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Krispy Kreme or Tim Hortons?

Theyre so desperate for people here now that you can get away with anything besides tealing. It wasnt like that a few years ago though, a few years ago they were actually quite picky
Proud_Newfoundlander said:
We're starting to follow the coffee rule now, before we didnt care enough, plus, we viewed the 20 minutes rule as a bit of a gimmick. Theyre cracking down on it too. But many people dont realize how hard is on people there, theres a reason the "For Hire" signs are always up

20 minute rule hard on people working at Tim Horton's?

Isn't that like someone working at McDonalds and saying something like "Frying these all fries is killing me man! I need a new job!"

I figured the For Hire signs were up because it is a job that no one makes a career of.  People come, people go.

My ex worked at a Tim Horton's Drive thru in Dartmouth (by blockbuster) she would bring home close to $25 in tips (who tips?) through the week, and close to $40 on weekends.  She never complained about how hard it was, if she didn't smell like the store when she came home I would have suspected she was doing something else.  I can understand it wearing people out when they are busy, but it is not rocket science, pour and stir.
Proud_Newfoundlander said:
During a rush, ur lucky if a pot last longer than 5 minutes..... We're starting to follow the coffee rule now, before we didnt care enough, plus, we viewed the 20 minutes rule as a bit of a gimmick. Theyre cracking down on it too. But many people dont realize how hard is on people there, theres a reason the "For Hire" signs are always up

The place around here is slack with that, I have watched some of the workers look at the clock, it says for example 1:53. They will put 2:00 on it. I do not know if they just can't read the hands on a clock or what
Dolphin_Hunter said:
20 minute rule hard on people working at Tim Horton's?

Isn't that like someone working at McDonalds and saying something like "Frying these all fries is killing me man! I need a new job!"

I figured the For Hire signs were up because it is a job that no one makes a career of.  People come, people go.

My ex worked at a Tim Horton's Drive thru in Dartmouth (by blockbuster) she would bring home close to $25 in tips (who tips?) through the week, and close to $40 on weekends.  She never complained about how hard it was, if she didn't smell like the store when she came home I would have suspected she was doing something else.  I can understand it wearing people out when they are busy, but it is not rocket science, pour and stir.

heh, I bring in maybe 10-15$ maxin tip's at tims on most weeks. The job itself is hard on you, not just the 20 minute rule.... The shitty hours, call in's, lack of help, ******* customers, all for the wage as low as they can legally give you.... If you have a life, then keep looking for work, thats all I can say
Its also easy for people to just look at the job and say "whats so hard about that, its so simple". Well, when the drive through is backed out into a public street and theres one girl out front with a line backed out the door, and customers are complaining and youre just starting out there..... yeah, then respond on it
Been in a very similar situations, just not with Tim Horton's.  The job itself is simple, it's the stress of getting the job done quickly that makes it difficult, once I realized I could only go so fast (I'm slow  :blotto:) then nothing else mattered.
The job is also a lot more than making coffee, a lot of people do not realize it. Also lots of little things on the side, like the sugar, swtnr, cream, milk, trust me mistakes are gonna happen argghhh Im so freaking glad i got part time hours..... haha, 6 weeks left wooo, alberta hooo !!!
I would be happy if the local Timmies cleaned the machines a bit better (or more often) to alleviate that wonderful burnt taste. :-X

As for doughnuts...tried KK and found them nasty. I really didn't get what the big deal was with them. Although I must say that I do miss Timmies doughnuts of days gone by...
I guess this is why I like working at Tims at KAF :)

Everything goes so quickly its always fresh-er than the always fresh standards.

Dolphin_Hunter said:
My ex worked at a Tim Horton's Drive thru in Dartmouth (by blockbuster) she would bring home close to $25 in tips (who tips?) through the week, and close to $40 on weekends.  

I do. At least most times - more and more often now though I am finding the service really sucks so I won't then.  used to be really good service everywhere I went in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick so I alwasys tipped but here in Ottawa I notice a difference just in the last 2 years.

Down home:  May I help you/take your order

Here lately:  yeah, whatsyouwant.

down home: thank you, have a nice day

here lately:  here's your coffee, slam (drive through window slammed shut)
With the amount of Timmies franchises around, got to the one on the next block and you may find the service more to you liking.  I have found the one at Trainyards to be one of the fastest in town, and for the most part very polite.  The one closest to work is slower than the Canex one in Kingston, so the extra time driving is still shorter than the wait there.

I do find the "walk in" faster than the "drive thru" in most cases at this loc.
armywife411 said:
As for doughnuts...tried KK and found them nasty. I really didn't get what the big deal was with them. Although I must say that I do miss Timmies doughnuts of days gone by...

You need the hot ones fresh off the line.  Stay away from the fancies, and go with the plain double glazed.

What's with Tim Horton's (out east) not taking DEBIT...?    Don't use the argument it's faster, because it IS NOT.  Me paying for my coffee with debit isn't any more slower than the chump who orders sandwiches, soup and coffee at the drive-thru.
Catalyst said:
I guess this is why I like working at Tims at KAF :)

Everything goes so quickly its always fresh-er than the always fresh standards.

Maybe they will adopt better standards or something from over there to use here :P
Marshall said:
Everything goes so quickly its always fresh-er than the always fresh standards.

Maybe they will adopt better standards or something from over there to use here :P

Maybe there's a direct correlation between efficient KAF service.... and the customers carrying guns  ;D
Dolphin_Hunter said:
You need the hot ones fresh off the line.  Stay away from the fancies, and go with the plain double glazed.

What's with Tim Horton's (out east) not taking DEBIT...?    Don't use the argument it's faster, because it IS NOT.   Me paying for my coffee with debit isn't any more slower than the chump who orders sandwiches, soup and coffee at the drive-thru.

Yeah, but theres 15 coffees for every sandwich lol

The reason I heard out here is that it costs a certain amount of money every time you swipe with debit, and considering the costs of most items sold that it detracted to much from profit. Im not sure how it works in the rest of canada, though
Proud_Newfoundlander said:
Yeah, but theres 15 coffees for every sandwich lol

The reason I heard out here is that it costs a certain amount of money every time you swipe with debit, and considering the costs of most items sold that it detracted to much from profit. Im not sure how it works in the rest of canada, though

There is a nominal fee to use the POS terminals, but to say that it's a cost thing in the maritimes is probably the most insane reasoning - being that I have NEVER in the entire time I lived in the maritimes seen an empty Tim Hortons.  But... that's not to say they're not a bunch of tightwads either. 
Journeyman said:
Maybe they will adopt better standards or something from over there to use here :P

Maybe there's a direct correlation between efficient KAF service.... and the customers carrying guns   ;D

If it must be done heh.

Dolphin_Hunter said:
You need the hot ones fresh off the line.  Stay away from the fancies, and go with the plain double glazed.

What's with Tim Horton's (out east) not taking DEBIT...?    Don't use the argument it's faster, because it IS NOT.   Me paying for my coffee with debit isn't any more slower than the chump who orders sandwiches, soup and coffee at the drive-thru.

If you are comparing two people who JUST want coffee, then the guy with the debit is going to take quite a bit longer and hold the line (do not even factor in if the debit is acting SLOW itself). Now unless it is one of these fools that counts the change AFTER he puts his coffee order then its faster without debit.