artillery, infantry, and armoured, are somewhat less picky in terms of degrees (e.g., they'll take humanities).

Basically, it depends on what *kind* of officer you want to be. If you were to specify, I'm sure somewhat would be able to better help you.
Well, I was originally looking at a Pilot role, but when they suggested that I look into Naval Warfare, it was something which seemed far more suitable. My background in business is experiential (though I do have a diploma from Sheridan College for Marketing), with my degree being in something else (History & Anthropology of Religion, in essence).
In that case, take a look at the description for Naval Warfare Officer here: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/caf-jobs/career-options/fields-work/air-ship-crew/naval-warfare-officer.html

Most of the descriptions for officer positions will tell you what degree you require.