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Gurkhas: Living in/settling in U.K. (merged)


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Sick and impoverished Gurkha veteran barred by officials

By Graham Brough 24/05/2007

A GURKHA who won the VC fighting for Britain has been banned from coming to live here - because he has "failed to demonstrate strong ties with the UK".

Tul Bahadur Pun, 84, who won our highest bravery medal in the Second World War, wants to spend his last days among old comrades and having treatment for several health problems.

At his ramshackle home in Nepal, he said last night: "I feel bitterly disappointed at the way successive British governments have treated me.

"I have served the UK with the utmost loyalty and to be treated this way is appalling." Tul was handed his VC by Lord Mountbatten in 1944 for single-handedly charging a Japanese position in Burma under heavy fire.

In an "exemplary" 18 year Army career he won 10 more medals, risking his life in Malaysia, India and Hong Kong, and served several tours of duty in Britain.

Now living in a hut with no proper roof, running water or sanitation in a village 16,000ft up in the Himalayas, Tul has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems and asthma. His eyesight is poor and he has hearing trouble.

He said: "I take a substantial amount of medication daily, without which I would die. There is not always a constant supply. When it runs out I feel vulnerable. There are no doctors or nurses, no medical outposts. I wish to settle in the UK to have better access to medication, care and support from doctors and nurses.

"I have to pay for these out of my pension from the British Army of £132 per month.

"I am very weak and... have to travel to the Gurkha camp in Pokhara every month to collect my pension. If I do not go in person I will not receive it.

"It takes three hours to drive, then a one-day walk. As I am unable to walk unaided I have to be carried by two or three men.

"The medication can be very expensive and I sometimes cannot afford it and rely on my family to pay for it. If they are unable to, which is often, I have to borrow money. This is very degrading."

Tul applied for indefinite leave to enter Britain. The law allows for deserving cases to be let in but British officials in Nepal said they were "not satisfied... your application meets the requirements".

They added: "This is because you have failed to demonstrate that you have strong ties with the UK." Astonishingly, among the reasons were: "You have not produced satisfactory evidence that you have a chronic or long term medical condition where treatment here would significantly improve your quality of life."

Tul said he will appeal. His lawyer Martin Howe, of Ealing, West London, said: "These heroes should be welcomed yet they are treated like beggars and pariahs.

"What stronger tie is there than being prepared to lay down your life in defence of Britain?"

The Foreign Office said last night: "He can apply again, addressing the concerns of the entry clearance officer."
wow no strong ties with the UK? I guess those British officials who denied his claim needs a history lesson. Stupid idiots... what's a VC after all right guys? It's only a medal that they would never ever in a million years possbily get their hands on. This makes me mad...
MedTech said:
wow no strong ties with the UK? I guess those British officials who denied his claim needs a history lesson. Stupid idiots... what's a VC after all right guys? It's only a medal that they would never ever in a million years possbily get their hands on. This makes me mad...

And well it should and every other Service Personnel, past and present. Bureaucracy at its fineness.

The storey should do wonders for their recruitment and moral.

Well, gee....we are allowing everyone else to immigrate to Canada, why not a company or so of Gurka's.......
Oh it gets better, the UK government took his medal and gave him 500 pounds for it back in 1974.  Then sold it last year for half a million pounds. 


And if that wasn't bad enough for this Gurkha VC recipient, the museum which houses his medal, won't let him see it again. 

Remember that recent thread about the proposal by Generals Mike Jackson and Dannett to reduce the amount of Commonwealth recruits in the British Army to preserve its "Britishness".  This is just another sickening example of the rampant racism in the British Government and Armed Forces.  Regardless of your skin colour and accent what could be more "British" than fighting for Queen and Country, and what better proof of strong ties to the UK does one need than the fact that someone volunteered to venture into harms way under the Union Jack, something many so-called "Briton" are not willing to do.

The United Kingdom can learn alot from two of its Commonwealth offspring, Canada and New Zealand, when it comes to the treatment of immigrants, or very worthy potential immigrants.  The British should be mindful of an old West Indian proverb "Ungratefulness is worse than witchcraft," in other words ingratitude always comes back to haunt you.  As i've stated many times in other threads, history plays out some unexpected twists and turns, the British may very well need Commonwealth citizens with "no strong ties to the UK" to save their arses again.  I hope next time we'll be wiser and ignore their arses.
All this just goes to prove that the British still think of Canadians, et al. are nothing but cannon fodder for the breech.  Remember Dieppe?  It's insulant drivel like this against the Gurkas and other "colonials" like makes me asshamed to have been born in the UK. 
My heart goes out to Pun and others who have "lost" thier Victoria Crosses.  In my mind, having EARNED the VC thru sacrifice and valour SHOULD automatically earn you the right of Citizenship and benefits.
No strong ties with Britain, my butt.
Blackadder1916 said:
Sick and impoverished Gurkha veteran barred by officials

By Graham Brough 24/05/2007

A GURKHA who won the VC fighting for Britain has been banned from coming to live here - because he has "failed to demonstrate strong ties with the UK".

Tul Bahadur Pun, 84, who won our highest bravery medal in the Second World War, wants to spend his last days among old comrades and having treatment for several health problems.

At his ramshackle home in Nepal, he said last night: "I feel bitterly disappointed at the way successive British governments have treated me.

"I have served the UK with the utmost loyalty and to be treated this way is appalling." Tul was handed his VC by Lord Mountbatten in 1944 for single-handedly charging a Japanese position in Burma under heavy fire.

Here is the citation for the Victoria Cross he was awarded, I think you'll agree, it makes the hairs stand up on the back of you neck:

"The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the award of the VICTORIA CROSS to :- No. 10119 Rifleman Tullbahadur (sic) Pun, 6th Gurkha Rifles, Indian Army. In Burma on June 23rd, 1944, a Battalion of the 6th Gurkha Rifles was ordered to attack the Railway Bridge at Mogaung. Immediately the attack developed the enemy opened concentrated and sustained cross fire at close range from a position known as the Red House and from a strong bunker position two hundred yards to the left of it. So intense was this cross fire that both the leading platoons of 'B' Company, one of which was Rifleman Tulbahadur (sic) Pun's, were pinned to the ground and the whole of his Section was wiped out with the exception of himself, the Section commander and one other man. The Section commander immediately led the remaining two men in a charge on the Red House but was at once badly wounded. Rifleman Tulbahadur (sic) Pun and his remaining companion continued the charge, but the latter too was immediately wounded. Rifleman Tulbahadur (sic) Pun then seized the Bren Gun, and firing from the hip as he went, continued the charge on this heavily bunkered position alone, in the face of the most shattering concentration of automatic fire, directed straight at him. With the dawn coming up behind him, he presented a perfect target to the Japanese. He had to move for thirty yards over open ground, ankle deep in mud, through shell holes and over fallen trees. Despite these overwhelming odds, he reached the Red House and closed with the Japanese occupants. He killed three and put five more to flight and captured two light machine guns and much ammunition. He then gave accurate supporting fire from the bunker to the remainder of his platoon which enabled them to reach their objective. His outstanding courage and superb gallantry in the face of odds which meant almost certain death were most inspiring to all ranks and beyond praise."

This has caused an enormous storm on our website (The British Army Rumour Service) and as a consequence has become a national issues with MPs and even the House of Lords becoming involved. I'm sure some kind words from you guys would also be greatly appreciated. Here is the link..


And BYT, no offence, but not all Brits think like that at all, only the ignorant few. The Canadian Army and others are held in the highest regard by us British Soldiers. We all know the story of Vimy Ridge and we all know that you are serving with the same guts and fighting spirit in Afghanistan and elsewhere, suffering losses as great as we are.
Of the twelve recipients of the Victoria Cross who are still alive, it is interesting to note that four are Gurkhas. http://www.victoriacross.org.uk/aalivevc.htm

Private Johnson BEHARRY VC
Flt Lieutenant John CRUICKSHANK VC
Lt Commander Ian FRASER VC, DSC, RD*
Captain Lachhiman GURUNG VC
Captain Rambahadur LIMBU VC, MVO
Mr Keith PAYNE VC, OAM, DSC (US Issue)
The Rt Hon Sir Tasker WATKINS VC, GBE
Lance Naik Bhanbhagta GURUNG VC
Mr Edward KENNA VC
WO I Tulbahadur PUN VC
Lt Colonel Eric WILSON VC

The VC of Bhanbhagta GURUNG is also in the Gurkha Museum Winchester like PUN's.
niner domestic said:
Oh it gets better, the UK government took his medal and gave him 500 pounds for it back in 1974.  Then sold it last year for half a million pounds. 


And if that wasn't bad enough for this Gurkha VC recipient, the museum which houses his medal, won't let him see it again. 


:o... >:(..... :threat: okay talk about extreme stupidity! I cannot believe this! WHAT has this world come to! The audacity of such actions! JJust! OH!!! I'm at a loss for words!
This is appalling.
The treatment of the Ghurkas historically has also been appalling.
A Trust was established some years ago to assist Ghurka veterans and their families as the policy (since improved) was to pay the Ghurkas at a significantly lesser rate than others in the Army.
Immigration-wise, Britain has been as generous, perhaps even more generous in some ways than Canada, with the landing of non-UK people to the extent that the demography of Britain, being a small island, has dramatically and dominantly changed the landscape and culture in many places.
In addition, the shift in immigration policy with respect to 'Commonwealth' & 'Euro' has meant freer access to the UK for Germans, the French and Italians than for those of former colonies.
When we were, until 1978, all British Subjects, one could roam about the Commonwealth with reasonable ease.  We can still join each other's armed forces but as far as actual study, work and living is concerned, one needs to demonstrate family 'links' to the UK; that refers to more than being 'English' or 'Scots' and includes
those families of people from other ethnic groups who are established in Britain.
In the case of the Ghurkas, however, there has always been this little hypocrisy that seems to suggest 'British, if necessary, but not necessarily 'British', that leaves a very poor taste in the mouth.
I agree that it's a no-brainer:  If you serve in the British forces...you're British.
That a VC could be treated like this says even more about our historically-morally-militarily-challenged times
and of a generation who wouldn't know a VC if it was pinned on their nose.
Incidentally, for any who might be interested, the Ghurka Trust can be found here:
There used to be a Canadian Chapter (to which I belonged) but it has faded away.
I do hope that someone intervenes and quickly for this fine and brave soldier.

niner domestic said:
Oh it gets better, the UK government took his medal and gave him 500 pounds for it back in 1974.  Then sold it last year for half a million pounds. 


Your post is mileading.  we are talking about two separate VCs.
It was not his medal that was sold for the Half Million - cause his is still in the safekeeping of the Gurkha Museum

Another interesting point to ponder is that the Gurkhas who have served the English Crown with such loyalty are not given the pension of English servicemen.  They are paid the same rates as the Indian army..... how is that for another shot in the chops?
Geo, you could be correct, however the ensuing paragraph that indicates that the medal had been "kept" at the museum is also leading one believe they are speaking of the same medal and that said medal is no longer in the museum's hands either. That said, I will do some research to clarify this. 

The fact remains, that the authorities removed his medal and paid him a sum.  In my own personal opinion, that is simply not on and in very, very bad tonne.   
niner domestic said:
Geo, you could be correct, however the ensuing paragraph that indicates that the medal had been "kept" at the museum is also leading one believe they are speaking of the same medal and that said medal is no longer in the museum's hands either. That said, I will do some research to clarify this. 

The fact remains, that the authorities removed his medal and paid him a sum.  In my own personal opinion, that is simply not on and in very, very bad tonne.   

Reporting from ARRSE - British Army Site -http://www.arrse.co.uk/cpgn2/Forums/viewtopic/t=66783/postdays=0/postorder=asc/start=0.html

It is indeed his medal that is kept in the museum and they have stated that they consider it no longer belongs to him!! I'm given to understand that he believed he was leaving it with them for safekeeping.

Visit him here - http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=195378479

And BYT, no offence, but not all Brits think like that at all, only the ignorant few. The Canadian Army and others are held in the highest regard by us British Soldiers. We all know the story of Vimy Ridge and we all know that you are serving with the same guts and fighting spirit in Afghanistan and elsewhere, suffering losses as great as we are.
After some digging around, the only VC that was sold recently for that amount was Captain Alfred Shout's medal for a sum of 406,716 BPS on Jul 26th, 2006. 

Warrant Officer Tulbahadur Pun's medal is listed residing at The Gurkha Museum, Winchester, UK
Apart from those four gallant Gurkhas notice whose name heads the list of VC recipients, Private Johnson Beharry of Grenada, West Indies.  He suffered serious burns pulling comrades out of a burning armoured  vehicle in Iraq.  The injuries he suffered put a severe strain on his marriage and shortly after receiving his medal he and his wife divorced.  Hmm...he sacrificed a hell of a lot for a country he has no strong ties to
cameron said:
Apart from those four gallant Gurkhas notice whose name heads the list of VC recipients, Private Johnson Beharry of Grenada, West Indies.  He suffered serious burns pulling comrades out of a burning armoured  vehicle in Iraq.  The injuries he suffered put a severe strain on his marriage and shortly after receiving his medal he and his wife divorced.  Hmm...he sacrificed a hell of a lot for a country he has no strong ties to

Please read my past posts guys. We are currently suffering from the worst government we have ever had who value the Armed Forces less than they ever have been before. If you asked the average man in the street over here he would be as disgusted as the rest of us. I have not heard one single voice supporting the refusal of this man's visa and I have no doubt the decision will soon be overturned.....read our thread..http://www.arrse.co.uk/cpgn2/Forums/viewtopic/t=66783/postdays=0/postorder=asc/start=0.html
legal_eagle said:
We are currently suffering from the worst government we have ever had who value the Armed Forces less than they ever have been before.

are you speaking of the conservatives here in Canada ? If so, where were you when the Liberal cut the funding of the CF ?

/a puzzled civy
Yrys said:
are you speaking of the conservatives here in Canada ? If so, where were you when the Liberal cut the funding of the CF ?

/a puzzled civy

Legal Eagle is speaking of the Labour Government whose cuts to the Royal Navy and Air Force and
amalgamation of regiments in the Army are akin to what happened in Canada through the Liberal years.
Mark Steyn once referred to Anthony Blair's programme as 'Canadianising' Britain...which is essentially
abolishing one's heritage, traditions, institutions...including the armed forces in a way...in order to
project a 'new' identity.
cameron said:
Apart from those four gallant Gurkhas notice whose name heads the list of VC recipients, Private Johnson Beharry of Grenada, West Indies.  He suffered serious burns pulling comrades out of a burning armoured  vehicle in Iraq.  The injuries he suffered put a severe strain on his marriage and shortly after receiving his medal he and his wife divorced.  Hmm...he sacrificed a hell of a lot for a country he has no strong ties to

Yeah, alphabetical order will do that for a guy.... ::)