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It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

Wow....put down the crack pipe and put away the tin foil hat.

You're bouncing all over the place....stick to a topic will ya?    ::)

NightrainFXSTB said:
Well okay, there's a third option.

I can't see any way out, and companies that make bullets will continue to post record profits at the expense of everyone on the recieving end.

Nightrain, I think its time you call it a day. You are as much as a SME on the history ME about as much as I am. So, stop trying to be. Its actually a big turn off.

I have read your posts, and I am beginning to really wonder, not about the crack pipe, but the tinfoil hat for sure.

Its your integrity at stake, not ours, and you are just making a fool out of yourself, but if its an audience you are after, you have accomplished that, but the joke is on you, not us.

Need I say more.

So who here thinks Nightrain is a troll (as well as an obnoxious little prick) and should be banned?

Matthew.  :salute:
Thickheaded.  Stubborn.  Unapologetic.  Narrowminded.  Well, she is close to being one.  We shall see if she has opinions in other Topics on the site.  Perhaps she can illuminate some more critical flaws in our opinions and stance on the world situation. 

Can't we all just get along. I just don't wanna be part of the Axis of Weasels.

I honestly thought Canadians were smarter than this. I simply refuse to go along with the crap I see taking place in the world today. This is how I look at it........I have friends from China, Egypt, Britain, the US- all over really. I talk to them online every day. I dated a girl from Iran once and she was a good person- hot too! You'll have to excuse me but the fact is the world is alot smaller these days than it used to be. If Iran ends up being attacked, then I'll know people who will be getting killed. That goes for pretty much every country in the world.

It's easy to kill people you don't know. That's the problem with us.

Distance makes the heart grow colder.
while night-whatever is certainly in need of some serious brushing up on history, political science, and basic common sense, we can pick some tiny nuggets of truth from the bizarre thread of...whatever.

A great deal of today's terrorism is related to the Jewish state of Israel. If we look into the huge influx of ashnekazim during the '30 and '40s (history experts jump in when I screw up) we can see the tensions really build. During the '30s and '40s Britain trained a number of Jews in the area to conduct guerilla warfare against the Nazis - to the point of bringing in IRA to help train them. (This is what we call an oopsie!). If we look at the Haganah, the Irgun, and the Stern gang, we can see a number of excesses that canot be explained away, and do constitute terrorism, by any reasonable standard.

Britain attempted to keep the influx of European Jews down, to try and maintain control over Palestine and surrounding areas. But, considering the treatment of their European brethren, the Jews in Palestine would have none of it. (Understandable, really. A number of gentiles agreed. There were more than a few gentiles running guns and people.) Things got nasty for a while, but we all know the result: a Jewish state in what was once Arab lands (of course, before that it was Christian lands, and before that it was Jewish lands, and before that it was Mesopotamia, Ur, Canaan, etc).

Several Philistines (yes, the Palestinians are what the Bible call Philistines), became somewhat perturbed at this and began an incredibly inept, but incredible bloody struggle that ended, oh wait. It's still going. Still inept, and still bloody.

Both sides were right, and both were wrong.

And they remain so to this day. Both right, both wrong.

Now, let's look at the neighbours ('cause voyeurism is fun). The neighbours talked a real good game about kickin' them nasty ol' Jews out. Every time a Palestinian stubbed his toe, a Yemeni said ouch. Everybody was real good at providing all kinds of assistance. Unless it involved money, land, Aid, or anything tangible.

What the neighbours did do lot of was, use the Palestinians for cannon fodder, and an excuse to keep their militaristic dictatorships in power.

Anyway, let's skip ahead a few generations, past the inept Arab attempts at warfare, past the refugee camps that were used as excellent staging areas for terrorism and a means to bottle up the Palestinains in Arab lands such as Jordan, past the Syrain-backed Palestinian invasion of Lebanon, forcing the Jews to counter-invade (is that a word? It is now, anyway.), past the endless atempts by the US to reach a peace accord, past the butchery of Jewish children by Palestinians, past the teaching of kindergarten children by their Palestinian parents to worship suicide and murder, past the Palestinian gunmen using their own children as cover to fire upon Jewish soldiers, past the Palestinian murders of innocent men, women and chidren in Europe, in the skies, and on the seas, past Palestinians firing on UN outposts along the borders from positions near Israeli checkpoints in order to cause the UN to think that Israel is trying to keep them out, past the Palestinian use of ambulances to transport arms and fighters, past the Palestinians' use of Aid money to buy arms and produce propagansda, when their children in Syria and Jordan are starving, to today.

Today is what I can affect. Today, I see the state of Israel trying to reach an understanding with it's neighbours, and bending over backwards to reach it. Today, I see Palestinians murdering civilians. Today, I see Israel sending Aid and money to the Palestinians. Today, I see Palestinians returning that Aid with rockets and suicide vests. Today, I see Israel teaching it's children to welcome democracy and civil rights. Today, I see Palestine teaching it's children to want to commit suicide, in order to commit mass murder. Today, I see Arabs living, working, and voting in Israel. Today, I see any Israeli who sets foot in Palestine murdered.

I see Israeli soldiers place themselves between bullets and children. I see Palestinian terrorists place children between themselves and bullets.

I know who the good guys are.

And, let's look into tomorrow. Tomorrow, I see Israel continuing to make their part of the world better. Tomorrow, I see Palestinians continue to murder each other for power, murder Jews for racism, and murder anyone else nearby for the hell of it.
oh, and nightrain,
any more insinuations that Candian soldiers are warmongering, or enjoy killing, or anything remotely slanderous will draw unpleasant consequences, resulting in the formal warning process.

Soldiers hate war. Any soldier who has seen war or the effects of war, hates it. He hates what it does to a proud people. He hates what it does to the cities and fields. I have seen what war does. But, I serve my country's interests in foreign lands that those same effects never happen in my country. If we do not stop evil away from our borders, we will have to deal with it within our borders. And I do not want to see Canadian citizens living under those conditions.

We serve because we are not war-mongers. Any insinuation otherwise is slanderous.

that Candian soldiers
or even Canadian soldiers. ::)
It really is a rosy world out there if you don't take the blinders off.  This in from Asia:
11 May, 2006 
Seven men admit their role in the decapitation of Christian women in Poso
by Benteng Reges

Alleged terrorists in detention admit their role in the murder of three young women last year in Poso. Police is still looking for the mastermind.

Jakarta (AsiaNews) – Indonesian police announced yesterday that seven suspected Islamic terrorists have admitted that they took part in the decapitation of three young Christian women in Poso (Central Sulawesi) on October 29, 2005. The manhunt for Taufik Bulaga, alias Upik, who allegedly masterminded the crime, continues according to a law enforcement spokesman.

Central Sulawesi police chief Brigadier General Oegroseno said that two of the suspects also acknowledge ties to Noordin Top, regarded as a key leader of the al-Qaida-linked group Jemaah Islamiyah.

The anti-terror unit captured Taufik Bulaga last Monday downtown Poso, but he was able to flee thanks to an angry mob that attacked the police.

Police spokesman Anton Bachrul Alam said Bulaga is dangerous man, among the top of the most wanted criminals. He is a suspect in the murder of a soldier’s wife, Helmy Tobiling, in July 2004, and of the three young Christian women.

“We won’t give up. We shall continue the investigation until Bulaga is brought to justice,” Brigadier General Anton said.

Sulawesi remains the scene of periodic outbursts of violence. Between 1998 and 2001 it saw widespread sectarian clashes that left thousands dead.

So far only three Christians have been tried and sentenced to death as a result of that violence. They are scheduled to be executed in a few days.


The problem with al-Qaida is that it has links to other groups like Jemaah Islamiyah around the world.  Some of these groups are more fanatical than others.  Politics really mean nothing to them.

But, I serve my country's interests in foreign lands that those same effects never happen in my country. If we do not stop evil away from our borders, we will have to deal with it within our borders.

I have no problem with Smiting Evil...that's great. The problem is that  EVIL is not always black and white- it's a grey area. Allot of what I see going on today is people saying stuff like 'you're with me or against me'. It's just not that simple. The Palestinians are a product of  their environment. If I grow up in Palestine, there's a good chance my brother has been killed by the Israeli forces, or sent to a prison or what have you. If this had happened to your family you would want blood too. It's a vicious cycle that really can't ever end unless the Palestinians become as prosperous as their neighbors. In a sense, that 's the whole problem of terrorism. Haves and have nots. As members of a "have' society" and in typical conservative fashion, most people in wealthy nations believe that "anyone can pull themselves up by the bootstraps". That's simply not true- it goes against the laws of physics. Have you ever tried to pull yourself up by your bootstrap(whatever that is)? Liberals have come to terms with this and this is why they are labelled 'bleeding hearts". Conservatives prefer to live in a la la land where it's okay that there are others suffering for their "ribbons and bows " as Leonard Cohen would say. I just can't ignore the truth, I guess that's my problem.

As far as this relates to terrorism in Canada. I'm about as afraid of terrorists as I am of getting struck by lightning. Some people need to take of the skirts and stop being such fraidy cats. Oh no....the poor people are coming for us....RUN!

::)  You really don't get the point do you?  And I waited all this time for you to SpellCheck, just to read this.  ::)
It is always easier to blame Israel, "Imperialists", "Capitalists", the Men in Black etc. for what is going on than  to step back and see the problem for what it really is.

The Root Causetm of crime and terrorism is people who exercise the "will to power" and attempt to get what they want by force, rather than working through or creating a consensual community to achieve their goals.

Ultimately, the armed power of the State grantees our property, rights and freedoms from those who wish to take them from us by force. It is also our responsibility to closely observe the State and check excessive exercises of its Armed power directed against its own citizens (any law of regulation is enforceable by the Police, the agent of State power in internal matters. Nanny state regulations like smoking bans or plans to regulate the content of what we eat are examples of exercises of armed power against civil rights like free speech, free association and exercise of property rights ).
NightrainFXSTB said:
I have no problem with Smiting Evil...that's great.
well, we agree on something. Let's build on that. See that's what civilized folk do. Bad guys, now, they don't. They just use force to get their way.

The problem is that  EVIL is not always black and white- it's a grey area.
No, it isn't. If you are willing to place someone else's welfare above your own, you are Good. If you place your own above others' you are Evil. Selfless = Good. Selfish = Evil. Kindergarten children can grasp that. It takes years of ignoring reality to get confused.

Allot of what I see going on today is people saying stuff like 'you're with me or against me'. It's just not that simple.
You mean like people saying you will worship my god, under the rules I demand, or I'll blow up your children on a school bus? Yeah, that's a problem.

The Palestinians are a product of  their environment.
As are we all. Decent folks recognize that they may have to rise above their environment, and work to make it better. Bad folks just use that excuse to explain away their selfish actions.

If I grow up in Palestine, there's a good chance my brother has been killed by the Israeli forces, or sent to a prison or what have you.
There's also a good chance that he deserved it for, I don't know, participating in the murders of innocents.

If this had happened to your family you would want blood too.
Don't tell me what I would think or do. You don't know, and neither do I. But, if I had spent my entire infancy and childhood being told by my parents, religious leaders, and teachers that I should want to commit mass murder, then, it's extremely likely.

It's a vicious cycle that really can't ever end unless the Palestinians become as prosperous as their neighbors.
And they can only do that by changing their focus from being professional victims, and working to make their society functional. Instead, they choose to slaughter each other, and export murder. If they spent half the amount of effort into reconstruction that they do in destruction, the Palestinian authority would be miles ahead. But, then, they couldn't spend their days and nights gnawing on their victimhood like a dog with an old bone, could they?

In a sense, that 's the whole problem of terrorism. Haves and have nots.
ah, not so much. The problem of terrorism is bad people enforcing their will on others through violence, or the threat of same. Hence the name.

As members of a "have' society" and in typical conservative fashion, most people in wealthy nations believe that "anyone can pull themselves up by the bootstraps". That's simply not true- it goes against the laws of physics. Have you ever tried to pull yourself up by your bootstrap(whatever that is)?
nice attempt at humour, but you're mixing it up a bit, and it loses its' bite that way. But then, both economics and physics are dry subjects, to begin with, so good effort. Boot straps are flaps that used to be sewn on the tops of boots to pull them on with. They kind of looked like ears, dangling down, and got caught on stuff, so they were eventually sewn into lops on the top of boots. for an example, look at modern day "cowboy" boots.

And anyone can make themselves an economic success. If they choose to, and put forth sufficient effort. It takes ingenuity. About the same level of ingenuity as making IEDs.

Liberals have come to terms with this and this is why they are labelled 'bleeding hearts".
again, not so much. Liberals (in the modern sense) choose to propagate the Cult of the Victim. It goes so well with their bizarre self-flagellation for being born into a functioning society.

Conservatives prefer to live in a la la land where it's okay that there are others suffering for their "ribbons and bows " as Leonard Cohen would say.
No. Conservatives (again, in the modern sense) prefer to work towards making the world a better place through direct effort. They prefer to offer opportunities for others to help themselves with some assistance. Liberals (again, in the modern sense) prefer to reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator (except, naturally, themselves. Due to their inborn superiority, they are part of the priviliged few to whom all others must look for leadership, but not too closely as their corruption would become all too apparent.), by enforced, albeit arbitrary, rules.

I just can't ignore the truth, I guess that's my problem.
You just can't see the truth, that's your problem.

As far as this relates to terrorism in Canada. I'm about as afraid of terrorists as I am of getting struck by lightning.
good. We'll keep working to ensure you can maintain that state of blissful ignorance. You're welcome.

Some people need to take of the skirts and stop being such fraidy cats.
and others need to either help, or shut up and get out of the way.

Oh no....the poor people are coming for us....RUN!
I'm not scared of the poor. I work with them, and for them, quite often. What, exactly, have you done for them? YOU. Personally?
NightrainFXSTB said:
It's easy to kill people you don't know. That's the problem with us.

Well, if you like, I am sure there are many on here who'd pay a one-way ticket to a better place to live for ya? Maybe try Baghdad, Dili, or some other place, where if you say what you are saying on here, instead of copping some critisism, you'd be copping a beating or worse, a bullet, or both!

You whinge about us and our society, try doing that over there. You are another person who has taken his freedom and rights for granted as this was earned by others who died to keep it. Now a new generation are also enforing/maintaining what their forebearers have done.

So stop belly-aching, grow up, and get on with your life.
NightrainFXSTB said:
How far back do we wanna go here? should we give Europe back to Rome, Italy? It's all just so retarded.

You're feckin Eh right, it's reatarded.  The FACT is that Jews existed in the Middle East for several THOUSAND years before Mohammed was a bump in his mommies burka.  So, who are the interlopers in whos back yard.  Your proctologist called, he found your head...... ::)
Kat Stevens said:
You're feckin Eh right, it's reatarded.  The FACT is that Jews existed in the Middle East for several THOUSAND years before Mohammed was a bump in his mommies burka.  So, who are the interlopers in whos back yard.  Your proctologist called, he found your head...... ::)

I seem to remember a lot of people with the same opinion that "oh the terrorists will never be able to hit us" in the US prior to 9/11.  Let's hope that's not the wake-up call the Canadian public gets.  The fact is, none of us know how much work is going on "behind the scenes" so to speak, by our intelligence and security folks to avert just such a disaster.  Who's to know that numerous 9/11 type scenarios haven't already been foiled here in Canada. 
As we've seen in A'stan, Canada is no longer viewed as a "peaceful" nation so to speak, we're just as valid a target as any other country.  Of note, when we obtained Al Qaeda's list of the top 5 countries for targetting, it went like so:
1. US - Sept 11
2. UK - London bus bombings
3. Australia - Bali bombings
4. Spain - Madrid train bombings
5. Canada

I think that indeed we should be ever vigilant and weary in light of that.....but not live in fear.
As for some of the abstract opinions of some "enlightened" civvy types (not bashing all civvies of course), with such statements that "I'm more afraid of getting struck by lightning than being attacked by terrorists", we've all seen this before on these forums.  Its quite easy to form such an opinion when you're not standing on the frontlines, and your biggest day-to-day fear is whether you have enough Easy Mac for lunch, vice whether your LUVW is going to run over an IED.
Just my $0.02
Good post Ex fusilier,

I too believe it is a matter of when, and not if, Canada will be attacked, and I think it will be quite the wakeup call when it does happen.

I also happen to believe that our responses will be tempered by a large portion of the population that will adhere to some ridiculous idea that we "brought it on ourselves" through globalisation/participating in the war on terror/oppressing muslims/pick your cause.

These people will immediately state that our dead citizens are our own fault, we did'nt do enough peacekeeping, send enough aid etc.

I think that Nightrain will be among these left wing omni-apologists, who we will need the strength to first counter, then discredit and marginalise in order to create a solid national response.