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How to Lose Friends and Alienate Countries

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Feel free to e-mail Greg Gutfeld of Red-Eye, I sure did:

"to: redeye@foxnews.com
from: Corps of Guides

Mr. Gutfeld,

I was linked to a youtube video of you and your panel discussing the role of Canadians in Afghanistan.  You all said some extremely slanderous (and sadly misinformed) things about America's largest trading partner, and long-term ally - Canada.  Frankly, I'm not that shocked, although I wish I had been.  This is the exact stuff that the enemies of your great nation latch onto as reasons why the world should hate America, and here you are defaming a country who is SUPPORTING you.  Are you trying to create more anger towards the United States?  Can you see the irony of this?  You're calling out a nation who is helping you, yet are too foolish and full of faux-bravado to realize it.

Initially I decided it would be too easy to point out that not one of you have the pills to sign up for active service in your own nation's regular military, while slandering a country that has sacrificed over 100 of its sons and daughters, but then I changed my mind.  If you can't take a moral high-road, why should I?  What do you have to say to the Canadian mothers and fathers whose children have died in Afghanistan supporting our American ally?  Are they fools? Cowards?  Tell me Greg, what are they?  If you can't stand behind the troops, stand infront of them, and that includes your allies.

- Corps of Guides"
Arggg, I dont have access to Youtube, anyone have a transcript?
As I look more closely, I thought the blonde woman looked and sounded familiar, the one who said, "They couldn't take a year off from their military if they didn't have the security backdrop of the United States," "the Canadians are basically telling the Russians to come on over (via Alaska)," and "they're getting manicures, they're getting pedicures, everyone needs a little time off."  (To be fair, she ALSO called Canada "good allies of the United States.")

She's not a comedian (like the others appear to be) she's Monica Crawley, a commentator who regularly appears on The McLaughlin Group as one of the right-of-centre panelists - has her own blog & podcasts as well.


The other idiots?  @#$% 'em, especially in the middle of the night.  Her?  I'd hoped for better.
I am not sure whether this has been posted before. [edit] Apparently it has, my bad [edit] Also, I am not sure whether to find it humourous or enraging due to the ignorance displayed.

I am not currently a part of our AF but my dad is enlisted in the Air Force and currently taking AVTech training or something of the sort. Anyways, respect to all those involved in our Armed Forces and Thanx for everything
milnews.ca said:
As I look more closely, I thought the blonde woman looked and sounded familiar, the one who said, "They couldn't take a year off from their military if they didn't have the security backdrop of the United States," "the Canadians are basically telling the Russians to come on over (via Alaska)," and "they're getting manicures, they're getting pedicures, everyone needs a little time off."  (To be fair, she ALSO called Canada "good allies of the United States.")

She's not a comedian (like the others appear to be) she's Monica Crawley, a commentator who regularly appears on The McLaughlin Group as one of the right-of-centre panelists - has her own blog & podcasts as well.


The other idiots?  @#$% 'em, especially in the middle of the night.  Her?  I'd hoped for better.

For someone with a PhD in International Affairs, she's sure didn't get her money's worth.
This is obviously satire. Whether or not you find it humourous, there is no reason to get all butthurt over it.

The internet is serious business.

Gee. Where's all this moral outrage when all those losers at the CBC do the same to the Americans.

Tempest in a teacup fellas. Take a chill pill.
IMHO, 'Talking to Americans' was equally childish and moronic.

I agree with recceguy, Canadian broadcasting (government subsidised at that) has aired some viciously anti-American material.

I do, however, understand why some people here are getting a little heated, it IS highly inappropriate to use soldier's deaths as comedy material (you wouldn't hear a mainstream comedian using US soldier's deaths as comedic material, unless they had a death wish). Well, except Michael Moore.
recceguy said:
Gee. Where's all this moral outrage when all those losers at the CBC do the same to the Americans.

Actually, some was right here last fall....
C'mon Tony. Any person brought up in any sort of civilized society, in whatever country, should be morally outraged upon hearing the vile, vindictive bile spewed by that she-beast banshee Heather Mallick (though she was working for the CBC at the time)
I don't know about what was said by Canadians about Americans, but I was quite offended by that drivel. I found it vile, hurtful, sick... I will be writing someone.
recceguy said:
Yup. Doesn't sound any different than 22 Minutes. Air Farce, Rick Mercer........or some of our politicians talking about the States. Life's tough, wear a helmet.

Ignorance VS Sacrifice

Mercer et al usually focus on American ignorance towards Canada, meanwhile this FOX bs is spit in the eye of the families who have lost loved ones while fighting a war that began in their homes. BIG difference.

uncle-midget-Oddball said:
Ignorance VS Sacrifice

Mercer et al usually focus on American ignorance towards Canada, meanwhile this FOX bs is spit in the eye of the families who have lost loved ones while fighting a war that began in their homes. BIG difference.


Oh give it a rest and learn to take a deep breath.......its a fucking TV show. You have the ability to turn it of.
If it was on the cutting edge of expressing the attitudes and beliefs of the common American than it probably wouldn't be on during the 2-3am time slot.

I mean seriously it refers to it self as "Revisionist history at its liberal best" on it's web page
CDN Aviator said:
Oh give it a rest and learn to take a deep breath.......its a ******* TV show. You have the ability to turn it of.

I did turn it off, maybe half way through.

The point I was trying to get across what that is was in bad taste, and that the style of comedy used in this show can't be compared the to style of comedy used in the RMR.

uncle-midget-Oddball said:
I did turn it off, maybe half way through.

The point I was trying to get across what that is was in bad taste, and that the style of comedy used in this show can't be compared the to style of comedy used in the RMR.


Tasteless and stupifingly boring?
Piper said:
Tasteless and stupifingly boring?

That about sums it up.
Rick Mercer is tasteless, especially when he is doing his 'talking with Americans' pieces, but I have yet to see him throw sand at the families of fallen soldiers and blatantly laugh at them for giving their lives.

Again, Ignorance VS Sacrifice

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