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LAV III Roll-Over, 02 Mar 06, 6 Injuried and 2 Dead

Guy. E said:
I love the idea.

Please don't take this the wrong way, I have the up most respect and sympathy for the family's effected.

How can we just give money to this one family? there will be more people hurt and killed in the future, what do we do then?

I just don't know the best way to help but I don't know if this is it...

Sorry for being the devils advocate here.

I do understand.  After the woundings of  Franklin, Bailey and Salikin I felt as if I should have been doing more.  In the Marines as I am sure in all other services when one of your own gets hurt or God forbid, killed.  You take care of them and theirs.  Part of that is by having a whip round to ease any financial burdens.  You give what you can.  On a site like this it is not mandatory in any way, but I think many people feel as I do.  This would give them the opportunity to help and to show tangible support.  It is key that it remain above board so we set it up in a way that their is no controversy.  This is just my two cents worth so to speak.
My condolences to all involved....and count me in for a donation to his children's education fund.

Matthew.    :salute:
My thoughts and prayers are with Cpl Davis' wife, family and friends as well as the family and friends of the other soldiers who are in need of our thoughts and prayers too.

Let the facts of the incident come out in due course.  Folks should not try and judge things from a different reference --  as others have noted and I would add to their points, this is an entirely different place to drive...road conditions, skill, or lack thereof of local drivers, etc..., all challenges to doing a basic thing that many folks take for granted at home.

My thoughts also to all the soldiers of B Coy, 2VP and the TF Orion...especially with recent events, this adds to the emotion of conducting operations in such an environment.  Don't waver in your resolve to continue with your mission.  Your compatriots, other CF members in theatre and at home and Canadians have the greatest trust in you and your fellow soldiers to do what is required of you without fail.

RIP, Cpl Paul Davis, Pro Patria.  :salute: :cdn:

I'll talk to Mike and the rest of the DS about setting up a donation account here on the site, since there seems to be a lot of interest.

Will post more when it's available.

Also, if we are able to set it up, is there someone who is in contact with the family and could give us contact information on where to send the money?
My prayers and thoughts go out to Cpl Paul Davis and his family and also to those soldiers who are injured and there families... i hope they all recover soon....

I also think that the Fund would be an excellent idea and u can just contact me to let me now where to send the money....

:salute: :cdn: :salute:
Hi combat_medic
the 2VP welfare section contact is NCO Sergeant David McGurgin or  MCPL Day @ 204-765-3000 ext 6400
I think it will be easier for me to drive to Shilo then make a donation here. (Shilos about 20 min east)
To all that enquired about donations, Combat Medic is out right now checking out the options...

Thank you.
If you contact the welfare rep of 2VP you should first contact the Mcpl.  PM if you really need to know why.
As far as a education fund this is news to me.  I will keep my ear open and see what's what.
As far as anyone interested in donations I will find out what the offical word is tomorrow.
http://www.armee.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/6_1_1.asp?id=935 Another article on the accident..... :'( :salute: :cdn: :salute: :'(
I liked his fathers words ,  "He died in the service of his country and he died doing the service for the free world,"

sorry  it happened but thanks for giving it your all soldier.
good luck and peace in the after life if there is one
CFL or anyone else in Shilo,

Could you post any details of a memorial when they are finalized, thanks.

Memorial at KAF is @ 3 pm tomorrow Kandahar time and CPL Davis will be sent home after the service as for service in Shilo I haven't heard anything yet
Farewell Patricia, your memory and sacrifice will not be fotgotten in your loved ones hearts.  Your comrades will remember you. R.I.P  :salute:
RIP, Cpl Paul Davis, Pro Patria.

For those wondering about an army.ca donation account, we checked out the legalities and we just don't have the "stuff" to do that right now.
As soon as we hear of something being set-up by those on base we will post it here.

Thanks to all, and to everyone involved, stay strong. You have our support.
I heard on the Brandon local TV news that a trust fund for the family was being set up at the Westoba Credit Union.  Donations can be made at any branch in Manitoba.
Phone #s can be found at this site.

My deepest condolences to the all families and our neighbors in the 2nd Bn.