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HitorMiss enroute to the sandbox


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Well HitorMiss is on his way. 

He had a great send off, Sig_Des came in from Ottawa (thanks again Des) we also had a very nice stranger anonymously buy our brunch for us because he had overheard that HitorMiss was flying out today.  Thanks again Sir. Now that's what I call troop support! :cdn:

I just want to say a quick thank you to all those out there who have been and will be supporting him while he's over there either with e-mails, post, packages, whatever; it really helps me to know that others are thinking of him too.

Honey if you get a chance to read this "Give'm hell, baby!"

HitorMRS. said:
I just want to say a quick thank you to all those out there who have been and will be supporting him while he's over there either with e-mails, post, packages, whatever; it really helps me to know that others are thinking of him too.

HitorMRS, remember that we're here just as much to support you and your family when you need it. We've got your back!
Don't worry.

I ambushed him at Trenton... gave him a care package and a kick in the ass!
Non Nobis Sed Patriae!!!

Be safe, we will all be thinking of you and wishing you well!

And yeah, GIVEM' HELL if it comes to that!!!


it was really nice to send off HoM, and wish him the best. Driving to Pet from Ottawa was the least I could do for a brother.

As far as our anonymous benefactor. He bought the entire table brunch. He didn't even come to say anything, we didn't find out until it was time to pay the bill that it had been taken care of.

Just to go on a bit of a blurb. This is the kind of generosity that touches you. Hopefully it's not just a small army-town thing. But the fact that someone is willing to give a little bit for a soldier on his way overseas is moving. The fact that he didn't make a big production, in fact NO production, was amazing. For the first time in a long time, I saw HoM just sit there, speechless. Thank you so much, sir.

Prayers out to you, HoM
Sig_Des said:
Just to go on a bit of a blurb. This is the kind of generosity that touches you. Hopefully it's not just a small army-town thing. But the fact that someone is willing to give a little bit for a soldier on his way overseas is moving. The fact that he didn't make a big production, in fact NO production, was amazing. For the first time in a long time, I saw HoM just sit there, speechless. Thank you so much, sir.

Had an experience in the Charlottetown Mall a couple of weeks ago. Was in my uniform shopping for apartment gadgets (during my lunch hour of course), and when I turned the aisle corner a young woman who had been staring at me finally walked up to say something.

I don't know what I was expecting to hear but what I got was a "Thank you for your service." This from a 25ish female in a town with not much exposure to military Units. I got goosebumps. All I could manage was a "Thank you" and a smile. I got about 10 feet up the aisle and had tears running down my cheeks. I was literally shaking. Yeah me. Went back to work, told my clerk what happened and made her cry too.

I'm glad that HorM, HorMrs, yourself and the rest of your party were the benefactors of this random act of kindness towards our soldiers. There truly are many Canadians out there who support their troops and appreciate all that we go through. It is gestures such as these above that keep us going, no matter how small or grand. 


Let us know if you need anything or if we can do anything for you. I have already arranged to keep HorM stocked up on his Ballistic eyewear!!  ;D


Keep on doing that which we do. Best wishes.
Godspeed indeed - and to the anonymous benefactor: He is what the world needs more of.
Give 'em hell, HoM!  Show those clowns what Canadian style is really about (and not just the Oakleys)  :cdn:  ;D
Come on back safe, brother.  :salute:
Hey all

Thanks alot for the words, wre doing just fine so far still some traveling left to go but the flioght should make it in good time

I love you Honey and I'll see you soon
Hey HorM, stay safe, and remember wear both 'chicken' plates. Front and rear ( I am  ;D)!

Let us know how you are going.


Take care over there HoM!!

And HoMrs, you take care too and feel free to ask if you need anything.