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knives and the temptation of the edged weapon....

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A member of our proud Canadian Forces reporting that he lost a potentially dangerous weapon that is BANNED from the location where he was carrying it.

Glad you didn't mention it to the Administration.
Canadian Caesar said:
A member of our proud Canadian Forces reporting that he lost a potentially dangerous weapon that is BANNED from the location where he was carrying it.

Glad you didn't mention it to the Administration.
hey, civvie, back off a step.
Canadian Caesar said:
A member of our proud Canadian Forces reporting that he lost a potentially dangerous weapon that is BANNED from the location where he was carrying it.

Glad you didn't mention it to the Administration.

Dude, relax. First off, it's not a weapon, it's a tool. I would never use it to hurt someone, even in self-defense, since I really don't know much, if anything, about knife fighting. And in Canada intention is what our knife laws are all about.

Second, the policy says (this is paraphrasing) that no knives or other weapons are allowed. Now, maybe I'm reading between the lines a little too much, but I understand that to mean that knives which are used as weapons are not allowed. Otherwise the sculpture students would have to leave their sculpting knives at home. Make sense to you? Good.

Third, I'm far from being the only one that carries a knife. heck I see Victorinox (aka. swiss army) knives hanging off peoples' backpacks all the time, in plain view. Does that make it ok? Not any more so, no. Then again, going over the speed limit to stay with the flow of traffic is ok, right?

So what, might I ask, crawled up your *** and died?

Maybe instead of making excuses you should try to just follow the rules next time?

Pte.Pinky said:
"And in Canada intention is what our knife laws are all about."
I wasn't aware that school rules are regarded as Canadian law were you live. I apologize.
But I disagree. FOLLOWING THE LAWS is what laws are all about.

Pte.Pinky said:
"I would never use it to hurt someone"
I believe you. However, how many people who hurt others in situations like this would admit (or even think) that injury was a potential outcome ahead of time?

Pte.Pinky said:
"First off, it's not a weapon, it's a tool....Second, the policy says (this is paraphrasing) that no knives or other weapons are allowed."
According to you school POLICY, a knife is a weapon. And since it is the SCHOOL not YOU that both makes the rules AND enforces them, I bow in favour of the rules. Just because to a hunter his rifle is a tool, does not make it allright for him to carry it where prohibited.

Pte.Pinky said:
"Otherwise the sculpture students would have to leave their sculpting knives at home."
I debated dignifying this particular "gem" with a response... but here goes.
I wonder what the statistics are on injuries inflicted upon other persons (not the user) for sculpting knives.
On that note, I wonder what the statistics are for you style of knife? ???

Pte.Pinky said:
Third, I'm far from being the only one that carries a knife.
Ah yes. You would also be "far from the only one" to have some sort of "incident" (accidental or not) that makes a poor representation of the professionalism of the Canadian forces. One of the "incidents" easily avoidable by simply obeying the rules.

Pte.Pinky said:
So what, might I ask, crawled up your *** and died?
A question that is surprisingly easy to answer.
What crawled up my "butt" and died?
Well, about 101 stories in the newspaper about seemingly innocent acts that balloon into something out of control that reflects negatively on the CF.
And don't think that your lame excuses will help when the media gets wind of that sort of thing.
They are all to eager to go for the public's shocked reaction that involvement of a member of the CF in any sort of negative matter creates.
Each one of those stories makes me a little more bitter towards people such as yourself that seem all too comfortable in taking a risk with the reputation of the institution they represent.

When that sort of thing crawls up ANYBODY's butt and dies... Nobody is gonna be able to stand the smell.
THAT would be the smell of scandal.

Oh sure, the chances of something happening are WAAAAY lower than an accident occurring in your traffic example. (Poor choice BTW) ;)
But do you really feel that comfortable in gambling with public opinion.?
The chances of me hearing a story in the paper tomorrow of some sort of accident as a result of a person like you not following the rules is INFINITELY higher than me hearing of a positive event that was a result of a soldier breaking the rules.

Rules are made to be Followed.
Not broken, not bent, and not reinterpreted to your personal liking.
Canadian Cesare

You are a relatively new member here and may ot be aware of some of the rules and guidlines which are to be followed while posting on Army.Ca.

While I find that you have made some excellent points I would advise you to slow down and  carefully consider the way in which you speak (write to) the other members on the site.

While I'm sure that PP didn't take offence to the way in which you have worded your reply I would be cautious about saying that everyone would react in the same manner.

On this site we generally try to avoid personal sarcasm which is aimed at belittling any other members who may have posted something you don't care for. If you really have a problem with a post then use the report Post button and the Mods will quickly address the post in question.

Remember: Treat everyone else here the way you would wish to be treated yourself.

To further review the guidlines I urge you to check out the administration area of the forum.

Slim said:
On this site we generally try to avoid personal sarcasm which is aimed at belittling any other members who may have posted something you don't care for.

Like this?

paracowboy said:
hey, civvie, back off a step.

But more importantly.

I didn't have a problem with PP's post, so ther was no reason to report it.
I did have a problem with the actions described in the post, but it merited discussion, not reporting.

I appreciate the pointers and will try to better restrain anything that may be interpreted as personal sarcasm in the future.
However, I still feel that I made my point in a manner approprite to the general tone of the discussion.

Though I may have strayed from the straight and narrow at certian times. For that I apologize.
I will try to carry on my discussion with PP more appropriately.

(PP, you still have my general respect. Sorry if it seems otherwise.  :salute:)
Caeser, I must admit, you do raise some valid points. And I WAS planning on another lengthy reply. But I'm a peacable guy, so I'll take this opportunity to smile and walk away.

Good luck when you join,
Well done Gents

Thanks very much for the professional and responsible way your situation was worked out.

Now lets get back to it... :salute:

50 USD for a "Second / Blem" Cold Steel:
That's almost 1/2 off... one option Armywoman...

Ladys and Gentlemen, I give you the full tang Ninja-toa.

You know you want it, I know I do!
is it bad to have an assortment of knives, pocket saws and multitools on the headrest of my bed? lol.......
WO2_mandal said:
is it bad to have an assortment of knives, pocket saws and multitools on the headrest of my bed? lol.......

Of course not! My old Buck (was my dad's, I have claimed it ;D) is usually within my reach when lying in bed. Now I'm no wacko "the terrorists are gonna bomb my house so I need a bomb shelter, a year's supply of food, and heavy machine guns" kinda guy but I've always felt comfortable with a knife within reach, not for protection as much as comfort. You know, security blanket style. Makes me feel tough  :threat:

As for those swords, I really like the straight, no-frills style of the blind furry.

    Buck Vanguard with a composite handle.  Right size, shape and style for everything you need.(slices, dices, julienes and spreads peanut butter with ease)  Beware of knockoffs and cheap knives they break, won't keep an edge and will more readily harm you in the course of carrying out your duties (whatever they may be) than a well made tool.  When it comes to buying a knife you get what you pay for.
    Just one mans opinion.
Thanks for all the suggestions guys I will definitely look into those.
WO2_mandal said:
is it bad to have an assortment of knives, pocket saws and multitools on the headrest of my bed? lol.......

As Long as they are secure from falling on the Bed or people in the bed during "activities."

Yes, as a Paramedic I've been to some of "Those" calls. ;) :-X
CRKT and spyderco make some of the best folders around stong blades and the edges stay sharp for long periods of times. I have had my spyder for 10 years now and it is still going
WO2_mandal said:
is it bad to have an assortment of knives, pocket saws and multitools on the headrest of my bed? lol.......

I've got my Uncles kukri that he humped through Burma under my bed.  I live out in the toolies, and help is 20-30 mins away.  Anyone comes in uninvited will be wiping his arse with a hook for the rest of his life.

I'm a fan of the cold steel recon tanto.  It's pretty big thus draws unwanted attention sometimes but it's great for banging around in the field opening cans of beefaronie, cutting shit in a hide or prying stuff.

Sure knives are a little expensive and expensive knives seem to be the 'in thing' now (ever see 1RCRs kitshop?) but i can either blow $70 on a knife i'll have for a few years + or get drunk one night.