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Infantry or Vehicle Tech? What to do...


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I'm on standby for BMQ. My application was for Vehicle Tech, upon doing my interview I had a change of heart... Been a mechanic for so long, don't know if I enjoy it as much as my brother. We are born into the trade, grandfather, to my dad and now us kids.
We discussed this and I was interviewed for both Infantry Soldier and Vehicle Tech..
Deep down I feel Infantry would be my place, but I also want to go where the Army feels I am more an asset.
Do I have time to choose? Will they choose for me based on the interview?
I am looking for some advice from some people involved in either occupation, or just someone with wisdom.
I'm no veh tech, but have been in EME (Electrical Mechanical Engineers) for 18+ years. EME is comprised of EO, Wpns, Mat and Veh Techs.
Do you have your mechanics papers? Did they offer you some sort of bypass or signing bonus?
If you have your papers I would definitely inquire into this for the veh tech trade. This could help you to bypass some of the technical training and start off as a Cpl. IF you are going to the Infantry side right off the street, you will more than likely start off at the very bottom. If you are switched on, ambitous and self motivated both trades have their bonuses and rewards.
I would recommend going straight to veh tech, especially if you enjoy bending wrenches. As EME  we are still expected to be soldiers first, tradespeople second especially now that we fall directly under control of the Army (much like the combat arms trades but not exactly). We convoy, patrol and fight as well as keep the equipment running so that the "pointy ended ones" can do their job.
Whether infantry or veh tech is up to you, and you can apply to OT (occupational transfer) to veh tech later on.
combatbuddha said:
Whether infantry or veh tech is up to you, and you can apply to OT (occupational transfer) to veh tech later on.

Just be advised it is not always that easy to OT out of Infantry, as each Regiment is only allowed so many a year.
My opinion,if you are joining the Army because the idea of being
a soldier is what interests you then go infantry.On what do I base
my opinion?,26 yrs. of service in RCEME.I joined in Jan.58 with
the intent of being a tanker however the recruiter had other ideas,
he saw that I had finished grade 11,not all that common in those days,
and saw me as the filler for his vacancy for a Veh.tech.A couple
of months latter,after basic,a smooth talking Leutenant from the
Trg. wing at the RCEME School appealed to my vanity and I found
myself as a trainee Instrument tech..My first posting was to a Field
Wksp.and I found it quite interesting,most of the Snr.Ncos. were
WW2 vets and perscribed to the,soldier first,theory and as this unit
was a trg. unit we did no production and did not have the work
backlog hanging over our heads allowing us to devote a lot of time
to military trg.However sometime later I spent time in a Base Wksp.
a very 9to5 operation where exhibiting soldierly qualities could be
damaging to your career, you could be labelled" Gung Ho" and be
shunned by your peers it was also terribly boring doing the same
thing week in week out.It was then that I decided that this was not
what I had joined the Army for and tried to transfer out of the trade
however this was not possible as the trade was shorthanded and
transfers were not considered.
    The situation deteriorated further with unification and the
formation of the Service Bns.,Ncos who had spent their careers
on air bases in base transport or base comms trying to run sub
units,no military knowledge or leadership skills. I served under
a Mwo. who thought that an appropriate reaction to an attack on
our unit was to lock himself in his office van,I bought his lack of
leadership ability to his attention on several occasions,he made Chief
I stayed Sgt.Our military trg. in Svc.Bn.was reduced to statistics,X
number of soldiers fired X number of rounds,threw X number of
grenades etc. etc.,nobody cared if anyone hit anything, I found the whole
situation very depressing an after 26 years I packed it in,still a Sgt..
    The point of all this,make up your mind what you are joining the
Army for because if you are already not very interested in being a
mechanic, after 20 years you are really going to be fed up with it.
Your chances of getting a tranfer from the Infantry if you find it not
to your liking will always be better than from one of the purple
PS My spellcheck button has dissapeared so please excuse spelling.
You are standby for a BMQ? Are you going Ref F or Reserves? If you get an offer for Reg F the CFRC will not give you a choice. Offers only come in one occupation. If you are going P Res then go with your heart go Infantry, more fun and it will give you lots of challenges. If Reg F take a hard look at both. Veh Techs work very  hard, get deployed a lot and for the most part are not bored. The Army has lots of vintage equipment and specialized kit around that needs someone smart to fix it. It will be challenging no matter what path you choose. Good luck. 
First, I'd like to say I am glad I joined this site... It's really helpful to get a range of answers on an issue, I've asked this question all through the app. process, even up to the interview, as I said, and haven't got some of these replies.
I am signed up for REG Force, not looking for part-time, this is my career choice, and many years to go!
See, the reason I signed up innitially for Veh. Tech., the recruiter... I don't have the Civilian ticket for the trade. just a few yrs. college basic auto and second yr., been apprenticing forever with my dad...all through HS...and I guess theres a good reason I never acquired my trade ticket yet (mostly a wrong choice in a girl!). I feel my brother was under dad's wing first and I always wanted something else, locked in 4 walls all day with old guys and their wives that cannot understand why this costs so much... people hate having to see mechanics, because it means they'll have to pay! Frustrating to be in a thank-less occupation, my brother now hates it! He's been at it for many more years than I.
The Recruiter told me of the advancement opp. and pay increase for entry, but if I don't want it now, will the Army aspect of mechanics re-ignite my interest in fixing equipment all day? I'm very capable and I enjoy it, to a degree...
When I think of Infantry, there are no feelings of apprehension... well, maybe two fears I have to conquer...1)Jumping from a plane
2)showering with other men... ha!
No worries...
But no research I have done on the duties and lifestyle of Infantry Soldier have deteriorated my excitement and interest.
At this point I come up with all these reasons I wouldnt enjoy Veh. Tech., and none about Infantry. I don't anticipate the long school hours, I do want something challenging and new... This has been the breaker, do I go with what I already know about and hope for the best? I know the mechanics involved in the military are beyond that of civilian. Or do I go with Infantry for a new challenge, new learning experience and a chance to fight alongside the best, and be the best?
One reply has stated OT from Infantry is more difficult, another has said the trades are more a chellenge... I know if I dont choose, they will, and I am fine with that, wherever I am more an asset, I make the best!
I was told the chance to make up my mind still exists, I know not for long, I expect a call this week!
I appreciate all thoughts and reccomendations, as I started to say.
You say that you "are on stand-by for BMQ". To me, that indicates that you have already been enrolled in a specific trade in the CF and that you are waiting for your course to start in St. Jean. If that is not the case, you may or may not receive a call offering you a job offer as a Vehicle Tech or an Infantryman. Depends on CFAT score, interview score, medical results, credit/criminal record/name check results and ultimately, the needs of the service. If you have your heart set on being in the infantry, you should call your point of contact at the recruiting centre and tell them of your decision. That way it may save them the time and effort of generating an offer for Veh Tech that you will refuse. Whatever you decide, good luck with your application process.
i've completed all the testing, medical and interview. Currently the process is halted as we wait for the feds to send back the record check... which I know is clean. So with that, I say I'm on standby. I called my File coordinator, everything confirms I have been accepted. Just waiting on the gov't...
So I guess what you're saying is, they will look at my testing and the interviews for either occ., and the offer of one will be the call I get?
MaGnuS said:
i've completed all the testing, medical and interview. Currently the process is halted as we wait for the feds to send back the record check... which I know is clean. So with that, I say I'm on standby. I called my File coordinator, everything confirms I have been accepted. Just waiting on the gov't...
So I guess what you're saying is, they will look at my testing and the interviews for either occ., and the offer of one will be the call I get?
Correct, if you pass all of the hurdles the Production Staff will look at the choices that you have applied for, the scoring that you have received for each trade and which of your trades is in the greatest need for new members. They will try and put the round peg in the round hole, so to speak. However, if one of your trade choices is in distress (i.e. it's the flavour of the month), you will probably receive an offer for that trade. Record checks don't take too long unless something requires that you report back for finger printing. Good luck and let us know the outcome.
Hi guys,

I am pretty much in the same boat.  I have always wanted to go Infantry but looking at long term career I am appling for AVN tech.  For the last 2 weeks I have been wondering if I have made the right choice or if I should still go for Infantry.

I am very happy I found this post and thank you everyone for your comments.
From a Gunner's POV who has his ticket in Heavy Equipment Repair(diesel mechanic). Plan for your future first. If you plan to do 20yrs and out, are still young enough to find employment. Then keeping up to date in your trade will be a bonus. Veh.Tech. is not a boring trade if you are with a field unit.

Civilian mechanics are no different as you may well know. You have good days and bad. I happen to love working outdoors, which I got from being in a field unit.

Stay with what you are good at, you may not like being a Infantry soldier. But you may like being an Infantry Veh. Tech.

Good Luck with whatever you decide.

Become a Veh Tech and ask to get posted to a service battalion.According to a few Friend's ranting they like to pretend they are infantry from time to time. ;)