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Living at the RMC

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Hi all i'm a cadet looking to go to RMC after high school, thing is i can't get a strait answer about what life will be like in the five years of military service i'd have to do afterward!  (like what kind of leave i'd get, would i have to live on a base ect.) I've read brochures and looked it up on websites and all anyone will say to me are the recruitment cliches, "you'll see the world" that kind of thing, all i want to know is if i give most of my twenties to the armed forces am i going to get to have any of the fun that usually comes with that age? or is it just gonna be five years of  :salute:

What i really want to know is  what kind of job will i get? would i have to live on a base with a curfew? I'd be going in as an  officer so it'd be much easier than as a grunt, am i wrong to expect this kind of freedome while I'm in the armed forces?
2332Piper said:
Time for me to put on the nervous nelly persona.  

Yeah, its waiting, cant do much but go around and do whatever it is you do. You cannot change anything now, so no sense getting too worried. I am pretty excited to see if i will get a call or not!

kincanucks said:
Don't worry everyone will get a call.  Whether it is good news or not is another thing.

I'll get a call?  But I didn't even apply.  Damn.. now that makes me nervous.
What if I DO get in?  I don't want another 4 years of university. I just finished
three years in a masters.

kincanucks said:
ROTP results are out and the calls will be made in the next few days.

I got a call today, its the happiest day of my life, i am going to be an artillery officer!
Congrats Paish.

I stopped by the CFRC around 1 today, but was told that they didn't have the results yet. Hopefully I'll find out tomorrow.
2332Piper said:
Congrads. Just to get a sense of where there are with the calls, where in Canada are you located?

I am in northern alberta.
I got an email last night (Over here anyway, must have been 1800h in Toronto) from the processing officer at CFRC Toronto....

I've been selected for Infantry, four year Program at RMC.

Needless to say I was over the moon
Results are out as previously mentioned. If you have not recieved a call, give your recruiting centre a call and they can tell you the status of your file and whether you have recieved an offer or not, and answer any questions which you may have.
first of all, congratulations to all of you accepted into the RMC. I myself recieved a call and will be attending rmc next september. apparently becoming an Artillery officer.. though i believe ill change to infantry.
oh and i am from Stoney Creek , Ontario. heh, perhaps in a few months we will be meeting each other.
yep.. life is good...
Artillery wasn't your first choice I gather? Was Infantry above Artillery on your list?
Seeing as the recruiting center wasn't calling, I decided to go ahead and do so myself. I got some good news, I'll be a Combat Systems Engineer in the Navy! I won't be going to RMC though, which is dissapointing, but hey, life at civy university has its advantages, heh. I guess it would have been too much trouble to take me, seeing as I've done the equivalent of 2 school years already ( finished my CEGEP and a year of university here in Quebec city). I definately wouldn't have wanted to start my degree again from scratch.

Congratulations to all and looking forward to perhaps meeting some of you all this summer.
Got my call too. Offered the 4 year subsidized program at RMC for arts (I'm planning on MSS). My trade is Infantry. I'm in GTA if you're interested.
artillery was above infintry on my list.. i was just torn between the two.. ive been told its not too big of a deal to switch, but my question is for the future infantry officers. are you big guys, ive always imagined infantry officers would have to be rather large. which is why i didnt put it as my first choice. not that im tiny or anything.. average heigh 5'9. how big are infantry officer candidates?
interpark, I've seen infantry guys of all sizes and heights. 5'9", 6'5", really doesn't matter. as long as you give it everything you've got, you'll be fine.
My recruiting officer called just now and she said I was waitlisted.  More waiting  :( oh well I'm not out of it yet so I'll keep hoping that some people refuse their offers  :) 

OMG!!! They havn't called me yet. What time of the day did they call you guys?
I'm too scared to call them myself.  :crybaby: I'm going crazy man! I'M FREAKIN' OUT!!!
Got my call!

Problem is i was in Waterloo so my mom took the call. She said "yeah they said you got cfacs(aircrew selection)....the engineering one (CELE))" which makes no sense.so now i have to call them
I applied for ROTP for Air Nav, Aerospace Controller and Aerospace Engineer, preferably at a civie university.  I got the call 2 days ago and I've been offered Aerospace Controller at RMC for a Engineering or Science degree.  I'm absolutely floored!  I wasn't expecting RMC and I have a few questions about it.
1) How much freedom is involved?  Will I have very strict daily duties (scubbing floors, etc)?
2) Is there any kind of hazing?
3) What is the real scoop on life at RMC?

Everyone I know thinks I should take it, and I think I'm going to.  Can anyone give me some tips about RMC?  Anything would help!

1.  Not much freedom in First year.. and lots of daily duties.  more freedom and less daily duties in following years, but some weekends are military wkds and you can't leave.

2.  There is no hazing at RMC.  At least not anymore.. 

3.  The real scoop is what you make of it.  Its like a regular small university, but with a hell of a lot more school spirit.  You can play lots of sports, do extra-curricular activities, spend all your time studying.. or not of it.  Its up to you.  The course loads are pretty heavy, but there's still lots of time for partying.    Not much military activities during the school year.  I graduated 5 years ago..  and I really enjoyed my time there.  Its all about striking a balance.

Good luck.