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Jagmeet Singh, probably the biggest political loser?

It seems voters are more likely to give Orange a chance to run things provincially - hell, even Ontario once :)
Once indeed…heck, it was enough of a disaster it even turned the Orange Premier Red afterwards… 😆

Heck, Alberta is closer to an NDP do-over than Ontario ever will be again…
Yah Nova Scotia tried the NDP Provincially. One and done and rightly so. Dexter and his Premiers Office borrow 500 Mill to top up the Civil service pension plan but don't tell their Finance minister. Always fun for the Left to spend other peoples money for "their" people.
Much the same as Ontario and Bob Rae, even though he's part of the Laurentien Elites, he ran as NDP and ruined Ontario for years.
More than one commentator I've listened to have asked the same thing: stroke of genius or knucklehead move? We'll see how it unfolds, what cards are played next by who and how he plays them.
Not completely knuckleheaded, whether by intention or not. Anything done between now and an election approximately a year or less away is going to be assessed by voters. The public sense ("output legitimacy") of the way things are right now might be "mandate over", in which case the next government might have a "mandate" to undo those things. Might as well go through the formality of pulling the plug now.
One can make the case that the NDP, and its predecessor, the CCF, never, not even under Jack Layton in 2011, really aspired to become the government of Canada. It's aim, it's self-appointed role, was twofold: to advance the progressive and socialist causes, especially by pressuring/influencing successive Liberal governments; and to be the conscience of parliament by, generally, advocating for honest and fair dealings and conduct; think about JS Woodsworth, MJ Coldwell, Stanley Knowles, etc.

One can also argue that, under Tommy Douglas, the CCF ran a pretty good, fiscally responsible provincial government in Saskatchewan in the 1940s and '50s.
One can make the case that the NDP, and its predecessor, the CCF, never, not even under Jack Layton in 2011, really aspired to become the government of Canada. It's aim, it's self-appointed role, was twofold: to advance the progressive and socialist causes, especially by pressuring/influencing successive Liberal governments; and to be the conscience of parliament by, generally, advocating for honest and fair dealings and conduct; think about JS Woodsworth, MJ Coldwell, Stanley Knowles, etc.

One can also argue that, under Tommy Douglas, the CCF ran a pretty good, fiscally responsible provincial government in Saskatchewan in the 1940s and '50s.
that's what you can expect when you put a baptist minister in charge. They are used to working within very tight confines
I believe he’ll do ‘as many as he can’, but I don’t think that’s much. The CPC might introduce a confidence motion when the chance arises. That’s not a bill, it’s just whatever they write up and move, and the House will vote on it. The CPC don’t have any real ability while in opposition to tie confidence to an opposition bill when, for instance, an opposition day comes up. Really it will come down to the fall estimates and then the spring budget, which are conventional confidence matters. The challenge the LPC will face will be putting enough in the estimates and the budget to placate the NDP… Though I donMt think that will really require anything beyond what they’re currently working on.

The NDP simply are not in an advantageous position for an election, and neither are the NDP. Singh’s theatrics notwithstanding, the strategic math has not changed.
I can see the LPC intentionally baiting the NDP with confidence motions.

It forces the NDP to fight an election on the back foot, or to continue propping them up, proving a vote for the NDP is not any different than just voting LPC in the first place.

It would be a "risky" play, but if you're going down in flames you might as well drag your opponent down as well.
I can see the LPC intentionally baiting the NDP with confidence motions.

It forces the NDP to fight an election on the back foot, or to continue propping them up, proving a vote for the NDP is not any different than just voting LPC in the first place.

It would be a "risky" play, but if you're going down in flames you might as well drag your opponent down as well.
Exactly the kind of move you'd expect from an immature, egotistical, vindictive, narcissistic little prig.
Blanchet is playing this gaff by the NDP quite well. Great posturing by him, of course he can say he wouldn’t bring it up…because someone else already did…he can play both sides as he sees how the wind blows in this. His tentative “I would be very, very careful…” gives him room to follow up with, but it’s clear now that….insert pivot/stay the course statement, as required on how polls in the riding play out…

Bloc Québécois Leader Yves-François Blanchet said the NDP can "do whatever they want. People will make a choice." He also suggested bringing the issue up in a byelection is not a path he would take.

"I believe that civilians are dying and have been dying for months and months. And I would be very, very careful before making an electoral, political and ideological use of the issue," Blanchet said in Ottawa on Monday.

I suspect that both the NDP (because of the 🇵🇸) and the LPC (because of the CASA cancellation by NDP) will continue to trend down in LaSalle-Émard-Verdun, and the BQ will take the riding.


Trudeau better get some padded tighty-whities…past boxing prowess ain’t gonna help here!
Exactly the kind of move you'd expect from an immature, egotistical, vindictive, narcissistic little prig.
It's the kind of move I'd expect from a shrewd politician looking to the future. The LPC have to know at this point that they are done. The smart move is dragging down the other guys competing for your votes.

Making the NDP keep propping you up after they made a show of no longer doing that, makes them a less appealing option for "progressive" voters.

I.e. Why buy the off-brand LPC when the real LPC costs the same?
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Holy NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT a good look, Batman!
WTF was the (alleged) brain trust thinking?
I don’t think the words “brain trust” in this case mean what you think it means….
Holy "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT a good look", Batman!
WTF was the (alleged) brain trust thinking?
This just proves my theory that the NDP is politically incompetent.
I don’t think the words “brain trust” in this case mean what you think it means….
you mean like this?
The Princess Bride Hello GIF