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Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

Word yesterday to us was that messages SHOULD be cut this week. There will be a few go out next week. Check with your Orderly Rooms and ensure that they check with the message centres. Most (if not all) offers will be time sensitive with a very quick response time due to courses starting very quickly in May (have fun all you going to CFLRS).

Still waiting for mine. What do you guys think your chances are? Patrolman, where did you get your info from, CFRG directly?

Which info are you referring to exactly? Most of the info I have gotten was from the original message, which I have read 100 times(or so it seems).
Sorry Patrolman my post should have been directed towards Wookilar not you. I was just wondering how he/she got the information about the messages getting cut.
From CFRG through my CoC. I have not spoken to them directly, but my chain keeps me informed as well as possible as I am involved with the new intakes coming to RMC under the UTPNCM program.

Do you guys know if any messages got cut this week, cause I didn't get one and I am starting to wonder if maybe I wasn't selected.
Can't tell you brother, I didn't get one (nor did the other 2 guys from my unit) or another guy I know at the school so who knows really, and I'm on leave this week, gotta love it
My P1 called the career manager today and he said that he finds out when we find out, I got the impression that he hasn't received any and he is expecting some. As I stated in an earlier post that I have only seen one and I have other friends that haven't seen any. Rumour has it that CFRG is very behind, so I wouldn't be surprised if they came in next week. As everyone here knows if its not late, it wasn't done by the military. Just look at the pay raises/pld to site one example. Let's all stay positive, and let everyone know if someone (please) gets an offer.

If I get an offer the first thing I will do is go outside and scream lol.. then the second thing I will do is let all you people know. I am sure you will do the exact same thing. What units are you guys from?
Canadian Forces Fleet School Esquimalt, Communication Training Centre. I am an QL3 Instructor.You Avro Arrow, Disinchanted, I already know you
Me.... Network Servies NCO Base Information Services Esquimalt

Recruiting behind no ........   I'm shocked that someone would say that.........

OK BS aside we all needed a little chuckle

Would be awesome if we can all meet in St-Jean this spring and celebrate over a libation or two!!
Two are you kidding, I've got five finger on one hand and that should keep us for a little. It would be great to get out and do that. All we need to the f&^$#g Msg first. and when you get yours don't go out to shout too much, you lung's might freeze.
I am an Instructor at CFB Gagetown. I teach PLQ's SQ's and if I don't get a message soon, I will be teaching BMQ's starting in May.
if I don't get a msg, I will teach another ql3 then another ql3 then another ql3, I think I want to go back to sea!!!!
HalfmyLife no worries about my lungs freezing... it got up to -4 today!! Been a COLD winter especially coming from my last posting in southern Ontario.