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Just use the green one.  The husband has used his all across Europe when he was on his HLTA for his Bosnia tour and during Op Apollo, and used it both times to come home with.  You won't have any problems.
JSR OP said:
correct me if I'm wrong, but it is illegal to be in possession of two Canadian passports at one time anywhere.  And what I mean by be in possession, is have access to two at once.  If you want to go by the book, and anyone in a deployment cell correct me on this if I'm wrong, you are required to hand in your blue passport before you are given your green one.

That could well be, but the caution was still made verbally, on a Powerpoint slide, and in a handout that only one passport was to be used, and that was the green one.
Normally as part of your DAG to deploy they should ask for your blue one to hold on to until you get back, ( that way you dont have two of them on your person ) however I have personally had my blue one at home and used a green one.  ( it happens ) If you are being deployed the Green one is the one you are going to use to get there and back and for your HLTA regardless of where it is.  This is due to you being still employed by the Canadian Govt even though you are on leave.  Green passports were explained to me once as just notifying other contries that you are working for the Canadian Govt.  They do not afford you differant privledges then any other outside of what a particular Customs agent wants to offer you.  i.e. over here soldier I will put you though first, or I am really going to look in your luggage for UXO's( no diplomatic imunity )
JSR OP said:
correct me if I'm wrong, but it is illegal to be in possession of two Canadian passports at one time anywhere.  And what I mean by be in possession, is have access to two at once.  If you want to go by the book, and anyone in a deployment cell correct me on this if I'm wrong, you are required to hand in your blue passport before you are given your green one.

That is not true. Personnel from my office routinely travel abroad on official GoC business, are issued a green passport and do not need to hand in their blue one or anything. In fact, if you travel, say to country B on official business, and from there on to country C on personnal business, you should use your blue one to cross the border into C.
If the unit OR wants to "hang onto" my blue passport, they can bloody well pay for it. 

When you apply for a blue passport, if your unit already holds a green one all you have to do is give the number of the passport, expiry date and the reason you do not have access to it.  C'mon people, we've been doing this for how many years?
PMedMoe said:
  C'mon people, we've been doing this for how many years?
Did you not know, every tour we reinvent the wheel, it is always a roto 0
dangerboy said:
Did you not know, every tour we reinvent the wheel, it is always a roto 0

Personally, I find the wheel gets "reinvented" every day.
From what I have been told by the passport people, you can't be in possession of a blue one and a green one at the same time.  In theory, sounds pretty simple.  but as we all know, in practice, its a different story.  Pretty much goes for anything really...
JSR OP said:
From what I have been told by the passport people, you can't be in possession of a blue one and a green one at the same time.  In theory, sounds pretty simple.  but as we all know, in practice, its a different story.  Pretty much goes for anything really...

Well whoever you spoke to is wrong or this is a new rule.  I have both a current blue and a current green passport.  One is mine, the other is the military's.  I reported the info on the green one (as stated in my post above) on my application for the blue one and it obviously wasn't a problem.

Now, if some numpty tries to apply for both on their own, that might be a different story.
PMedMoe said:
Well whoever you spoke to is wrong or this is a new rule.  I have both a current blue and a current green passport.  One is mine, the other is the military's.  I reported the info on the green one (as stated in my post above) on my application for the blue one and it obviously wasn't a problem.

Now, if some numpty tries to apply for both on their own, that might be a different story.

When I say "in possession of" I mean readily available, as in you can have access to both at once at a whim.  the answer should be no.  You don't have access to your green passport on a moments notice, whenever you feel like using it.  You use it for military business, and when that business is done, you hand it back in.  I never said that if you had one, you can't have the other.  Simply, that you are not suposed to possess two at one time.

I know it happens all the time that people have both in their possession at the same time.  That doesn't mean that regulations states that its Ok to do so.  Just about everyone drives 120 km\h on the 401.  That doesn't mean that 120 is now the speedlimit.

Oh, and by the way, passports belong to the Canadian Government.  The military and you are simply "holders" of the passport.
Well, there you go, a little clarification goes a long way!
Yes, you're right, a little clarification goes a long way.  I'll keep that in mind the next time I post something.  You'd think I would have learned my lesson by now...
The biggest issue carrying 2 passports in Dubai is that when you get stamped in to the country as you arrive, they stamp say your Green Passport.  You turn that in and decide to travel on your blue one for HLTA and go through Dubai to leave....Hmmmmmmm No Stamp of Entry in your Blue Passport is there.  Why How did you get in the country?  I would say the local LO goes weekly to t he Airport to solve this type of issue.  You need to ensure you have the proper docs with you when you travel.
ajp said:
The biggest issue carrying 2 passports in Dubai is that when you get stamped in to the country as you arrive, they stamp say your Green Passport.  You turn that in and decide to travel on your blue one for HLTA and go through Dubai to leave....Hmmmmmmm No Stamp of Entry in your Blue Passport is there.  Why How did you get in the country?  I would say the local LO goes weekly to t he Airport to solve this type of issue.  You need to ensure you have the proper docs with you when you travel.

This should not be happening at all.  People should be told to only bring their green passport.  That's all they need.
I am sure they are told.  Everyone has an excuse but they still show up with two.  Been there seen that.  There is no excuse.  It was amazing how many people had two in location and had to be told to put one away and ensure they had the correctly stamped one.  There was always confusion where there should be none.  You would think that this would be sirted out during a DAG, but I bet to this day that it still occurs.
Instead of starting a new thread, and I don't know if this has been asked already.  Tried to do a search, but nothing came up.

I plan on going to Australia for HLTA.  Would I need to acquire a visa?
stealthylizard said:
Instead of starting a new thread, and I don't know if this has been asked already.  Tried to do a search, but nothing came up.

I plan on going to Australia for HLTA.  Would I need to acquire a visa?

I did when I went on my HLTA but I think the travel section on camp booked it for me.  If I'm not mistaken, this is the one it was:

Yeah, I was looking at that site, but wasn't sure if there might be an exemption for serving military personnel.  I guess I should get started on it soon.
PMedMoe said:
This should not be happening at all.  People should be told to only bring their green passport.  That's all they need.

I thought you had to turn in your blue one to get the green one as part of the DAG - or is that not done anymore?