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How to get family on board

You have never thought of taking a cab?! How bout a bus?! How bout a friend?! Doesn't sound very motivated to me... Not at all.

CDN Aviator, have your cat talk to my dog. My dog's very understanding individual. He even wanted to join up after I did! :P
I think that what Mr. Wallace wrote is the best thing to do... they are probably just afraid of the unknown.

But I personally had to remind my parents very often how lucky they were to have a good little girl like me...  ;D
So maybe they need to be reminded to... Just tell them... I am not on drugs, I am healthy, I believe in myself, I want an education, a career... I am happy... you know sometimes they forget how lucky they are to have great healthy kids...
You want to have a career that won't be easy and they should be proud of you... you should remind them.

good luck
MedTech said:
You have never thought of taking a cab?! How bout a bus?! How bout a friend?! Doesn't sound very motivated to me... Not at all.

CDN Aviator, have your cat talk to my dog. My dog's very understanding individual. He even wanted to join up after I did! :P

For the record, I did consider the bus. I can take a GO into my local CFRC and back. Making the bus match my schedule is an entirely different point. As for the friends, they're as against me joining as my parents. Even a PPLCI'er out of Wainwright.  :-\

Edit for typo.
Dear Lord......you wont accept your parents opinions so you want to convince them by using the opinions of faceless stragers on the internet ?

You are 18, you want to join, grow some balls , stop making excuses ( the bus schedule, cant get there, yadi yadi yada....) and get on with it.

CDN Aviator said:
Dear Lord......you wont accept your parents opinions so you want to convince them by using the opinions of faceless stragers on the internet ?

You are 18, you want to join, grow some balls , stop making excuses ( the bus schedule, cant get there, yadi yadi yada....) and get on with it.

Thanks for all the (support?) I know my parents will be proud of me on graduation day; I'll be printing/mailing the stuff to the CFRC, and I'll present my going there when I need too. They had 18 years to challenge my career choices (which are numerous and varied.), it's my turn now.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to grow some balls. :warstory:
Good to hear that you're enlisting, but you can at least try and go through some materials with them to show them what you'll be doing and what you can expect to encounter through your training.
dustinm said:
For the record, I did consider the bus. I can take a GO into my local CFRC and back. Making the bus match my schedule is an entirely different point. As for the friends, they're as against me joining as my parents. Even a PPLCI'er out of Wainwright.  :-\

Edit for typo.

Take a day out of your time and just do it! It sounds like a lot of excuses to me.  Parents, friends, bus... come on.  Yeah, it took me 13 years to actually step up and start the process, but at least I was aware of the fact that I was standing in my own way.  You're a big boy now, it's time to take matters into your own hands. 

Keep your parents informed of what you're doing - but you really don't need their permission any more.
I'd have to agree with the others. You are the only one stopping yourself from enlisting. My Parents were not too over enthusiastic when I told them I was joining. Eventually they accepted the fact and when I had to travel around 200 Kilometers to the CFRC for processing day (CFAT, Med, Interview) I simply thought out the best way to get there, my girlfriend's mother answered the call haha.

There is always an option, if you really wanna join you can always.. hitchhike? (Although I do not recommend that  :P)
Marshall said:
I'd have to agree with the others. You are the only one stopping yourself from enlisting. My Parents were not too over enthusiastic when I told them I was joining. Eventually they accepted the fact and when I had to travel around 200 Kilometers to the CFRC for processing day (CFAT, Med, Interview) I simply thought out the best way to get there, my girlfriend's mother answered the call haha.

There is always an option, if you really wanna join you can always.. hitchhike? (Although I do not recommend that  :P)

Well, hitchhiking is definitely not the best way to go, but I have sorted things out and will be enlisting (with my parents agreeing to visit with a recruiter) once I meet the prereqs for my trade. So thanks for all the help :)
Neo Cortex said:
My parents are adamant about my not joining the Reg Force (or the PRes, for that matter.)

Same old party lines. They think I'll be deployed and shot at, and that I can't pass the fitness evaluation, and all that stuff. They just don't listen. I'll be turning 18 in approximately two hours, and am adamant about applying. Unfortunately my nearest CFRC is about a 30 minute drive from here, and as I have no licence getting there under their watch is a pain.

It's unfortunate that I live at home, because I will need their absence or their support in order to complete the application process (as far as getting to the CFAT and interview) and get to St-Jean.

Anything you can recommend?

Alright man, I gave a quick browse through your posting history and it looks to me like you're interested in the infantry.

Here's the thing about infantry guys: some in the public have this perception of us that we're just grunts, apes, cavemen, and mindless robots.  They think that we've been brainwashed into conducting human wave attacks in the face of heavily defended positions only to lay down our lives for Queen and Country.

But the truth of the matter is this: We're a bunch of resourceful motherfuckers. The traits we respect are intelligence, drive, and flexible thinking.  I don't want to work with robots.  I want to work with tactical analysts. Guys who will find a way in the face of the most dire odds and have the aggression to see that plan through.

If you want to do what we do, then you will have to find a way.  You'll either step up or step aside, because we're a country at war and the end result is all that matters.
Neo Cortex said:
Well, hitchhiking is definitely not the best way to go, but I have sorted things out and will be enlisting (with my parents agreeing to visit with a recruiter) once I meet the prereqs for my trade. So thanks for all the help :)

Thats good that you sorted it out.

And nice post Wonderbread  :salute:
And by that i mean career wise...(i have done some research but just want opinions) I am not in the army, but i am considering it. Currently im a grade 12 grad in college to become an automotive technician (mechanic) but to be honest im not enjoying it as much as i thought i would have. Its an apprenticeship course and with the economy the way it is i cant find a good job. Im stuck at Jiffy lube chaning oil on cars. I should be doing regular mechanic work but who wants to hire an 18 year old unexperienced kid...I was on the forces website and saw that the military does to apprenticeships and its not nearly as long as the one im doing right now. My dad owns his own company called global defense incorporated and builds components for the military and its vehicles so i have always been interested in the military. Im not sure how my parents would handle me wanting to join the force. Physically im in decent shape (strength is not an issue, stamina might be). I am a powerlifting, I compete nationally and i hold a record for ontario. (powerlifting for anyone who doesnt know is a type of weight lifting, the 3 main lifts are squat, benchpress and deadlift. the 3 most compound movements) i went for a run the other day just to see what i could do and it was disappointing. The weather didn't help either but i know that shouldnt matter either. i ran the 2.4 km in around 15 mins which i could easily bring down to under 12 in about a month.

anyways sorry about the long story. really all i would like to know is if the force is a good career choice...

Generally, you'll find that most people posting here will say it is a good career choice, but that it's not for everyone.

A visit to your local Recruiting Centre to ask about your options is always a good idea.

Michael O'Leary said:
Generally, you'll find that most people posting here will say it is a good career choice, but that it's not for everyone.

A visit to your local Recruiting Centre to ask about your options is always a good idea.

i will probably give them a call one of these days to see if i need to make an appointment or anything to come talk to one.

i just dont know how my parents would handle me joining the military, lol any good ice breakers?
bigwood said:
...., lol any good ice breakers?

"Mom, Dad, I've been thinking, before I settle down for 30 or 40 years of fixing cars, I want to spend a few years doing something really different ..... "
Honestly, I thought that the parent thing would be a really big deal for me, but it wasn't at all. Mum had figured it out before I had told her (I swear she's psychic!), and despite being super-protective, she just told me that she was going to worry no matter what, so I should go live my dreams. I hope it goes well for you. Your parents want you to be happy, but they will definitely worry. Just have the plan all laid out if you're worried, then they can tell that you put thought into it and actually know what it is you're getting into.
X2012 said:
Honestly, I thought that the parent thing would be a really big deal for me, but it wasn't at all. Mum had figured it out before I had told her (I swear she's psychic!), and despite being super-protective, she just told me that she was going to worry no matter what, so I should go live my dreams. I hope it goes well for you. Your parents want you to be happy, but they will definitely worry. Just have the plan all laid out if you're worried, then they can tell that you put thought into it and actually know what it is you're getting into.

good point. im thinkin i could approach them with saying that the army does apprenticeships with working on military vehicles (which i am vert interested in). they know im miserable at my current job/state if life. so that would work.
bigwood said:
i just dont know how my parents would handle me joining the military, lol any good ice breakers?

Would they rather you live in the basement?

"Mom, Dad I joined the military!"
When I turned 18, I started doing 'adult things' like move out of my parents house and get an education and a job.  Are you an adult or some kind of house pet?  Hopefully, you have some sort of life plan ahead of you.  Start it now.