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How Long Have You Served in the CF?

How Long Have You Served in the CF?

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In reading a lot of the posts on here, I am left with the impression that the majority of users have some length of service.  I suspect a high proportion of users have their CD.  I am curious to see how it breaks down.  Enjoy.
One additional thought.  I am also curious to see how people interpret the poll results.  Hopefully, we will get at least 1,000 or the 10,000 plus users to vote and then we will be able to perhaps have a meaningful discussion about what the poll results say about this site...

I would be very interested and very appreciative of your thoughts...so...check the poll from time-to-time and offer your interpretations.

Thanks, much.
Regular Force?
Civilian Instructor?

What is your definition of served?
Cadets and Civilian Instructors are not, strictly speaking, members of the CF.  I am interested in those who actually took the "Queen's Shilling" as they say. 

As a point of clarity, I am not intending to slight these people, their family members or our allies for their meaningful and appreciated contributions.

I consider this site to be a useful resource and a valuable tool to our CF members (past and present)...so...I am wanting to get a sense of how well it is used as a resource and who is using it. 
I  will have served 10 years in the Reg Force Infantry as of Nov.7 2006. Two more years until that CD. Time flies!
4 1/2 Years with the Reserve Force.
Just over 18 years with the Regular Force.
April 14 1982 to 14 Aug 04: 24 years and 4 months to the day (hey but who's counting  ;D )

first 6 as infanteer; remainder as medic

Days shy of 32 in Reg force.  Add in Reserve time and I am well into my 32nd year.  Wow, time flies
Looking at the posts people have made to this board and the long service many have made, takes me back to my first Jr. Ranks Christmas Dinner. 

When the meal was over and we settled into a night of beer drinking...I remember a buddy of mine looking around the room at some of the Officers and NCOs who had CDs. 

I remember making the comment, "Holy crap, these guys have been around for more than 12 years!  What a bunch of idiots! I wouldn't put up with this sh** for that long!" 

That was in 1983...I handed in my kit this year...and I am thinking of re-enlisting. LOL
I've been in since April 1996. I'm eligible for my CD in Aug 08 time does fly. :o
    I know what you mean about the CDs.  I never thought I'd ever see the first one, let alone the second. There was a time when you only made it to 20 years in then it was retirement for you.  Now, they're begging you to stay!  
21 1/2 years RegF plus 2 2/3 PRes. Got a ton of gongs too!
I remember making the comment, "Holy crap, these guys have been around for more than 12 years!  What a bunch of idiots! I wouldn't put up with this sh** for that long!"  

I remember thinking about the same thing back in 82 at the snot nosed age of 17  ::); my last xmas dinner (05) as a snr nco, I looked at the 'newbies' who were looking at me as I did at the 'ol timers / lifers' many years ago  :crybaby: LOL

To you newbies: Hey, at least I made it to this age AND WITH PENSION!  ;) LOL

I used to laugh at all the senior nco's and officers with just their CD.

Now.. 13 years later and a remuster... I'm a Lt with just a CD.

And I'm proud of it ... though mine had chocolate under the tin foil ::)

Never trust a Lt. with a CD
Never trust a Major without one.
Now.. 13 years later and a remuster... I'm a Lt with just a CD.

There is no dishonour in that.  There are many who have served with distinction, even on OPs who did not get any gongs.  We don't get to decide who goes and what counts for medal recognition.  But...I do know that anyone who has earned a CD has put in some hard miles. 

:salute: Sir.
I am going to receive my CD1 in Jan.  Yup still a Cpl and it's not for any lack of trying I can assure you of that!  That's all reg time straight out of highschool.  :salute:

edit:  A couple of different trades to boot.
Trinity said:
Never trust a Lt. with a CD
Never trust a Major without one.

Trinity: I think that should be ...

Never trust a Cpl with a CD
Never trust a Major without one.

PS I've got this bridge I want to sell... cheap.... ;D
Okay, I asked this one before on another thread. 
What's the matter with Career Cpls?  I seem to have fallen into that category without trying.
Some of us do want to go higher but the numbers aren't there.
And now that's CPL with CD1... ;D
22 years is dedication!
BYT Driver said:
...What's the matter with Career Cpls?  ....
And now that's CPL with CD1... ;D

I knew a Lineman in Germany with 4 Sigs that hit CRA as a Cpl