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Krispy Kreme or Tim Hortons?

Journeyman said:
Maybe they will adopt better standards or something from over there to use here :P

Maybe there's a direct correlation between efficient KAF service.... and the customers carrying guns   ;D

Not everyone here carries a weapon :D some of us just get by on charm.

Dolphin_Hunter said:
What's with Tim Horton's (out east) not taking DEBIT...?    Don't use the argument it's faster, because it IS NOT.   Me paying for my coffee with debit isn't any more slower than the chump who orders sandwiches, soup and coffee at the drive-thru.

Haven't been in one here in town (Thunder Bay) for a couple of months, but "no debit" was then the way of the Tim's world here, too.  I'd agree that the major issue seems to be infrastructure and POS charge costs driving the "no debit" decision.
Michael O`Leary said:
Is that supposed to be appetizing? Timmie's has REAL CERAMIC MUGS. Tim's is also much faster service then slow as molasses Starbucks.
Proud_Newfoundlander said:
Its also easy for people to just look at the job and say "whats so hard about that, its so simple". Well, when the drive through is backed out into a public street and theres one girl out front with a line backed out the door, and customers are complaining and youre just starting out there..... yeah, then respond on it
Some people just like to look down on service workers. I get the same thing in my job. SOME people like to think we are lower then them because they are snobs and like to feel above us.
Proud_Newfoundlander said:
Yeah, but theres 15 coffees for every sandwich lol

The reason I heard out here is that it costs a certain amount of money every time you swipe with debit, and considering the costs of most items sold that it detracted to much from profit. Im not sure how it works in the rest of canada, though
That's the cost of doing buisness. If they took away debit here there sales would go way down.
Hmm, tim cards and debit, i guess they trust the employees to be faster. But timmies is cheap and they are incredible tightwads. If there is any problem , ti is matter of money, as they care little about employees, or else they would have invested sufficient resources in to employee retention, theyre behind the curb on virtually everything from uniforms, to pay, to schedule rotations, to anything else
canadian4ever said:
Is that supposed to be appetizing? Timmie's has REAL CERAMIC MUGS. Tim's is also much faster service then slow as molasses Starbucks.

As opposed to the "fake ceramic mugs" Starbucks uses when you order your coffee to stay?????

Timmies uses disposable cups for to go orders as well
I am waiting for someone to complain they can't understand the Starbucks menu.....  Seems to be the typical Tims Fanboy comment when comparing the two chains.
Proud_Newfoundlander said:
But timmies is cheap and they are incredible tightwads.

So Timmies is cheap but only in certain regions ? We have debit here in this province and if my local one is any indication, theres not much of a need for a safe. And the service sure isnt any slower.
As for Krispy Kream, well.....

My first time in San Diego i ended up at a hockey game. The arena is next to a KK so i figured i would try it out. The "hot now" sign came on so i go ask for my free doughnut.

"we dont do the free doughnut thing anymore" the guy says

"well, i'll just buy one doughnut please" i respond

the guy get a confused look on his face "just one doughnut ?"

"yes please, just one single doughnut"

"i'm not selling you just one doughnut..........here take a free one and dont tell nobody"

So i walked out of the store with my doughnut to meet up with the rest of my group........

"are they still giving out free doughnuts ?" they asked

"YUP......you should go get yours !!"
I just liked it how they uped the price of coffee but didn't inform us before hand, XLG 1.83 here.
Teflon said:
As opposed to the "fake ceramic mugs" Starbucks uses when you order your coffee to stay?????

Timmies uses disposable cups for to go orders as well
I don't think I have ever seen stay in people at the local Starbucks get a mug. Why don't they promote it?? The Tim's does here and the Tim's is much faster even with a much broader menu.
NFLD Sapper said:
I just liked it how they uped the price of coffee but didn't inform us before hand, XLG 1.83 here.

I know, that's wierd, just like my grocery store raising the price of bread and milk without sending me an email... friggin' retailers.
Dolphin_Hunter said:
What else is there to do? 

uhhh... go to the bar/mall/bowling alley *or the bar at the bowling alley that's in the mall* LMAO.  I love Cape Breton really I do.
My favourite is actually neither of those for donuts.  The best ones are the minidonuts you get from the Midway during the summer months when they travel around the country to various festivals and fairs.
mmm they have those sometimes at the zellers at Place d'Orleans too.  Love the smell of those little donuts.
Kat Stevens said:
I know, that's wierd, just like my grocery store raising the price of bread and milk without sending me an email... friggin' retailers.
What gets me is when they LOWER the price and don't tell you. Now a chain store that higher milk prices now has lower then two grocery stores with in ten minute walk of all three. Makes a pleasant suprise when shopping.
Lil_T said:
uhhh... go to the bar/mall/bowling alley *or the bar at the bowling alley that's in the mall* LMAO.  I love Cape Breton really I do.
They still have BOWLING ALLEY'S???????? They are all gone from here in Victoria except I think one in Sydney which is too far if taking a bus.
stealthylizard said:
My favourite is actually neither of those for donuts.  The best ones are the minidonuts you get from the Midway during the summer months when they travel around the country to various festivals and fairs.
Those are good but I think we have to go to Vancouver to the PNE to get those. Really good there is the bbq chicken, Hunky Bill's perogies and the hamburgers with grilled onions. You smell them grilling the onions all over the fair grounds.