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It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

And what of Algeria?  Well before the creation, or even the settling of Jews in Israel.
I've got it.

Its "Comical Ali" and he's working for Ahmadinejad now.   ::)
NightrainFXSTB said:
I didn't' know the creation of Israel in 1947 was a conspiracy? The muslims had owned that land for centuries. Only later on did the Jewish folk show up because of persecution elsewhere. Then of course they divided it up and everyone  got mad. End the madness, end Israel by moving it elsewhere.

Jews lived in Palestine/Isreal for about a thousand years before anyone even remotely resembling a Muslim showed up, I believe.
NightrainFXSTB said:
I didn't' know the creation of Israel in 1947 was a conspiracy? The muslims had owned that land for centuries. Only later on did the Jewish folk show up because of persecution elsewhere. Then of course they divided it up and everyone  got mad. End the madness, end Israel by moving it elsewhere.
Hey, I saw "The Ten Commandments" as well.  Jewish folk persecuted in Egypt and them moving into Israel.  Man, what were they thinking (in case you can't tell, I'm being sarcastic)
George Wallace said:
And what of Algeria?  Well before the creation, or even the settling of Jews in Israel.

What about Algeria? You mean the terrorism from there? It's the same old same old. Some European country decides to supplant the locals and they don't like it- surprise surprise. How anyone can support the nuclear Israel is beyond me.

"Hey guys, lets take a bunch of Jewish folks with no home frome Europe and stick them in the middle of a bunch of Islamic Arabs AND lets give them Nuclear weapons so the Arabs don't kick their rosy red asses back to Russia or wherever they came from. Sounds good to me Geoff, how about you Francois? Cool, let's do it and see what happens..."
Kirkhill said:
I've got it.

Its "Comical Ali" and he's working for Ahmadinejad now.   ::)

Check it out! :D
Jews lived in Palestine/Isreal for about a thousand years before anyone even remotely resembling a Muslim showed up, I believe.

LOL. So it is written. There are old stories of nomadic Jews living there at one point- big deal. Up until the 1800s it was all arab and then the big influx of jewish folk happened after the war. How about we give Canada back to the Indians while we're at it eh? Let's not be hypocritical here.
::)  Make up your mind.  Now the Jewish folk started showing up in the 1800's.  That would put some there before 1947, if my old long hand math is correct.  Seems that would give them some legitimate claims. 

As for Canada's Indians, where have you been?  Look at what is happening in the news in Newmarket.  Check out what the Algonquin's are claiming in the Ottawa Valley.  Seems to me that your tongue in cheek comment may not be too far off the mark.
George Wallace said:
And I do take offence in your reference to us as being "Just a bunch of trigger happy war mongers".  Is an apology coming?

So?  I take it "NO" is your answer.
Oy,  Nightrain whatever.

Do yourself a favour and check up on George's and Blackshirts suggestions about the Barbary pirates.  I'll give you another reading assignment for consideration - I'm sure you will have adequate time before classes resume in the fall -  "White Gold" by Giles Milton.  It is all about peace loving Algerians borrowing free labour from those nasty white guys in Spain, France, England, Ireland, Iceland and America in the 17th and 18th century.  

Here's a short summary of Algeria's history.

Arabs rebel against French because French occupied the place
French occupied the place because Arabs were taking French and other folks slaves, as well as supplying ports for white criminals to operate from
Arabs allow piracy against Europe because France kicked them out in 732.  It took the Spaniards until 1610 to expel the last of the Muslims that wouldn't accept the rule of the government.
Mohammed's mob invades Algeria/Tunisia/Morocco in the 600s overwhelming the local Berbers who converted or died.
Berber's previously invaded by Vandals who were passing through on their way to Libya, Sicily and Sardinia after invading Spain and France.  Originated somewhere northeast of the Danube.
Prior to the Vandals the place was invaded by the Romans
Prior to the Romans the Greeks, Cretans and Phoenicians all had a shot at the area.

Now you tell me again who started this mess and whose fault it is.  Algeria is simple compared to Israel.  France is a real dog's breakfast when it comes to figuring out who did what to whom and why.

Recon_Guardsman said:
For all those who have messenger, check MSN Today (on 10 May 06). Theres an article of a report made by the CSIS that states that an attack on Canada, in Canada, is probable.

They are just telling something what we already know, and yes its not if but when, sadly this is the case in the majority of western countries, if not all.

All a fact of life nowadays in our evolving world.
As for Canada's Indians, where have you been?  Look at what is happening in the news in Newmarket.  Check out what the Algonquin's are claiming in the Ottawa Valley.  Seems to me that your tongue in cheek comment may not be too far off the mark.

How far back do we wanna go here? should we give Europe back to Rome, Italy? It's all just so retarded. We, the governing peoples of Canada now own the country, how we got it doesnt matter at this point. No one alive now was there then so who cares. The Israelis are a modern concoction that should not be where they are in the first place. I understand why the arabs are upset. The US admin clearly doesn't give a rats ass about them and only listens to the wealthy Jewish lobby. It's a fact jack. There are only two ways this can play out:

1) Israel is moved
2) We just let Iran/Syria/Egypt and whoever else go at it with Israel- winner takes all.
NightrainFXSTB said:
......... No one alive now was there then so who cares. The Israelis are a modern concoction that should not be where they are in the first place. I understand why the arabs are upset. The US admin clearly doesn't give a rats *** about them and only listens to the wealthy Jewish lobby. It's a fact jack. There are only two ways this can play out:

1) Israel is moved
2) We just let Iran/Syria/Egypt and whoever else go at it with Israel- winner takes all.

That is rather simplistic.  Now that you have solved that problem, should we move on to Darfur and do the same?  How about Sri Lanka?  Should we give them the same options: 1) Tamils move out to India, or; 2) Tamils and Sinhalese go at it and winner take all.  After, Sri Lanka, let's move on to Indonesia......and then.....
NightrainFXSTB said:
Terrorism as we know it, or as the US government likes to term it(one mans terrorist is an-others freedom fighter) stems from the creation of Israel. If Israel were suddenly moved, then the Arabs would be happy and throw a big party.

Oh, man, I knew if he got given enough rope he was gonna hang himself, but this is more than I expected...  :clown:
George Wallace said:
That is rather simplistic.  Now that you have solved that problem, should we move on to Darfur and do the same?  How about Sri Lanka?  Should we give them the same options: 1) Tamils move out to India, or; 2) Tamils and Sinhalese go at it and winner take all.  After, Sri Lanka, let's move on to Indonnesia......and then.....

Well okay, there's a third option.

Everyone just gets tired of fighting and kisses and makes up. I like it. Lets run with that.

Problem is that as long as Israel occupies any inch of that land, there will be Middle Eastern brand terrorism. It's a tough situation, because both sides are too stubborn to make any attempts at peace. Then there is the new problem that this predicament has created. There are those that now rely on the fight for a purpose in life. These are people with nothing to lose, no money or power, who have devoted their lives to being anti-semetic. They need jobs and an economy- so that they're too happy with their own prospects to go blow themselves up over politics. Until one of those things happens, I can't see any way out, and companies that make bullets will continue to post record profits at the expense of everyone on the recieving end.
BTW I think that terrorism has only killed a few thousand Americans and a handful of Canadians who were in the twin towers- in North America. This was a once in a lifetime catastrophic event. We have a far greater threat to worry about...


...it kills MANY thousands EVERY YEAR!

I say "WAR ON FAT". (WOF)

If we really wanted to protect the peoples of our Great Nations, we'd have FAT patrols, groups of 8 brave men or so that would force us to do pushups if they can pinch an inch.

I would support that war for sure.