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Liberals want Handgun Ban

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Michael Dorosh

Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
Got this email from a trusted source.  Don't see it mentioned yet here:

Well fellas...bad news....CTV news has just announced at 8:55 PM
tonight that Prime Minister Paul Martin will announce tommorow that The
Liberal Government will introduce a "Sweeping handgun ban in Canada".The
announcement will be made in the Jane and Finch area of Toronto tommorow
as part of the federal Governments "gun crime" initiatives. Sorry about
this news guys but even I didnt believe how dangerous this guy is. Just
thought some or all of you would like to know so that you could weigh
your options if this is indeed announced tommorow morning.
                            Cheers for now,Mike.

Reactions, if true?
Utterly ridiculous, how many, if any, of the hand guns used in crimes are bought legally anyway?
Just a Sig Op said:
Utterly ridiculous, how many, if any, of the hand guns used in crimes are bought legally anyway?

What does that have to do with it? A sweeping ban gives the police the power to take the handguns away from anyone they see, whether that individual is comitting another crime at the moment or not.

I applaud the move (if true)
This is purely for votes in the GTA.  The Liberals it won't change anything nor stop any gun crime, but it will look like their doing somethig and of course that's all thing need to get votes.  Canadians really don't a party that does something.  This leaves the Tories in a fix, as no matter how they spin it the media is going make them look like gun nuts, and they will over look the fact that crimes are not made with legally owned hands.

Thing is who knows if the Liberals will actually even do anything.. its just an election platform and paul Martin is as trust worthy as a tel-salesman.
Already discussed here:


BKells said:
What does that have to do with it? A sweeping ban gives the police the power to take the handguns away from anyone they see, whether that individual is comitting another crime at the moment or not.

I applaud the move (if true)

...and what reason should the government have to take away a handgun from a responsible citizen who owns one?   Or do you think that the government should have the arbitrary power to seize your private property?  Your statement above seems to make the supposition that anybody possessing a handgun is going to commit a crime with it ("at the moment or not").
"What does that have to do with it? A sweeping ban gives the police the power to take the handguns away from anyone they see, whether that individual is comitting another crime at the moment or not."

And if the police see you with a handgun your committing a crime anyway... and could take your firearm with current laws.  Its been while since I've read up the current laws but from what i remember if your taking a handgun any place it much be locked and can only from your home to the range or back again.  Bkells honestly this just for votes and won't us safer, only take rights away from Canadains who have not committed a crime.
BKells said:
What does that have to do with it? A sweeping ban gives the police the power to take the handguns away from anyone they see, whether that individual is comitting another crime at the moment or not.

I applaud the move (if true)

Do you really know what you just applauded?

Have you read through the forums and understand the facts of Canadian Gun Laws?

Or is the fact you reside near the Crystal Palace and the glint from the reflection of the Sun temporarely blinded you?

Wow, four replies while I was replying, you all took the words right out of my mouth.  Bkells, please give your head a shake, react with your mind not with the jerk of a knee.  I have a real problem with people who feel that they should be able to decide what I can and can not own (and a bloody glorfified chunk of metal of all things!), as long as I am not committing a crime with it, what business is it of yours!?

Pretty much.  "Hey, I don't know anything about firearms, but it sounds like it will get rid of gangs!!!"  Is this how the Liberals get all of their vote?!?    ::)
A few years ago the Toronto Police ran one of their gun amnesty  programs and guess what they did?
Turned around and sold the weapons RIGHT back to the public. 

"Ohhh yes but that was to help raise funds for the police department. You want the police to have more money to help better ensure your saftey don't you"

Real smart way to keep the guns off the street.

I wonder how many gang bangers and thugs with pistols this will effect.

Instead of banning handguns why don't you keep violent offenders off the street longer?
Yet another excellent reason to make a donation to the Conservative party national campaign, take out a party membership, and volunteer some time to defeat these arrogant liberal thieves.
So now the Liberals want to seize my legally aquired property when I have done nothing wrong?   What a shock!   ::)

When they brought in the long gun resgistry, they assured us that it wouldn't lead to confiscation.   I didn't believe them then, etc., etc....

I say we ban Liberals instead!

>:( :threat:
And in other news, a US Sky Marshal blew away a guy that said he had a bomb in his backpack then ran at them...


Why does this stuff always happen when I am at the armouries??
Pretty much.  "Hey, I don't know anything about firearms, but it sounds like it will get rid of gangs!!!"  Is this how the Liberals get all of their vote?!?  

Do you actually think that getting rid of guns will get rid of gangs. It would be nice but probably wont stop crimes ,murders, etc. Guns are just a part of the problem. People wont stop fighting or killing each other just because they don't have a gun.  They just might use a bat or a knife. Should we take all the bats and knives away from everyone. Maybe that will stop the gangs! ::)

They been trying to do something about firearms for quite awhile. Has anyone really done much?

Derek said:
Do you actually think that getting rid of guns will get rid of gangs. It would be nice but probably wont stop crimes ,murders, etc. Guns are just a part of the problem. People wont stop fighting or killing each other just because they don't have a gun.  They just might use a bat or a knife. Should we take all the bats and knives away from everyone. Maybe that will stop the gangs! ::)

They been trying to do something about firearms for quite awhile. Has anyone really done much?


All gun bans do is take guns away from law abiding citizens.  Criminals will find ways to get them.  Or make them.  (They used to be called "zip" guns I think).
MOLON LABE  :threat:


Stupidest piece of legislation ever -- Handguns are already registered -- 95% of the handguns seized in Crime where smuggled illegally into the country and never registered.  If I where PMPM I would think of enforcing our current laws - and adding more customs personale and put more police on the streets.


They might also think of raising they pay for some cops out there. That would be money well spent.

If I where PMPM I would think of enforcing our current laws - and adding more customs personale and put more police on the streets.

I concure.
I am disgusted! Do a google search for'handgun ban canada'. It looks like those loser Libs are going to use this as a platform, and it might even include a more wider ban on other weapons. Sadly my predictions for over a decade ago are coming true.

Don't vote for these thankless Alpha Hotels! I might have to register thru the consulate here to vote (useless point - we all know the decision is always made in the east, so why bother voting west of T-Bay anyways. Sorry for my cinicism. I have not voted in the past 2 elections. I think maybe this time I should just to say I did.

Anyways, I think its all to late for us law abiding gunowners.


BKells said:
What does that have to do with it? A sweeping ban gives the police the power to take the handguns away from anyone they see, whether that individual is comitting another crime at the moment or not.

I applaud the move (if true)

It is this type of ignorant thinking that the liberals hope will get them votes  >:(
You don't even have to pool money to put more officers on the street, nor do you have to put more customs officers at the border to deal with this problem.  (Although having more of both would always be nice).

Enforcing the laws that are currently in place would be a GREAT start though!!

As a paramedic here in Calgary, I have yet to go by a single week in my job where I haven't heard of a court ruling, or been present for a court ruling, in which I was not absolutely shocked at the sentence for a given offence.  Just today, I attended court proceedings in which a man violently raped a 17yo girl, pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to 12 months house arrest and 12 months of paid community service.

What a f**kin' joke.  I actually walked out of the court room with a loud *sigh*, along with a police officer who was present.  If the Liberals are serious about getting guns off the street, and therefore reducing gun-related crime....why not actually put the criminals behind bars, where they belong, instead of slapping them on the wrist and letting them go again?
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