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It's Official - Valour Decorations have been announced

midget-boyd91 said:
So is it possible that the soldier could be Cpl. Lamont?
I doubt it, but the SME on that clip will be along shortly.
BZ to a bunch of outstanding Soldiers. And also, kudos to your headquarters for making this happen in a compressed time frame. It's shameful how long it's taking higher level awards to process in the US armed forces. (Two years and more) Once again, good job on all levels.
........... and someone from outside the box says that we fastracked the thing when everyone here thought some people were dragging their feet.....

Thanks for the reality check Red6
Tony, ML here from the Seaforth's, you and Pat were on my ISCC in 90. If you are in contact, give LIPPS  my congratulations.

Well done All!  :salute:

Somebody tell Mike (had to read it twice, didn't know who "Michael" Denine was... lol), way to go with the "high volume of suppressive fire."
I can picture the rounds going down range.

And I hope he didn't forget to put in a 993 for that LAV!  ;)


ex-Veh Tech 1 VP
Pics of the heroes are on the web at http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/Feature_Story/2006/10/27_f_e.asp

From this attached photo of Pte Jason Lamont, I kicked myself for not initially seeing the soldiers in the background.  As well, look how high up they are: I think those are LAVs in the right of the photo.

Once again, well done troops!
So, with the official announcement received in comparatively short order (as compared to the never-ending hand-wringing over the Op APOLLO Bronze Stars), are we prepared to finally acknowledge that the system works?  Or are the worry-warts amonst us going to continue their misplaced hue and cry?  \

Just ask'in.  I'm all for the pointless whinging of the self-annointed protectors of our "valourous" soldiers.  I'm Just wondering if they're done now, or have yet another beef to pick.....

Seems to me that we are taking care of our own, regardless of what may have transpired in the past.  So for the nay-sayers?  Put that in your pipe and smoke it.  And then get over yourselves.
Mark c.... Bronze stars are the decorations of another sovereign country.... it has nothing to do with this.  The policy of approving the issue/wear of each individual foreign decoration is OK.... IMHO
That must be a Lundy! Yeah man i'll pass along your congrats.
Congratulations to all,  well done,  we are so proud of you all  :salute:  My Co - worker Sgt Mark Lamont, ex Airborne is a very proud Father. He came into work today to tell us the good news.  I know he and his Wife were so worried about their Son in A-Stan as would any parent.

These recipients are all justly deserving, again, thank you all for your courage and service.

Pop  :salute:
Though the four won't consider themselves heroes (the real ones never do) I am proud of you folks and your exploits will be remembered as acts of selflessness and courage in a world lacking both.

An example to us all. Smokey and all your peers are proud and looking down on you.  :salute:
About Bloody time the men who deserve recognition are rewarded.  I am sure there have been many other acts of bravery that have gone unsung too.  BZ!!  :salute: :cdn: :salute:
Well done boys, you deserve it.  I'm sure more will follow as our brave men and women add to the laurels of their Regiments and join the pantheon of Canadian heroes.
