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Notwithstanding the ability of the tank gun to recoil, then run-out into battery, the term "platform rock" describes what happens to the rest of the 42,400 kg.

As I stated, it jolts the vehicle.. does not really speed it up nor slow it down perse, except for the driver's tendency to slack of the fuel pedal as he gets "hit" by the shock.  Most drivers get used to this after their first few gun camps and it is really not an issue.

If, as a Trooper, you find yourself driving an M60A1 in Ft Hood in 1978, NEVER EVER EVER crack open the driver's hatch to let more light in the hole so you can read your paperback book better just before the main gun goes off over your head.


1.  Ears ringing for three days.
2.  Rubber seal blown off driver's hatch cover.
3.  Last 160 pages of book evenly distributed throughout the driver's compartment.
4.  Left lens from glasses blown out - found on floor under shift tower 45 minutes later.


God I needed that this morning.


Good one!!!!
(any need to change underwear?)
"any need to change underwear?)"

- Didn't wear any.  No room under the specially tight crewsuits we drew to go to Texas in.


TCBF said:
If, as a Trooper, you find yourself driving an M60A1 in Ft Hood in 1978, NEVER EVER EVER crack open the driver's hatch to let more light in the hole so you can read your paperback book better just before the main gun goes off over your head.


1.   Ears ringing for three days.
2.   Rubber seal blown off driver's hatch cover.
3.   Last 160 pages of book evenly distributed throughout the driver's compartment.
4.   Left lens from glasses blown out - found on floor under shift tower 45 minutes later.


Tom, Mark stiil talks about that trip,the Band playing Garry Owen .But most of all was the 4 legged targets ;D
it was like a gazillion degrees out.  At one point, waiting for our turn to move up to the pad, I dozed off on what I thought was a good spot leaning against the turret.  That hot old Texas sun rolled around the sky and came at me frontal.  My crewsuit zipper was down a bit, and it burnt this pasty mick kid up in about 20 minutes.  The sunburn followed the serations of my crewsuit zipper EXACTLY, and burned precisely around my I disc, and even through the holes in my I disc.  Hurt like heck.  I told no one.

After the incident where I foolishly cracked the hatch, i stayed in the hull like any other good Trooper trying to get out of humping tank ammo at 110 F. Then, after one particular main gun round, the park brake on the tank let go and it started rolling backwards.  So, I jump both feet onto the huge mother brake pedal.  The tank commander - Major Nurse - was relieved the tank stopped - as it was about to crush several Americans standing right behind it - but he did not know WHY it stopped.

"Wha?... Trooper _____, are you in your hole?"

Me; "Yessir."

Maj Nurse: " Good thing"

Trooper Smith (the tank gunner):  "He's hiding there sir, he should be humping ammo in the sun."

Maj Nurse:  "Trooper ____, why aren't you on ammo party?"

