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Liberals want Handgun Ban

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CBH99 said:
What a f**kin' joke.   I actually walked out of the court room with a loud *sigh*, along with a police officer who was present.   If the Liberals are serious about getting guns off the street, and therefore reducing gun-related crime....why not actually put the criminals behind bars, where they belong, instead of slapping them on the wrist and letting them go again?

Because that is the smart thing to do and it would alienate all those prison voters, and high forehead academic types.
Just imagine how an elected judge would do in this left society it would be worse than now.

I wonder what impact an automatic 10 years added on to any sentence for a crime committed while in the possesion of a gun. No games no pleas automatic no discretion. Ahhh to ive in a conservative society, would it be nice.
Just read this in the news.... http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20051207/elxn_martin_handguns_051208/20051208/.  This outrages me.  I am not the typical redneck NRA fan that some people may stereotype as a gun fan, but I do own a couple... 

I bought 2 handguns so I can practice target shooting.  When I go to operations, I get to carry a handgun.  Notwistanding that it it three times as old as I am, I normally get only 5 mags a year (50 bullets) to train and qualify with it.  This is why I bought my pistols...  Now, the same government that weakens me as a soldier by not letting me practice is contemplating taking my own firearms away from me?!?!

I am getting sick and tired of labelled a potential killer because I own firearms.  Even at Chapters, you can no longer buy gun magazine because "they lead to violence".  The other day when I went to that store, there where "Cannabis today" magazines on the shelves...  because these and the whole legalization of pot surely doesn't lead to violence????

The gun registry, a Liberal government initiative, as cost over $2,000,000,000.00 and what has it done???  Still murders in T.O., still got 4 fine police officers slained by a wacko...  So, will the handgun ban do anything really usefull for crime prevention?  I think not. 

I will be writing a letter to my MP to stress these points and others.  I know some of you are in the same situation as I am, and probably think the same way.  I recommend that you look ahead and consider writing to your MPs for the same reason.  Once this ban comes, it is going to be pretty hard to get things changed.
Well, a friend of mine was just shot dead in Vancouver last weekend, so suffice it to say that I find myself warming to the idea of a handgun ban.  Couple of points:
a) Yes, this is intended to win the Liberals the urban vote (not just in T.O. either), and it will work;
b) Yes, handguns used in crimes are seldom registered and the laws already in place should have been enforced better, but imagine how much easier that enforcement would be if the police could know that every handgun they see is illegal;
c) Handguns (unlike rifles or shotguns) are designed for portability and intended primarily to be used against people.  Very few people live in neighbourhoods dangerous enough to warrant owning a gun for protection and self-defence can be achieved through less lethal technology (mace, tasers, a shotgun full of rock salt, etc);
d) Regarding the personal liberties infringement argument, the government can already seize my property if it's a kilo of cocaine or a switchblade.  Life in a liberal democracy involves compromises made in the interest of the public good; annoying for recreational cocaine users and handgun enthusiasts, but generally for the best.
Apparently it isn't just handguns.  It is to incude all restricted and prohibited firearms.  Time to make a donation and/or do some work on behalf of your local Conservative candidate. 

Hamiltongs, How dare you compare me and other gun enthusiasts with cocaine users!  That crack was offensive and un-called for. By the way, this isn't a liberal democracy, it is a constitutional monarchy with a Westminster parliamentary system.  This shameless attempt to shore up dwindling support in the GTO is going to backfire. This crap will in no way make the job of the police easier; in fact it will make it more difficult as they will lose the support of those that are affected by this Liberal party crap.
I dare ya to say that on a soap box in Jamaica town with a can of mace to protect you. I can agree hand guns are for killing and nothing more but an all out ban wont do anything for the problem, there are more guns on the black market now then ever before due to this legislation.
"Dudley Laws, of the Black Action Defence Committee, a group devoted to ending gun violence in Toronto, has also disagreed with tougher sentencing.

"What we want is for the Prime Minister and his Cabinet to empower and give the community the capacity to make the immediate and intense intervention that is required to deal with our young people," he said."

Absoloutley, what youth needs now a days is a good swift kick in the ass. And parents need a good swift kick in the ass to start parenting. If we keep on letting people get away with things because its their right to do whatever they feel or however they feel they should do it then we as a society have to take actions a well to guide these individuals along the right path.
Lets not hide behind the human rights code, what about societies right. This type of behaviour is a cancer, we should be doing all we can to get rid of it.

How come we don't have a national knife registry?
Or a hammer registry, they kill and maim just as much don't they.....

"b) Yes, handguns used in crimes are seldom registered and the laws already in place should have been enforced better, but imagine how much easier that enforcement would be if the police could know that every handgun they see is illegal;"

Sorry to hear about friend, but banimng handguns sure won't any easier for the police.  The people who use them in crimes have illegal ones not legal bones.  As to your point B) if the police see your handgun they react they really don't care if legal and take action anyways and ask questions afterwards.  If they see your legal handgun then your doing something wrong as having a ;egal handgun doesn't mean you can just walk around with it like in the States.  maybe your getting two countries mixed up.

Banning handguns will not this country any safer, if want another knee jeck law that does nothing to help look at Ontario and its recent banning of pitbulls.  the smart thing would be make it crime if your dog attacked someone and to put that person in jail, but the liberal react is just ban the breed.
hamiltongs said:
Life in a liberal democracy involves compromises made in the interest of the public good; annoying for recreational cocaine users and handgun enthusiasts, but generally for the best.

Wow - from the guy who thinks that being a blue-collar scrapyard worker means you're a dope incapable of ascending the ladder to politics comes another doozie!  Crackheads and recreational gun owners on the same moral plane.  You're really aiming for the title, eh?

Tell me this, if getting rid of guns will help to reduce crime why does Switzerland, armed to the teeth, have one of the lowest violent crime rates in the world?
Infanteer said:
Tell me this, if getting rid of guns will help to reduce crime why does Switzerland, armed to the teeth, have one of the lowest violent crime rates in the world?
Because they're armed to the teeth with rifles related to mandatory reserve military service, not handguns.
hamiltongs said:
Because they're armed to the teeth with rifles related to mandatory reserve military service, not handguns.

You are a better man than I for taking on this crowd over banning handguns  :salute:

I didn't feel like dealing with the headaches.
mover1 said:
How come we don't have a national knife registry?
Or a hammer registry, they kill and maim just as much don't they.....

Because it's so easy to kill multiple people, from a distance, in a matter of seconds, with a knife or hammer  ::)
WTF....well the Liberals just lost my vote; if they had it to begin with. From one gunho to the next, this handgun ban wont solve anything, everyone knows these guns are just smuggeled from the states. Just another reason to go concervatives.
Registration ALWAYS leads to confiscation when applied to firearms. But what do we do after banning all firearms and the murder rate keeps climbing (funny enough due to unregistered weapons)? Does the liberal party then decide to ban knives, baseball bats, screwdrivers, pens, golf clubs and sharp metal rulers because they can be used as a weapon? Those of you who think this is a good idea better be careful what you wish for because you never know where this will end!

:soldier:                Liberal Party of Canada
Because they're armed to the teeth with rifles related to mandatory reserve military service, not handguns.

"You are a better man than I for taking on this crowd over banning handguns 

I didn't feel like dealing with the headaches."

How banning handguns going to solve anything or lower the crime rate? Are the Liberals going to pay fair market rate for the guns they are stealing from legal gun owners.. I highly doubt it, although it will some how cost Canadians millions of billions more than they came.  This is purely an election policy, hopefully city people like me will see it for what it is... crap.  and refuse to vote for a party that has done nothing to stop the flood of illegal gun across the border.  Funny its the people who obey the laws get punished..... again its a Liberal party things, but Canadians seen to love it.

sigpig said:
Because it's so easy to kill multiple people, from a distance, in a matter of seconds, with a knife or hammer    ::)

How many multiple murders have been conducted with handguns?  Honestly?  It's a short range weapon.  Nutters usually go for an assault rifle - more accurate at distances greater than 10 feet.
hamiltongs said:
Because they're armed to the teeth with rifles related to mandatory reserve military service, not handguns.

...and handguns are more lethal weapons?

sigpig said:
Because it's so easy to kill multiple people, from a distance, in a matter of seconds, with a knife or hammer   ::)

...and show me how many times somebody has killed multiple people, from a distance, in a matter of seconds with a handgun.

Why is the gang-violence focusing on the guns and not the gang-violence?  Stabbings and swarm-beatings are just as prevalent.
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