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Improved Combat Uniform

Bzzliteyr said:
Actually, the pant blousing (aside from MP uniforms) is in no dress reg I have read...

"Trousers, black, with side cargo pockets,
worn straight leg style and not bloused."

Ack,  my mistake,  I always thought it was in the dress regs.

Bzzliteyr said:
Actually, the pant blousing (aside from MP uniforms) is in no dress reg I have read...

"Trousers, black, with side cargo pockets,
worn straight leg style and not bloused."

They actually tried blousing them in 2010.... thankfully the 'trial' didn't go very well... we all looked ridiculous...
Ah, but uniformity of uniform can also be your friend.

When I was a naval cadet, we were always one platoon of A company whenever fleet school held its Friday parade.

One week, we all switched our berets to have our badge over the right eye. The inspecting officer went right by without taking any notice of deficiency in our ranks.

He then proceeded to 2 platoon and  immediately rounded on the first seaman for wearing his cap badge on the wrong side ...

The one hour of extra drill was actually worth it. :)
Thats to bad I wish the MPs bloused, I think it looks sharp!

bout the ICU, i'm not bothering to ask any questions, just waiting out until they are issued, same with brown boots, which I have heard on good authority are already being issued.
-Skeletor- said:
Ack,  my mistake,  I always thought it was in the dress regs.

To the best of my knowledge, the blousing of combat trousers has never actually made it into written orders -- which is perhaps the reason why we have to buy our boot bands at CANEX. And that means that those boot bands are non-issued kit!
MrBlue said:
Thats to bad I wish the MPs bloused, I think it looks sharp!

bout the ICU, i'm not bothering to ask any questions, just waiting out until they are issued, same with brown boots, which I have heard on good authority are already being issued.

Brown boots are still an interm boot AFAIK....they fall apart too easy while in garrison.
MPMick said:
They actually tried blousing them in 2010.... thankfully the 'trial' didn't go very well... we all looked ridiculous...
(un?)Fortunately, that indignity was provided to only a select few bases.

MrBlue said:
Thats to bad I wish the MPs bloused, I think it looks sharp!
If the pants are designed to be bloused, or at least made with a fabric which is flexible, it can look good. When the pants aren't, such as the current MPOPD pants, you look like a bag of poo.
NFLD Sapper said:
Brown boots are still an interm boot AFAIK....they fall apart too easy while in garrison.

They're Boulet... what did you expect?

MrBlue said:
Thats to bad I wish the MPs bloused, I think it looks sharp!

bout the ICU, i'm not bothering to ask any questions, just waiting out until they are issued, same with brown boots, which I have heard on good authority are already being issued.

Negative, it looked dumb.  The OPD pants, (which are the old style NCD pants) are far too baggy to blouse... as well, it looked far too "military". Being "Military" Police you would think that wouldn't necessarily be a concern, however a lot of our dealings, especially during traffic stops, are with civilians. It was not uncommon to hear how our look changed from Police to Gestapo. When trying to portray a professional police image, something as small as the bloused pants can come off aggressive, and needlessly escalate a situation.

That was the 'official' answer given on feedback... but the reality of it was, it just looked stupid. The trial was supposed to last a year; it lasted about a month at the CFMPA, and not much longer at other bases.
garb811 said:
(un?)Fortunately, that indignity was provided to only a select few bases.
If the pants are designed to be bloused, or at least made with a fabric which is flexible, it can look good. When the pants aren't, such as the current MPOPD pants, you look like a bag of poo.

Consider yourself lucky Garb.  Many members did not even do it, because indeed... it looked like poo.
It looks like a few guy in my regiment have been issued the new "operational style" TW tunic. As others have pointed out, this is essentially a TW version of the later gen CADPAT arid tunic (as far as I know, those first showed up late 2009). In the cases of both troops, these are brand-new, out of the bag garments. I'm not sure if this is an iterim while they bring in the E/ICU or something that started at the same time as the AR tunic and is now finally trickling in to the system.
I haven't seen any of the newer style shirts out west (Edmonton). From the majority of the posters on the forum and from Facebook stalking, I've noticed the majority of the issued newer shirts as well as the brown boots are being issued out east at the time being.
Has anyone else noticed the HUGE flags we get to wear on the ICU.  They are about the same size as the American flags on their ACU's
MPMick said:
I haven't seen any of the newer style shirts out west (Edmonton). From the majority of the posters on the forum and from Facebook stalking, I've noticed the majority of the issued newer shirts as well as the brown boots are being issued out east at the time being.

I'm curious as to where our supply is coming from, as ASU Chilliwack is closing and at some point we'll be drawing kit from Edmonton (if we aren't already). So the shirts are somewhere out here.
CanadianTire said:
I'm curious as to where our supply is coming from, as ASU Chilliwack is closing and at some point we'll be drawing kit from Edmonton (if we aren't already). So the shirts are somewhere out here.

Nope.  You will be drawing your kit from 39 Svc Bn.
PPCLI Guy said:
Nope.  You will be drawing your kit from 39 Svc Bn.

Physically yes, the recruits will be getting it from 39 Svc Bn, but as I understood it all stock is shipped to there from stores in Edmonton. We've been warned to expect up to a month for exchanges.
CanadianTire said:
Physically yes, the recruits will be getting it from 39 Svc Bn, but as I understood it all stock is shipped to there from stores in Edmonton. We've been warned to expect up to a month for exchanges.

Hmm.  That was not the plan last time I heard.  Let me do some digging.
NFLD Sapper said:
Brown boots are still an interm boot AFAIK....they fall apart too easy while in garrison.

We've got a set here that have known their owner for 5 months. 2 X WUs and 2 X BFTs ... and they are trashed.

CanadianTire said:
Physically yes, the recruits will be getting it from 39 Svc Bn, but as I understood it all stock is shipped to there from stores in Edmonton. We've been warned to expect up to a month for exchanges.

7 CFSD Edmonton ... the Depot, not base clothing stores.
ArmyVern said:
We've got a set here that have known their owner for 5 months. 2 X WUs and 2 X BFTs ... and they are trashed.

And I have seen them fall apart in as little as 2 weeks garrison use.....

Another product brought to you by the lowest bidder.....