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Kit Question

Sig_Des said:
Heh, I had a couple of instructors on my basic pull the SLACK and IDLE...loved it. I heard about a bunch of guys on a 3's course who all got SH*TPUMP

Sig Des:
My favorite memory is of a BOTC II parade at CMR when two gents appeared side by side with name tag's on their DEU with the name 'Wong'.  One gent was Asian, the other obviously not.  When the Reviewing Party stopped to chat with Mutt and Jeff, one of SMs commented on the oddity that they both had the same last name.  The non-Asian fellow said, "Oh my God, I must have put on the 'Wong' name tag." The Reviewing Party continued on its way without another word as the OCdts nearby (of which I was one) broke into snickers and guffaws.  The wise guy paid for the remark dearly later in the day.

On one of my courses we all mounted our accoutrements in an ooposite manner than usual. Name tags and Command badges went on the left, medals on the right.

Upon inspection, they are looking us up and down, retreating to consult with each other, coming back to check us out again. Looking down at their own chests, looking back to ours. Eventually the inspection ended and they went on their way.

Back in the syndicate room afterwards our instructor asked what we did to them. He says they know something was wrong with us...they just could not figure out exactly what it was.  >:D
A young lad on my last course had a nametag made whilst on BMQ. "PECKER-CHECKER"
He never once dared to wear it on inspection... :o
Good one Librarian - the old mirror effect it happens to just about every one at some point during their career. 

My uncle who retired in the 70s after 28 years in uniform had some fun with his boss during his final days in uniform.  Every morning he would report to his OC and smartly salute him with his left hand (which in the Regs is legal as long as your right arm is in a sling or cast).  After about a week the OC said alright smart guy I know you are playing with my brain but what it is I can't put my finger on it.  The next day my uncle reported and smartly saluted with his right hand and he saw his OC's face go red, then a big grin spread across his face and he said (fill in your own multi-syllable expletive.)
The Librarian said:

On one of my courses we all mounted our accoutrements in an ooposite manner than usual. Name tags and Command badges went on the left, medals on the right.

On one of my postings, our Major showed up at work, in 3B, with his ribbons and name tag reversed. When I informed him of this (I was a youngish Cpl at the time), he said that he was right and I was wrong. Well, minutes after the HQ CO's O Gp, I saw him and all was correct finally. Wanted to say I told you so, but I held my tongue.
Ah fun with nametags. Having the rather common surname Smith, naturally I received my name tags almost immediately after I joined up and naturally they gave me an ample supply. I probably received the entire Smith Combat nametag allotment for Western Canada for 1977. Eventually I ran out of things to sew them on.

Of course being on GMT (the old BMQ) then I decided to share the wealth with my platoon as not all had received their tags yet. One busy night with needle and thread a whole platoon of Smiths awaiting the WO’s morning inspection. He never noticed, which considering he’s never been issued a sense of humour was probably good for our careers.
We had a complete course get their nametags in Russian (Cyrillic) once. The Crse O just muttered something about this generation "all being commies."

- - the things that are amusing when you're on course.