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Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

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The best thing that we all could do is stop guessing and stop starting rumors of the JTF2.

If you are interested in joining or knowing more, as members of the forces, you have an open invitation to the annual briefing that are held across Canada at bases.

As for their tactics, equipment and etc.... join them and you‘ll surely find out about it.

Their hush-hush ops and the fact that the general public doesn‘t hear about anything, is an example of their professionalism. As with a US department, their successes and failures, are their secrets!

It is something alike the days of the Airborne Regt. You were either a jumper or you were a LEG.

For all of you would-be, wanna-be commando-SAS-SEAL-Dealt force types out there. Put the Camstick down, stop reading those US gunho books, and hit the gyms....try out, and you could be apart of Canada‘s elite. If not....then shut up about something that you have no understanding or concept of.

Thats my thought on that.

At our highschool, we had a career day and a major from the artillary came and talked to us about the military (we had to select 3 things we wanted to go to) anyways he said that there were special forces in the CF, is there? and how does one get into them?
LMFAO oh my thats the funniest i‘ve seen ! Ummm this isn‘t an elite Delta Force - Blackhawk Down clan forum kiddies! Im just curious where am i able to purchase a elite JTF2 bullet proof jockstap that might come in handy when i‘m playing with my Navy Seal friends on the paintball field :rolleyes:
one training night we had the JTF2 come in and give us information on recruitment
I knew someone who had a brother who knew this guy that used to see this guy at the pub that knew
someone who was the janitor at JTF2 HQ. :boring:
Wow, this kid has no clue. Sure is a big talker though. I bet he regales all of his friends with big stories on how he knows all this. All from the comfort of his parents basement.
Please, let‘s not do another thread this way... If anyone knows of the crest, great, if not, move on...
Man that sure was an OLD topic resurrected! :)
I have since found an image, unfortunately I cannot post it... not due to security concerns... I‘m just too plain computer illiterate to do so :D If anyone wants to post it I‘ll email it to you.

Cheers all
Now this may be a rumor but i‘ve heard that when a JTF guy beats you up he takes their unit coin, places it on your fore head and then punches the coin leaving the imprint of the JTF on your noodle.
One time i thought that happened to me beacause i woke up with a swollen forhead with something imprinted on it but it turned out only to be a beer cap i fell onto :(
LMFAO Ghost.I have the same thing but from a high heel.Kind of silly to leave the evidence on Bernie‘s forehead though.Wasn‘t me.Just remember,number side up!
"Now this may be a rumor but i‘ve heard that when a JTF guy beats you up he takes their unit coin, places it on your fore head and then punches the coin leaving the imprint of the JTF on your noodle."

No,that‘s a Combat Diver‘s trick ;)
people on this board keep complaining about how lame the canadian forces recruiting posters/movies/commercials are, so what‘s wrong with using the JTF for all that it‘s worth, and using them as a recruiting tool?
Simple Null. You don‘t start the police force as a detective and you don‘t become a doctor right out of medical school.

Consintrate on the JTF stuff and your going to get people joining (and failing) the military for the wrong reasons.
Besides 95% of those that try for JTF2 that apply don‘t get in and these people join the forces just for a chance to get into JTF2 then they will leave the service in droves.
good points. however ghost, if people who joined the police KNEW they would NEVER EVEN HAVE A CHANCE to be a detective, and would instead be in charge of an evidence locker, or all med students knew they would NEVER BE A DOCTOR, but would instead be acting as a messenger for on-call doctors, how many people would go into those fields?

i can see what you are saying, but things like the JTF would be (almost) the same reason that air force commercials show fighter planes, and not the guy who‘s filling out requisiton slips for parts or what not.
I guess were approaching this from different points of view.
Heres a question, which can the army afford not to have. Supply techs, cooks, clerks and medics or JTF door kicking helicopter repelling commandos?

I think you‘ll find most of the people are not interested in joining the JTF. They want to be a soldier. Go to work, do their job, go home. Many of the JTF guys i spoke with about joining usually always say, if your interested in being the JTF you better not be a family man. While im sure a good deal of the jtf have families at home its obviously very tough. I think it was said best by Ex-Dragoon. 95% of the guys who try for JTF don‘t make it. These are guys who have established military carreers. What happens when joe blow off the street tries to join, fails then get sinterested in something else. Not only have you blown money on commercials and promotions BUT you also don‘t have any new blood comming into the military. Canada has troops in bosnia, afghanastan, all over. The JTF alone aren‘t going to fill the roles for those jobs, not by a long shot.