Without worrying, for even a
μsecond, about what they are called, OPV or corvette or something else, it seems to me that Canada needs a mixed fleet:
- Ideally some (say two or three) amphibious ships ~ helicopter carriers ~ which can bye the centre of a true power projection capability. No service can project power as well as the Navy does and a joint (amphibious) force is, I think, the epitome of power projection;
- Ships to escort those "high value" amphibious ships ~ that likely means at least eight to twelve combatant ships and a couple of oilers; and
- Aircraft to fly long range patrol/ASW and CAP over that force .
I suspect that the amphibious ships are just some commodore's or commander's wet dream but the major surface combatants ~ reported to be
weighing in at more than 7,500 tons (when Canada last had a "cruiser"
she displaced less than 9,000 tons) ~ are real but will we have more than six to eight of them? It seems to me that the
largish Type 26 "frigate" should be augmented by some smaller, more economical, but still capable ships: maybe a dozen or so vessels displaying less than 3,500 tons ~ built and armed to full military standards and carrying organic, multi-role shipborne UAVs. In addition I believe Canadians should have a force of dedicated, purpose built, mine warfare vessels which can be double hatted a training ships. Finally, we need submarines ~ in my opinion under-ice-capable submarines.