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I am going to college or university,what major 's so demened in the force?


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I have some knowledge with computer programming, but they don't really need it in the army,

From I heard, they need Electrical Engineering a lot.

is there any major related to my background knowledge, and still hot in army?

thank you

There are no "Major's" offered by Canadian Universities or Colleges demeaned by the CF.  However, a Degree in Basket Weaving from a foreign university may be demeaned.

There are Trades in the CF that would be open to a person with a Degree or Diploma in Computer Sciences.  There are other Trades that would highly value the courses required to achieve those certifications.  The question lies in what do you really want to do with them, or with your life (as that doesn't necessarily have to match what your schooling may have been)?
raid168 said:
I have some knowledge with computer programming, but they don't really need it in the army

Im curious as to why you might think that - was it something someone told you?
If you are looking at joining the forces after school, then there are two pieces of advice I wish I'd had:

1.  Ask about the ROTP career part at your recruiting centre.  They will pay for your school and a salary.

2.  If that route is not open, go to University instead of College.  Even if it's costs more, the CF will pay you far more money having a degree than a diploma (which to them is the same as having nothing).  Plus, while it may seem far away now, you'll make Major far faster with a degree than not, so over the course of your career you'll probably make $100,000+ more having a degree.
raid168 said:
I have some knowledge with computer programming, but they don't really need it in the army,

A good friend of mine has  a college diploma in Programing and a BA in English. He is currently in training to become an Artillery Officer.

If the ROTP route is not open, take a look at joining the reserves while you are in school. It's a great way for you to make some money while in school, will give you  a good understanding of what you want to do in the CF once you graduate and will greatly accelerate your career. You'll also be building time towards your pension! 

The other aspect to consider is what you want to do in the CF. If you want to be an officer you will need a degree at some point. If you want to be an NCM then a degree or a diploma is an asset although not necessarily required depending on the trade you want. There are a ton of threads on the difference between what officers and NCM's do in the CF if you want more information on this.

Best of luck.
Petamocto said:
2.  If that route is not open, go to University instead of College.  Even if it's costs more, the CF will pay you far more money having a degree than a diploma (which to them is the same as having nothing).  Plus, while it may seem far away now, you'll make Major far faster with a degree than not, so over the course of your career you'll probably make $100,000+ more having a degree.

Choosing post-secondary education should be basd on personal interest and employment opportunities, not how much the CF will pay you afterwards - it presumes that (a) the person will still be intereted in joining the CF after completing their education and (b) that you will pass the entrance process and subsequent courses!
Petamocto said:
the CF will pay you far more money having a degree than a diploma (which to them is the same as having nothing). 

Not sure how you figure that having a diploma means nothing to us. We will actually look at enroling an applicant as "semi-skilled with a diploma depending on what it's for. Yes it's an NCM position but it does mean something to us. It could mean promotion to Cpl/LS faster, more money in the form of Spec pay. I think you need to check your notes and stop giving out BS info to prospective applicants. Leave the info sesions to those of us actually in the info business.

I believe the term is "Stay in your Lane"
FDO said:
Not sure how you figure that having a diploma means nothing to us. We will actually look at enroling an applicant as "semi-skilled with a diploma depending on what it's for. Yes it's an NCM position but it does mean something to us. It could mean promotion to Cpl/LS faster, more money in the form of Spec pay. I think you need to check your notes and stop giving out BS info to prospective applicants. Leave the info sesions to those of us actually in the info business.

I believe the term is "Stay in your Lane"

I completely disagree with you on both the officer and NCM lanes.  I will not be so bold as to say that there has never been a case when a diploma has mattered, I know that in the vast majority of cases it does not.

For an officer, having a diploma gets you a big fat zero points on the merit boards.  Either you have a degree (or more) or you have nothing.  In the case of a tie in points, I can pretty much assure you that they would look at who has performed better in their jobs.

For NCMs, last time I checked it was time in and trade qualifications that got you promoted to Cpl, and then the addition of other courses like PLQ and time in that got you promoted to MCpl.  Ditto for 3A and 3B.
Are you seriously stating that in an average unit that a soldier with a diploma is going to advance years ahead of his peers?

While I fully respect how important Privates and Corporals are (they are in fact why leaders exist, not the other way around), their promotion "boards" are not exactly the CLS chairing a meeting with the Area Commanders saying "Well I don't know if we can promote Private Johnson...I mean yes he topped DP1 and Basic Recce, but he doesn't have a diploma...I don't know..."
Petamocto said:
Are you seriously stating that in an average unit that a soldier with a diploma is going to advance years ahead of his peers?

See many MP privates walking around ?

Telling me you havent seen any trades out there that have "instant corporals" ?

you said :

For NCMs, last time I checked it was time in and trade qualifications that got you promoted to Cpl,

That is clearly not true in all cases. Have a good evening.
Petamocto said:
I completely disagree with you on both the officer and NCM lanes.  I will not be so bold as to say that there has never been a case when a diploma has mattered, I know that in the vast majority of cases it does not.

For an officer, having a diploma gets you a big fat zero points on the merit boards.  Either you have a degree (or more) or you have nothing.  In the case of a tie in points, I can pretty much assure you that they would look at who has performed better in their jobs.

That's not surprising, given that the goal is to have a fully degreed officer corps in the CF. 

For NCMs, last time I checked it was time in and trade qualifications that got you promoted to Cpl, and then the addition of other courses like PLQ and time in that got you promoted to MCpl.  Ditto for 3A and 3B.

I can pretty much assure you that someone bearing a two-year diploma in Electronics Engineering Technology from a community college or CEGEP will probably be granted conditional QL5 and Acting Cpl or LS upon graduation of BMQ if they enrol in the LCIS Tech, ATIS Tech, NE Tech (A), NE Tech (T) or NE Tech (C) trades.  They will also probably be given a $20,000 recruiting allowance.  There are other trades where similar offers are made to semi-skilled college grads.

Coming in as a Cpl or LS puts you four years ahead of your CF-trained counterparts, and starts the two-year clock for eligibility for promotion to MCpl or MS.  Completing PLQ can be done as an afterthought once one gets promoted to MCpl or MS.

Bottom line is that diplomas most definitely do matter in all sorts of places in the NCM world.  There are even points awarded at the national level PER boards for post-secondary education.

Even in the extreme case of non-specialist pay category MOSIDs, such as the combat arms - if you have two similarly-scored Cpl infantry soldiers, and one has a community college diploma (in basket weaving, even!) and the other does not have a diploma, the diploma holder will get the nod because of the points for post-secondary education.  I've yet to see a merit board scoring matrix that does not have a weighted category for post-secondary education.
Occam said:
Coming in as a Cpl or LS puts you four years ahead of your CF-trained counterparts, and starts the two-year clock for eligibility for promotion to MCpl or MS.  Completing PLQ can be done as an afterthought once one gets promoted to MCpl or MS.

Two minor corrections:

First, MS/MCpl is an appointment, not a rank.

Second, appointment to MS/MCpl without PLQ is an acting/lacking rank; course failure or inability to complete the course within a specified time frame (2 years? I think) means you revert to LS/Cpl.

Other than that, bang on.
dapaterson said:
First, MS/MCpl is an appointment, not a rank.

I knew someone was going to pick me up on that, although my money was on Eye In The Sky.  ;)

Second, appointment to MS/MCpl without PLQ is an acting/lacking rank; course failure or inability to complete the course within a specified time frame (2 years? I think) means you revert to LS/Cpl.

Agreed, but my intent was only to point out that promotion appointment doesn't hinge on the PLQ; it can be completed later.
Petamocto said:
Are you seriously stating that in an average unit that a soldier with a diploma is going to advance years ahead of his peers?

While I fully respect how important Privates and Corporals are (they are in fact why leaders exist, not the other way around), their promotion "boards" are not exactly the CLS chairing a meeting with the Area Commanders saying "Well I don't know if we can promote Private Johnson...I mean yes he topped DP1 and Basic Recce, but he doesn't have a diploma...I don't know..."

dapaterson said:
Quote from: Occam on Yesterday at 21:00:09

    Coming in as a Cpl or LS puts you four years ahead of your CF-trained counterparts, and starts the two-year clock for eligibility for promotion to MCpl or MS.  Completing PLQ can be done as an afterthought once one gets promoted to MCpl or MS.

Two minor corrections:

First, MS/MCpl is an appointment, not a rank.

Regardless of what we call it, TBS considers any advancement to a higher pay scale a promotion. So calling the appointment to MCpl a promotion is still mostly correct.

;D  ... it's splitting hairs day!

PanaEng said:
Two minor corrections:

First, MS/MCpl is an appointment, not a rank.

Regardless of what we call it, TBS considers any advancement to a higher pay scale a promotion. So calling the appointment to MCpl a promotion is still mostly correct.

;D  ... it's splitting hairs day!


It's important to understand this split hair - especially if marched in sans headdress  (a summary trial / court martial, if reducing a MCpl in rank, reduces them to Pte, not Cpl).  And in the instance described (being an A/L MS/MCpl) it's even more important - as not getting the PLQ qual within the designated timeframe means you lose the appointment.
A diploma can and will get you benefits upon enrolment depending on the trade and the diploma.  In a recent case I was involved in, it got a young man provisional QL5/Cpl with backpay upon graduation from BMQ/fat signing bonus due to his particular diploma/trade.  Certainly made a difference to him!!