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Leave Policy – Annual (time off, after hours, ect...) [Merged]

PAdm said:
We try to take weeks at a time when that is not always possible.  There is nothing wrong with long weekends and one of my best years was six 4 day weeks I enjoyed in a row.  We seem to believe that if we cannot get weeks at a time we are being hard done by.  And we suck at planning out our leave.


While three-day weekends may have worked for you, they are not sufficient for everyone.  When I had stressful jobs, I only started to unwind by day 3-4.  And the last couple days I started thinking about getting ready to get back to work.  The purpose of leave is for refreshing us so we return to our duties with renewed energy and enthusiasm.  A long weekend won't necessarily meet that requirement. 

I'm looking for a study we discussed on an HR course.  This study found that two weeks is the optimal amount of time most require to really get their heads out of the office.  My observations over my career seem to support this theory as well.

But frankly, something is seriously wrong if people can't/won't take a week or so off a couple times a year.  We're supposed to be enforcing and demonstrating a work/life balance.

I'm just finishing 7 short weeks in a row.  While it was nice, I really did not find it replaced a proper vacation.   


Many years ago, I did a 3.5 month Class B task in a less than happening place.  By the rules, everyone had to take leave earned during the period of employment and the OC insisted everyone would take the two short per month.  Without a car and anywhere to go, I found the artificial long-weekend to be overly painfull ... nothing productive to do and everyone else was working.  However, I did find that I enjoyed taking every Wednesday off.
AK said:
.... I'm looking for a study we discussed on an HR course.  This study found that two weeks is the optimal amount of time most require to really get their heads out of the office.  My observations over my career seem to support this theory as well ....
This one talks about 10 days being optimal (summary here).

I have to agree with those who say several long weekends may not be as restful as several days in a row.  From the outside looking in, isn't everybody supposed to be, at one level, indispensible?  That said, I know a lot of organizations also follow corrollaries to that such as "give the work to the busiest person so you know it gets done".
AK said:

While three-day weekends may have worked for you, they are not sufficient for everyone.  When I had stressful jobs, I only started to unwind by day 3-4.  And the last couple days I started thinking about getting ready to get back to work.  The purpose of leave is for refreshing us so we return to our duties with renewed energy and enthusiasm.  A long weekend won't necessarily meet that requirement. 

Hi AK.  No argument from me.  If all you took all year were simply long weekends, I would agree fully that you cannot unwind and truly relax.  So no argument from me.  To add context to my comment, I believe that folks need at least 2 weeks during the summer (summer is short, kids are out of school, etc), and at least 2 weeks at Christmas.  This is 2 very nice breaks during the year, and possibly longer if you can tack on a few more days.  Add to this a number of long weekends or March Break with your remaining leave and it is not a bad year.  I made the long weekend comment because I know how difficult it is to schedule leave.  Not everyone can have e.g. March Break off.  Not everyone can have 3 weeks in the summer.  The Air Force as an example does not do block leave therefore everyone is seeking the same periods off.  So if you work with me, I will be satisfied if I am able to grant you 2 weeks during the summer and again at Christmas, then somehow satisfying your desire/schedule by granting the remainder of your leave when you want it.  We will hit a road block is all you demand is 3 weeks or nothing as the unit may not be able to accommodate it. Worse yet, I ask you for a leave plan and all you do is fart around, therefore I eventually schedule your leave around everyone else's leave. 

All that said, I believe we are on the same page and I would be totally ticked if my unit told me to suck it up and take long weekends as my only way of enjoying my earned and deserved leave.

I appreciate the comment.
Hi there I've got a few questions. Once you've finished basic training are you then a member of the Canadian Army if you passed? Do you get a uniform? Do you get time off before being sent for further training? If so how long? I'd like to go see my dad who lives in Ireland in my uniform as a surprise.  :D
Your a member of the CAF once you get sworn in. You are issued your uniform during BMQ. No one can tell you if you get time off after basic, it all depends on your trade and occupational training that is scheduled at that time. You are not permitted to wear your uniform off duty unless you are traveling to or from work. Not even going to get into wearing your uniform into a foreign country.
Try using the search bar for these questions that have most likely already been answered.
Okay thanks, sorry for posting a common question. I'll do a search next time. Might be a better idea to fly him in then for the graduation ceremony thing then.
Ducimus BTC said:
You are not permitted to wear your uniform off duty unless you are traveling to or from work. Not even going to get into wearing your uniform into a foreign country.
Try using the search bar for these questions that have most likely already been answered.

What you said is not accurate.  Try knowing what the fuck you are talking about before opening your cake hole.

To the OP.  If or when you go on leave to Ireland you will need to submit a leave pass.  THere is a spot on a leave pass that says "authorized to wear uniform".  You will tick that off and attach a memo requesting to wear your uniform, and why.  Your bosses will decide yes or no
Eye In The Sky said:
What you said is not accurate.  Try knowing what the frig you are talking about before opening your cake hole.

To the OP.  If or when you go on leave to Ireland you will need to submit a leave pass.  THere is a spot on a leave pass that says "authorized to wear uniform".  You will tick that off and attach a memo requesting to wear your uniform, and why.  Your bosses will decide yes or no
This is correct. Also, taking your dress uniform with you and putting it on in your dad's house would be OK.  The part on your leave pass is normally for things like weddings where you would be wearing it in public.
Thanks for that response eye in the sky :) I want to sorprise my mother back home. Hopefuly I can travel to the Dominican republic during the winter brake form BMQ.. You always give us good news..
Eye In The Sky said:
To the OP.  If or when you go on leave to Ireland you will need to submit a leave pass.  THere is a spot on a leave pass that says "authorized to wear uniform".  You will tick that off and attach a memo requesting to wear your uniform, and why.  Your bosses will decide yes or no

QR&O 17.04 para's (4) and (5) ---->  http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/qro-orf/vol-01/chapter-chapitre-017-eng.asp#cha-017-04

DAA said:
QR&O 17.04 para's (4) and (5) ---->  http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/qro-orf/vol-01/chapter-chapitre-017-eng.asp#cha-017-04
Okay thanks. Much appreciated.  ;)