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Gurkhas: Living in/settling in U.K. (merged)

I hope the very best for our hero.

As a in-pensioner, wouldn't he have to give up his military pension?
van Gemeren said:
I hope the very best for our hero.

As a in-pensioner, wouldn't he have to give up his military pension?

(N.B. Forgive my misspellings and grammatical mistakes on this post because it is 0300 in the UK and I have just come home from celebrating our victory!)

I honestly don't know the answer to that. The one thing I am certain of is that now he is coming back to us he will be looked after until his dying day.

I would like to add this...I have been running one of the sites that has been involved in this campaign and there has been international support for it, particularly from the Commonwealth countries. Canadian support has been proportionatly higher than any other, Australian support came a close second. I would like to express my sincerely heartfelt thanks to any of you who were involved in this. I have no idea what the political climate in Canada is like but and whether or not I should say this, but I am an unashamedly pround British Royalist. An ex-soldier who lives by the motto "God Save The Queen", so I take great pride in knowing that our cousins still care about matters such as this.

Please don't judge us by what you hear or read, it is 99.99% bullsh!it. The British people, HM Forces especially know all about what Canada has done for us over the years. In the Army especially, we all know who took Vimy Ridge after everyone else had failed. There are barracks in the UK named after that battle (i.e. Vimy barracks, 1st battalion etc etc.) Don't think we have forgotten you. The yanks like to think they won every war that was ever worth fighting but we know that you were always there from the time the first shot was fired, not a few years later and only after it affected you personally. Take my word for it, you are held in the highest regard over here. God bless you Canada, from me personally and I know that I speak for my comrades too.

God Save The Queen.

P.S. if you are against my Royalist views then please don't take offence, I don't want to start an argument, you are your own country now and your future lies entirely in your own hands. I would just be happy if you stayed with us, that's all..

legal_eagle said:
I would like to add this...I have been running one of the sites that has been involved in this campaign and there has been international support for it, particularly from the Commonwealth countries. Canadian support has been proportionatly higher than any other, Australian support came a close second. I would like to express my sincerely heartfelt thanks to any of you who were involved in this. I have no idea what the political climate in Canada is like but and whether or not I should say this, but I am an unashamedly pround British Royalist. An ex-soldier who lives by the motto "God Save The Queen", so I take great pride in knowing that our cousins still care about matters such as this.

Please don't judge us by what you hear or read, it is 99.99% bullsh!it. The British people, HM Forces especially know all about what Canada has done for us over the years. In the Army especially, we all know who took Vimy Ridge after everyone else had failed. There are barracks in the UK named after that battle (i.e. Vimy barracks, 1st battalion etc etc.) Don't think we have forgotten you. The yanks like to think they won every war that was ever worth fighting but we know that you were always there from the time the first shot was fired, not a few years later and only after it affected you personally. Take my word for it, you are held in the highest regard over here. God bless you Canada, from me personally and I know that I speak for my comrades too.

God Save The Queen.

P.S. if you are against my Royalist views then please don't take offence, I don't want to start an argument, you are your own country now and your future lies entirely in your own hands. I would just be happy if you stayed with us, that's all..


Legal Eagle your sentiments expressed are most welcome and received, at least in my corner, with appreciation.  'Queen & Country' is not exactly a fashionable principle these days but that, in some ways, only underscores it's virtue.  Coming from a family that served in succeeding generations in England and Canada,
I was taught the importance of 'duty' from a young age and at a time when Canada was still largely a 'British' country.  Whilst there has been a significant cultural and poliltical change here, the Queen remains our sovereign and I think most who take the oath or receive a commission take it at least somewhat seriously.
The armed forces remain a place where the links, affilitations and symbols of our British inheritance are proudly preserved and, again, regarded with some pride by most.  If anyone takes offence at your being 'loyal' that would be more than sadly disappointing.

I am glad that there was a lot of support for Mr. Pun from the old Dominions and the 'kinship' of those who serve or have served in the military was, no doubt, the principle factor.  The Victoria Cross remains our highest honour and those who wear it represent the best of the best and those who've worn the uniform could not but have been utterly appalled at the treatment of a soldier whose heroism remains an inspiration.

It is true that the battle at 'Vimy' has become something of mythical quality here.  What one does not often hear or know is that it was a British battle and that the Canadian Corps was a part of the British Army and that more than half of the Canadian Corps were men from England, Scotland and Ireland who, with their Canadian-born comrades were Brits all at the time!  My grandfather from Plymouth, Devon was there.
They became known as 'Byngs Boys' after Viscount Byng, their commander who later became Governor-General, and General Currie was granted a knighthood for his leadership.

Of course our world has changed and this generation's affections and sympathies are different in a variety of ways.  Still, it is gratifying to know that some loyalties within the 'family' are alive and well on both sides of the pond!

Goodstuff legal eagle, i'm one of the Australians who joined his myspace as soon as i heard about him. Its brilliant news that he got his visa and the UK government realised what they were doing. I've worked with Brits before and they're fantastic.
As a flag waving colonial, well done with everything and God Save the Queen.
Have a good day/night depending on your timezone.
I've been following Mr. Puns plight for some time now and I must say i'm delighted that he has won his battle, with the help that he recieved from good people like yourself "Legel Eagle".

I know there will be a celebration at my legion branch tonight, commemorating Mr. Pun's hard won battle, with drinks all around and with a salute and a toast to the Queen and all the good people on both sides of the pond who came forward and helped and old soldier in need.

Pro Patria.


niner domestic said:
(Now JM, here's a case of you being able to say, "Look at the rack on that guy!")
I love it when my flippancy comes back to haunt me   ;D

In this case, however, I never realized he had the Queen's Golden Jubilee medal in addition to that other thingee.....the Victoria Bitter, or whatever  ;)
Legaleagle - I just wanted to join the chorus and also to thank you for your expression of thanks. Pidd said it all for me.

I hope this entire episode goes some ways towards helping to "tidy up" the situation with the Gurkhas.  Your comments about the problems resulting from the splitting of the Gurkhas between the Indian Army with its pay scales and the British Army help me to finally understand why the Gurkhas have had such a miserable struggle. 
Journeyman said:
In this case, however, I never realized he had the Queen's Golden Jubilee medal in addition to that other thingee.....

Medal entitlement of:
Warrant Officer I TULBAHADUR PUN
3rd Bn, 6th Queen Elizabeth's Own Gurkha Rifles
  • Victoria Cross
  • 1939 - 45 Star
  • Burma Star
  • War Medal ( 1939-45 )
  • India Service Medal ( 1939-45 )
  • General Service Medal ( 1918-62 ) 1 clasp: "Malaya"
  • Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal ( 1953 )
  • Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal ( 1977 )
  • Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal ( 2002 )
  • Army Long Service & Good Conduct Medal "Regular Army"

All living recipients of the Victoria Cross have traditionally received Coronation and Jubilee Medals.  "Smokey" Smith received two QE II Golden Jubilee Medals; one from Canada, one from the UK.
Great!,the good guys win one.Thanks Legal Eagle for spreading the word, I have followed
this here, on ARRSE and PRUNNE and have been heartened by the response in support
for a real HERO.Legal eagle,maybe,just maybe there are enough right thinking people
left in the UK to send the socialist trash into the wilderness at the next election.One can
only hope.
I've also been following this in the MSM, here, on ARSSE and when someone sent me the info on Facebook.

I agree nice for the good guys to win one. Reminds me of the campaign a few years back to keep Topham's VC here in Canada, sometimes public opinion and what is "right " does count for something.
Let me express how relieved and joyful I am that Mr. Pun is finally receiving what he more than deserves.  I certainly intend to raise a toast (GUINNESS of course :cheers: ) to Mr. Pun and his victory, as well as to all those who contributed to it.  However, not to put a damper on anyone's celebrations, but the fact that it took such an uproar for what was obviously the right thing to be done is worrying.  Pun's plight was only the latest of many recent slights against Commonwealth (read non-white) members and formers members of H.M. Armed Forces.

Within the British Government, including the armed forces and police, and some sections of British society, there needs to be a serious reevaluation and open, honest discussion of many prevailing negative attitudes towards 'non-Britons', particularly those who happen not to be of the caucasian race.
Withdrawn voluntarily, after further review, in the interest of forum harmony.  Carry on Brit bashing: Something about teeth would be hysterical.

                                                                                                                                                                              *RANT OFF*
Congrats to Pun! Glad to see the system work like its supposed to!
cameron said:
Within the British Government, including the armed forces and police, and some sections of British society, there needs to be a serious reevaluation and open, honest discussion of many prevailing negative attitudes towards 'non-Britons', particularly those who happen not to be of the caucasian race.

If this is the case and you are singling out the Brits, maybe you should consider attitudes here in Canada, all things being fair and equal ?.
All things being fair and equal there are problem here in Canada too, recent controversies in the RCMP highlight that.  There are problems between different groups in every society, no society is perfect.  There is no denying however, that zenophobia, particularly against non-whites, is very strong in some sections of British society and government.  Please note also, that in this post and the previous one I used the term "some sections" of society, so i'm certainly not singling out Brits as a whole.
cameron said:
  There is no denying however, that zenophobia, particularly against non-whites...

I hope you meant Xenophobia as opposed to zenophobia which is:

Being in a state of zenophobia or the fear of Zen. Those who are constantly zenophobic are called Zenophobes.
The opposite is Zenophilic which is a state of love for Zen. Those who are enlightened and follow Zen are called Zennists, http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=zenophobia

niner domestic said:
I hope you meant Xenophobia as opposed to zenophobia
So it has nothing to do with Xena, The Warrior Princess?  ;)
Cameron, I do not know where you get your info.your empty profile gives little clue
to your experience and on what you base these statements.I can only say that this
xenophobia, if it exists,is a direct result of PC  Labour gov.policies that have hindered
the police in dealing with the constantly increasing criminal activities of portions
of the immigrant populations.This has been made worse by Labour politicians wooing
these groups in large urban areas were they are a majority or at least a large minority.
The result is that a lot of Brits.feel that their government does not represent them
and that they connot depend on the police or the judiciary to protect them.If this is
xenophobia or a well founded fear and anger I leave to others to judge.I am sure that
a large number of Canadians will be able to understand these feeling and certainly
plenty of Frenchmen.
Journeyman said:
So it has nothing to do with Xena, The Warrior Princess?  ;)

That would be Queen Boadicea (Boudicca)...or maybe even Britannia (I always thought her helmet and shield were quite dapper) ;)
Actually niner domestic, I meant xenophobia, and thanks I learnt something today. 

time expired the info I get is readily available, there have been many recent documented incidents of ethnic minority members being hounded out of the Metropolitan Police, do a search and you'll find the info.  The recent treatment of Pun as well as the attitudes of the British Army's current Chief of General Staff and his predecessor towards ethnic minorities in the military are also examples of poor attitudes in some quarters of the British Government, cheers.