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Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

No news as of yet. I am hoping for some info soon. Get this! There is a possibility I may be on a DP3A in a couple of weeks. If I don't get the CEOTP then at least maybe some people have started to take a little more interest in my career.
I have been reading your post's and all posts WRT CEOTP with great interest, like you I filed early (late November for myself) and my COC didn't really jump on the band wagon. My file didn't leave esquimalt until the day before the deadline, and now I consider my self lucky. I still haven't received an offer as of yet and I am keeping an eye out, I was able to find out how many ceotp's per trade though when I was looking at the CFRG Web site and they haven't filled most of the spots as of the 8th of March. I am also leaning to the belief that if I do not get an offer by the end of next week I will be pretty much out of luck.
My COC was great and really helped me out, especially dealing with some of the politics and personalities here in the North. I did my selection interview and aircrew medical in Edmonton and they were fantastic!!

As of now, this is 3 people I know didn't receive an offer this week. But Thurs was the first day members of the reg force who applied for CEOTP could have received offers. This week was spring break in southern Ontario so I'd a good portion of the CFRG staff are most likely on holidays. Lets keep each other posted if we hear anything. The waiting game is tough though, it's only the rest of my career!! We must stay positive though! But like you I heard they didn't fill all of the positions. For pilot, (my first choice) over half of the people get disqualified medically from the start so that can only help my chances. As for PAO, I am very qualified as I have a 2 year college diploma in PR/Communications, civilian work experience and a good chunk of the degree finished but there is only 1 position available and the competition will be fierce.

Just so you know:

CFRG is behind in almost every selection process. There were some manning issues in Borden and we have been told that they are about 6-weeks behind their usual schedule. We should have received the UT notification messages in the first week of March and as far as we know the selection process is not done yet. This is for a program that will be sending people on course after the long weekend in May and posted 1 Aug.

I can just imagine what the other, not so time constrained, selection processes are like.

Send me a pm if you need/want more info.

According to the original message things really can't get much more time constraining than the CEOTP for NCM's. Posting messages are supposed to be in for 31 March. That is pretty tight if you ask me. I am still waiting!
well I have to tell you guys that I do not feel as bad as I did when I left work without any new information, I was starting to think that I wasn't going to get anything. Everybody I talked to said this week and we are only going into Tuesday. Good luck everyone
Hey Guys I spoke to a buddy of mine tonight, a Captain at a recruiting centre and he said that he'd be very surprised if we didn't hear anything by the end of this week. Somethings gotta give!
The SIP posted on the CFRG (intranet) site has an explosion in the active offers column; this bodes well for all those awaiting an offer...

Patience is a virtue
A SIP is a strategic intake plan, and it is what is used to forecast and track the intake of personnel. For you specifically Avro, going pilot 1st choice there have been three additional "current offers" since 8 Mar 07, this was updated on 19 Mar 07.

Now the question is "Where are those messages?"
there was no change in the active offers from 8 Mar to 19 Mar for PAO or ANAV, which I believe was your other choice.

Here is the DIN link if you want to check it out.


it's the intake table

just remember the offers are for all entry plans...
I noticed that the sip did "explode" and then they reverted back to the 8th of March document. The only reason I found this out was a buddy of mine checked it and then saved it and sent me an offer. Who know's maybe tomorrow for those of us that make it, maybe I see you at BOTP (Bunch of Old Training Problems), I wonder what the median age will be for the CEOTP's.
Yeah BOTP would be a pain in the rear but I am sure it will be a fun experience at the same time. I'm 30, in excellent physical conditioning (exempt PT) and have layed that game before so it would be all good. Just have to wait for the messages... waiting... still waiting.

Any offers today?
I saw an offer come through today for someone else, direct transfer under the plan. There should be more offers coming through. if one is out there must be more coming.