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Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

A bad idea to let them have access to social media:

Yahoo News

The Latest: Spain arrests 2 inmates suspected of spreading Islamic State propaganda
By The Associated Press | The Canadian Press – 12 minutes ago

PARIS - The latest developments regarding the fight against the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq: All times local:

4:30 p.m.

Spain's Interior Ministry says police have arrested two inmates on suspicion that they used their prison leave to spread propaganda for the Islamic State group.

A ministry statement said a 24-year-old Moroccan was arrested Friday while on leave from Martutene prison in the northern city of San Sebastian. A 32-year-old Spaniard was arrested in the prison. The ministry said the two are serving sentences for common crimes.

The statement said they held meetings with people outside the prison at which they showed video recordings of IS executions and attacks and praised the group's actions. One of the inmates posted a video on social networks showing him burning his passport.

ISIS in America

06 Dec 2015
The Telegraph UK


"Tube station 'machete' attack"

"Police are treating the incident, which happened around 7pm, as a suspected terrorist attack after the man was heard shouting “this is for Syria” before slashing at commuters."
How Western "media" was cowed by the Islamists. So long as they continue to spin "narratives" and hide real news items like this, the population will not have a clear understanding of the threat we face:


The video of revelers cheering 9/11 that no one got to see
By Harry Litman December 3, 2015 | 8:45pm
Modal Trigger The video of revelers cheering 9/11 that no one got to see
A flag marks the name of a loved one at the 9/11 Memorial North Pool. Photo: AP

If Donald Trump believes he saw videos of revelers celebrating after the Sept. 11 attacks that in fact never were broadcast, he’s in large company. Many of us believe we recall seeing similar footage of Palestinians living in the West Bank exulting in the wake of the attacks.

But implausible as it sounds, those recollections are faulty, and the actual footage has never been seen, because a major US news organization has kept it under wraps for the last 14 years.

Here are the facts, all of which are matters of public record. On the afternoon of Sept. 11, 2001, thousands of jubilant Palestinians took to the streets, chanting “God is great,” firing automatic weapons and handing out sweets to passers-by. The largest demonstration took place in Nablus in the West Bank, where some 3,000 marchers danced and cheered as guerrillas fired assault rifles and grenades into the air.

Many journalists were on the scene, but they were forcibly detained in a hotel by armed Palestinian security forces to prevent coverage of the rally. One cameraman — a freelance AP reporter — nevertheless managed to film some of the celebration.

The next day, members of Tanzim, the military arm of Fatah, physically threatened the cameraman and warned AP not to air the material. A cabinet secretary for the Palestinian government told the Associated Press that the government could not “guarantee the life” of the cameraman if the film were broadcast.

The Palestinian information minister explained to the Washington Post that the coercive tactics “were not against the freedom of the press but in order to ensure our national security and our national interest. We will not permit a few kids here or there to smear the real face of the Palestinians.”

The threat worked. After initially declining to confirm the incident, the AP bureau chief in Jerusalem acknowledged the intimidation and the news organization’s capitulation to it. On Sept. 14, 2001, the news organization made known that “in light of the danger,” it wouldn’t release the video for world broadcast because “the safety of our staff is paramount. At this point we believe there to be a serious threat to our staff if the video is released.”

Fourteen years later, the historic footage from 9/11 remains inaccessible to public view.

But wait a minute. Wasn’t video of the West Bank celebrations transmitted around the world? In fact, the footage that many people remember consisted of a few still shots and brief clips of other, far smaller rallies in Lebanon and East Jerusalem. In contrast to the riotous celebrations in Nablus and elsewhere, these were possible to explain away as the repugnant response of “a few kids here or there.”

The suppressed video isn’t simply a historical artifact. The episode contains current lessons for the reliability of reporting from the Middle East, where the propaganda war can be every bit as intense and ruthless as ground combat. And the passionate anti-Western views it puts on vivid display appear to remain in full force.

A recent examination of more than 300 public-opinion polls among Palestinians revealed widely held views about terrorist attacks on Israel and the West that would be stunning even among Israel’s fiercest critics in the United States. A majority of respondents were unwilling to describe the 9/11 attacks — or, for that matter, the Madrid train explosions in 2004 and the London underground explosions in 2005 — as “terrorism.”

Fifty-nine percent responded that suicide bombings were often or sometimes justified. A similar percentage agreed with the statement “US involvement in the region justifies armed operations against the US everywhere.”

The continued suppression of the footage from 9/11 is a blot on the free press that, 14 years after the events, should long since have been removed. It was discreditable in the first instance for the AP to have capitulated to the shakedown, but whatever exigency it could point to in 2001 cannot justify a permanent gap in the documentary account of the worst domestic attack in US history.

These searing images belong in the public record, not in the closed video vault of a cowed news agency.

Harry Litman, the former US attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvnia, is a lawyer and teacher.
Shut down All Wahabbi Mosques. Its this disgusting barbaric sect of Islam that taints it for the rest of the 1.4 billion
Nice Thuc., but totally irrelevant.

That article has more to do with vindicating Trump (even though it fails in the end) than the threat of  Terrorism in the West.

It teaches us nothing. BTW, were there wild celebrations in many Muslim countries after 9/11? Yes, we all saw them on our TV's (maybe not in the US but definitely here), and it was mostly in those countries that uphold the Wahhabi interpretation of Islam.

But Trump's point was that he personally saw "thousands and thousands" of Muslim in the United States celebrating in the streets after 9/11. And that is pure BS. Were there American Muslims who were happy at the razing of the Twin Towers? Probably, but they did not manifest their happiness in public, nor were there any news report showing it. In fact, I don't think that any Muslim happy with 9/11 living in the United States would have been stupid enough to go out on the street and celebrate: They likely would have been shot on the spot for "treason" by their fellow Americans (and for good cause in my opinion).

This type of sect is a branch of Sunni, taking the original sect and pushing it to the extreme, either you believe in what our way is or die. Taking out the funding should be the main concern if it already isn't

edit- and to the brother above I come from a Muslim family and remember to this day how shocked and heart broken my parents were
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Nice Thuc., but totally irrelevant.

That article has more to do with vindicating Trump (even though it fails in the end) than the threat of  Terrorism in the West.

It teaches us nothing. BTW, were there wild celebrations in many Muslim countries after 9/11? Yes, we all saw them on our TV's (maybe not in the US but definitely here), and it was mostly in those countries that uphold the Wahhabi interpretation of Islam.

But Trump's point was that he personally saw "thousands and thousands" of Muslim in the United States celebrating in the streets after 9/11. And that is pure BS. Were there American Muslims who were happy at the razing of the Twin Towers? Probably, but they did not manifest their happiness in public, nor were there any news report showing it. In fact, I don't think that any Muslim happy with 9/11 living in the United States would have been stupid enough to go out on the street and celebrate: They likely would have been shot on the spot for "treason" by their fellow Americans (and for good cause in my opinion).

My wife once tried to explain to me about all the baying crowds you see in some of the news footage, hooting and hollering about this and that for the cameras.  She said, that they're mostly uneducated pesants who don't really know and better and only know what they are led to believe by the sting pullers higher up and I shouldn't really be pissed at them as they don't really have a clue.  It's the men behind curtains that the anger should be directed at.

For those moderates here in the west, I can only imagine their dread at seeing what has come to pass in Paris and California and waiting for the backlash.  I'm sure there are some who do approve of what's happened, but they'd be suicidal to be out in the streets dancing about it.  Much like some Iraqi expats who were initially cheering on Saddam when he invaded Kuwait in 90.  They quickly STFU and went back into the woodwork when there was public reaction to their approvals.
Sk94 said:
Shut down All Wahabbi Mosques. Its this disgusting barbaric sect of Islam that taints it for the rest of the 1.4 billion

Along those lines...but how do you shut down the ones in places like Pakistan?


Remius said:
You could have said Space Marines.  Neither is likely to happen.

Not yet.

Someday, someone, somewhere will grow a great big set and say "Fuck public opinion, allies concerns and collateral damage. Give me that football."
recceguy said:
Not yet.

Someday, someone, somewhere will grow a great big set and say "frig public opinion, allies concerns and collateral damage. Give me that football."

I wish.  I posited once to some friends that the US should have dropped a tac nuke on the taliban after 911. It would have sent a strong message not to eff with the US.  France should have dropped something on Raqqa. 
A Canadian connection in the recent San Bernardino massacre?

Canadian Press

Canadian school concerned about being linked to California shooter
The Canadian PressBy Diana Mehta

ORONTO - The Canadian branch of an Islamic foundation distanced itself Monday from the woman who carried out last week's mass shooting in California following reports she had attended one of the group's schools in Pakistan.

The Al Huda Institute Canada condemned the attack by Tashfeen Malik and her husband — which left 14 people dead and 21 wounded — and expressed concerns about a possible backlash against the foundation, which has been criticized for teaching a particularly conservative strain of Islam.

"Religious conservatism is one thing. You have people who are conservative in all faiths," said Imran Haq, the institute's operations manager. "Extremism is something completely separate and there is absolutely no strain of that here."

On Monday evening CBC's The National reported that four young women who went to the Al Huda school near Toronto left to support ISIL in Syria, or tried to.

Remius said:
Along those lines...but how do you shut down the ones in places like Pakistan?


I wish I had an answer to that question. The most I'm willing to do is protect our soil and people
The French authorities are making disturbing finds. This can only lead to more backlash against Islamic migrants in general, and the assimilated Islamic enclaves in France in particular:


While we fight over Trump, France closes 3 mosques, finds hundreds of weapons
posted at 2:41 pm on December 9, 2015 by Jazz Shaw

The French have adopted what is clearly a no-nonsense attitude toward radical Islamist terrorism since the Paris attacks and they’re not taking their foot off the gas. As the United States continues to debate over “tone” and how to balance religious liberty and tolerance against domestic security, Francois Hollande’s forces have “cut a few corners” on those subjects and just begun shutting down mosques. At least three of the Muslim houses of worship have been closed already and law enforcement has found a trove of disturbing items among the haul. (Speisa)

Police investigating the Paris terror attacks have shut down three mosques in a series of raids to close the net on Islamic extremists, the Express reports.

Police in France also arrested the owner of a revolver found during Wednesday’s raid, France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said.

Security officials found jihadist documents at the mosque where yesterday’s raids took place.

They have placed nine people under house arrest. Another 22 have been banned from leaving the country Mr Cazeneuve said.

In additon to the mosques, the French have kicked in the doors on 2,235 homes and taken 232 people into custody or placed them on house arrest. More than three hundred weapons were discovered at the mosques. Tom Porter at the International Business Times reports that the trove included 7.62mm ammunition, Kalashnikov rifles and terrorist propaganda videos. And they’re only just getting started. (See edit below)

Hassan El Alaoui, one of France’s chief imams, told Al Jazeera that French authorities were likely to close down more than 100 mosques in the wake of the Paris attacks.

“According to official figures and our discussions with the interior ministry, between 100 and 160 more mosques will be closed because they are run illegally without proper licences, they preach hatred, or use takfiri speech,” he said.

Takfiris are those who accuse fellow Muslims who do not share their hard-line interpretation of the faith of apostasy, and is often used as a pejorative term.

Reports like this likely present a rather awkward challenge for observers in America who are used to a large number of rights which the government isn’t supposed to violate. It’s easy to cheer for the French rooting out that many terrorists and their supporters and removing their ability to launch attacks, but the methods being employed will probably give many Americans pause. First of all, simply having a weapon of any sort is tantamount to a conviction there, so the idea of badgering “law abiding gun owners” is sort of an unknown concept in Paris. And with our First Amendment rights, the idea of armed, uniformed men kicking in the doors of churches of any type and hauling the congregants out to a wagon makes us recoil.

But now even some of their own Imams are estimating that more than 150 more mosques may be closed. France really isn’t all that big… how many mosques do they have? To be fair to the French, though, what else are they supposed to do? They’re physically much closer to the home turf of several terrorists groups and thanks to the EU’s open border policies it’s far easier for the bad guys to move around. They’re dealing with an infestation and it needs to be stamped out. The methods probably appear harsh, but they’re doing what they need to do in order to survive.

Exit question: how will all of Europe’s leaders who screamed about Donald Trump suggesting a temporary ban on Muslim immigration react to this news?

EDIT: Original post incorrectly implied that all the weapons were found in a mosque. The total figure included raids on multiple sites.

Thucydides said:
The French authorities are making disturbing finds. This can only lead to more backlash against Islamic migrants in general, and the assimilated Islamic enclaves in France in particular: :gottree:


Quite honestly, I'm surprised someone hasn't retaliated by shooting up a Mosque, or going after Muslims.  It may yet come to that.

Reports do surface in the blogosphere about incidents which are not reported in the mainstream press. A mosque in the UK was torched, and across Europe, many refugee reception centers seem to spontaneously combust shortly after the government announces the gym, hanger, warehouse etc, has been identified as a reception or housing center. If you imagine Valcatier or CFB Kingston going up in flames hours after the government announced they could be used as refugee housing then you would get the idea. And of course there is a multinational force assembled on the Hungarian border (Polish, Slovakian, Romanian and Hungarian police and military personnel are involved).

So conditions are heating up, and of course nativist and national socialist parties in Europe are gaining a lot of electoral traction becasue of themigrant issue as well.
Thucydides said:
.... If you imagine Valcatier or CFB Kingston going up in flames hours after the government announced they could be used as refugee housing then you would get the idea ....
I still can't imagine because I'm still trusting both Canadians and security measures in place at these two military bases.