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Happy International Women's Day

the 48th regulator said:

Nice Freddy, weren't you the one that went off the deep end when I said the comment "Let them eat cake"?

All of sudden, your care for others goes out the door.



Considering the response I got when I complained about your comment, I don't think that's a very strong case you're bringing forward, here.

Just a bit of advice -- back off, go away for a day or two.  You are already on verbal warning.  Show some respect for the moderation of this Board and  stop engaging.

My wife, who puts the Princess in PPCLI, is revered every day - as is her due - and hence needs no day.

My mother is on the pedestal that my father built, and that her children reinforced - as is also her due, and hence also needs no special day..

For the women various and sundry that I have worked with over my career - I can honestly say that with very few exceptions, I have viewed you as soldiers, rather than as women...which is of course supposed to be a good thing, and so while I will think of you today, it will only be in terms of this being a day that may be important to you.

The women that truly deserve mention and thought on this day are those who are denied basic rights and freedomns, just because they are women.

Right - enough of that - back to normal Infantry type grunting and "debating".
PPCLI Guy said:
The women that truly deserve mention and thought on this day are those who are denied basic rights and freedomns, just because they are women.

It is this notion that puts the International in International Women's Day.  Thanks for recognizing it.  I was going to raise it earlier but I get tired of fighting over and defending what should be universally recognized. 
I will rap my glass on the table for ladies everywhere tonight.
Cheers ladies.
Little upset I was working nights and had errands to run at home.  It would have been nice to go to the activities being held at the base here.

Happy International Women's Day.

Well, I think its too bad that someone had to "throw sand" in this thread but...who am I to judge.

Happy International Woman's Day to all !

I know I have a great one in my corner that keep me in line  ;D

he he  ;D I said it the loudest.

Thanks to my mom for cracking the whip and busting my a$$, I absolutely hatted it when I was a kid but I now understand why she did it-- to make me the man I am today. And thanks to my sister for listening to me whine about mom. Another idol in my life was my grandma but unfortunately she passed away 5 years ago. Every Friday I would go to her house where she cooked me Kraft Dinner and let me watch TV (mom cut the cable for 10 years). No wife yet  :-[

And thanks to all the women out there, we wouldn't have our better halves's without you  :cdnsalute:

edited because I don't have a women to correct my erroneous spelling (no the spell check button does not count as a woman).
Yes you did CRC  ;D Thank you! I did not even realize that it was International Womens Day, or that there was even such a day designated just for that! Here's to all the other Women out there.....near and far.

cleaned up and reopenned.....have at 'er....

army.ca staff
Happy day after International Women's Day all!  Yeah, a day late...
I want to recognize my mom, to whom I have looked up to this past year.  She has taught how to deal with our situation as she lost her husband 10 years ago.  I am lucky that mine is still around to mess the house up and get under foot.  She has taught me grace, kindness, and the ability to disagree with respect.  She has also been unwavering in her support of my family and for that I am eternally grateful.
And also, all the ladies that are in uniform both here and on deployment I salute you. 
I think this is a very important day.

Since I'm a bit of a news addict I always watch the news, listen to CBC and/or buy a paper everyday.

Since this day always makes the news I am sure to never forget my wife's birthday (a little later this week).

It's a heck of a good Aide-Memoire.

So, I' m all for International Women's day. 8)

<Wanders off to the sound of knuckles dragging along the floor>
When I was at school today, I did happen upon the Kitchener Waterloo Record Newspaper. There was a front page article, in which Governor General Jean, paid tribute to female soldiers that are serving in Afghanistan for International Womens Day. The article is quite extensive, so I have included the link for anyone who would like to read.



Following her speech, Jean jokingly called on the men to get down on their knees and pay tribute to women soldiers.

The men picked up on the vibe, calling on their female colleagues to come to the front of the room with the Governor General. The women soldiers quickly obliged, jostling and laughing while having their picture taken with their smiling commander-in-chief.
I laughed at the absurdity of some of the blatently sexist posts that came out of this thread last year.

*shakes head*

Anyways, cheers to all those women out there! Woulda been without lunches for years if it wasnt for my mother.  ;)
My contribution  ;D
