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Guns, Gangs and Toronto

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It is unfortunate that the concept of "profiling" has become synonymous with "racism".  If you see a scrote of any colour at 3am in a residential area with all black clothes and a backpack and gloves on in the summer time, do you care if he is white, asian or black?  He is a B&E boy and you deal with him.  If someone goes out of their way to appear to be someone who is breaking the law ie) gangbang clothes, motorcycle helmet with "f_ck the Police", 50 Cent kevlare fashion vest etc, then they may just get the attention they were hoping for.  If I went out with a pointy white sheet on my head with eye holes and a long white robe, when someone teed off on me for being a Klansman it would be pretty thin to try to say that "I just like the way the cotton feels against my skin".  And if you see a Dodge Shadow or older Caravan it gets jumped, no matter who is driving it.
Does anyone remember the skin heads?  I dealt with a few, with nazi insignia and all, who protested to the end that they were not racist but just liked to dress like that.  Oddly, when they got their heads kicked in by a black or Philipino group, I was never to anxious to take their report.
The Mossad have unappologetically used profiling successfully for years.  It doesnt matter what gets you on to your target, it's how you deal with them afterwards that will dictate how you are judged.
zipperhead_cop said:
It is unfortunate that the concept of "profiling" has become synonymous with "racism".  If you see a scrote of any colour at 3am in a residential area with all black clothes and a backpack and gloves on in the summer time, do you care if he is white, asian or black?  He is a B&E boy and you deal with him.  If someone goes out of their way to appear to be someone who is breaking the law ie) gangbang clothes, motorcycle helmet with "f_ck the Police", 50 Cent kevlare fashion vest etc, then they may just get the attention they were hoping for.  If I went out with a pointy white sheet on my head with eye holes and a long white robe, when someone teed off on me for being a Klansman it would be pretty thin to try to say that "I just like the way the cotton feels against my skin".  And if you see a Dodge Shadow or older Caravan it gets jumped, no matter who is driving it.
Does anyone remember the skin heads?  I dealt with a few, with nazi insignia and all, who protested to the end that they were not racist but just liked to dress like that.  Oddly, when they got their heads kicked in by a black or Philipino group, I was never to anxious to take their report.
The Mossad have unappologetically used profiling successfully for years.  It doesnt matter what gets you on to your target, it's how you deal with them afterwards that will dictate how you are judged.

Our security company does a lot of work in and around the Toronto Housing projects, where about 95% of the tenants are black. And you *bet*, the second that an arrest has to be made they cry "racism!", and when it starts to get physical they cry "brutality!".

I might have felt differently 5 years ago, but being involved with law enforcement and seeing the realities up close and personal in Toronto, I can't help but support racial profiling. Not only racial, but "geographic" profiling. Police officers need to use their skills, experience, and gut instincts in order to do their jobs. But if they're afraid to pull over or make an arrest on a black male because they'll up the stats, then they're putting their community in more danger. Policing shouldn't be political, nor should it concern itself with being politcally correct.

Honestly, IMO skin colour does not determine squat about what kind of person you are. BUT, I think that culture, affiliations, geography, and social class will determine how likely it is that one will end up on the wrong side of the law. And unfortunately in Toronto right now, those people happen to be disproportionately black at the moment. 
I think any group that enjoys special status because of any identifiable feature will ultimately end up with people who take advantage of it.  Down here, the vast majority of problems are with straight up white trash, who cry "disadvantage" and "product of CAS".  If it gets them milage in court or anywhere, they will use it.  It is human nature to seize advantage.  What we let them get away with is up to us.  I have worked tirelessly to promote the cause of the disadvantaged Scottish man, who has suffered under the yolk of British oppression for hundreds of years.  Unless you are a Scot, you cant know the hatred and suffering my people and I have sufferred for years.  And no amount of British/Irish/Welsh guilt will sooth the chain scars on my wrists from what those limeys did to my family 400 years ago.  Now don't get on me when I celebrate my heritage, down a bottle of single malt and go on a window smashing, head butting rampage.  Be sensitive to my peoples needs.
zipperhead_cop said:
I have worked tirelessly to promote the cause of the disadvantaged Scottish man, who has suffered under the yolk of British oppression for hundreds of years.   Unless you are a Scot, you cant know the hatred and suffering my people and I have sufferred for years.   And no amount of British/Irish/Welsh guilt will sooth the chain scars on my wrists from what those limeys did to my family 400 years ago.   Now don't get on me when I celebrate my heritage, down a bottle of single malt and go on a window smashing, head butting rampage.   Be sensitive to my peoples needs.

Amen, and anyone who disagrees with anything you do or think is instantly a hood wearin' cross burnin' racist, who can be safely pigeonholed and ignored.

I think all we Scots should demand massive compensation from the British Government, as we are "10th Generation Scottish Genocide Survivors"

We can build "Scotocaust" memorials all over the world (even in countries that had nothing to do with it) and drill guilt into the rest of the world for decades to come.....

And don't you dare laugh - Scotocaust denier!
" BUT, I think that culture, affiliations, geography, and social class will determine how likely it is that one will end up on the wrong side of the law."

- Correct.

All people are equal, BUT, all cultures are NOT.

Not to pee on the campfire (much), but Scots, Welsh, and Irish are ALL British, just not English.  You lot should be able to get over a little thing like being conquered.    :warstory:
Kat Stevens said:
Not to pee on the campfire (much), but Scots, Welsh, and Irish are ALL British, just not English.   You lot should be able to get over a little thing like being conquered.      :warstory:

"Great Britain is a country ruled over by the Welsh.
Fought for by the Scots and the Irish, for the benefit the English."
David Lloyd George
Kat Stevens said:
Not to pee on the campfire (much), but Scots, Welsh, and Irish are ALL British, just not English.   You lot should be able to get over a little thing like being conquered.      :warstory:


Perhaps you limeys should remember that you would be speaking German right now if all the Scots had'nt abandoned the rainy isles, moved to North America, multiplied and come back and saved you from enslavement and domination - twice.

And lets not forget their subsequent kicking you out of the US, and your present colonial status to that country.

I'd say we're over that - Frech colonial subject as the limey Queen's representative anyone?
true, they did breed like roaches, didn't they?
Due to a prepondrance of heterosexuals, a problem not encountered in England.    ^-^  Then or now.....
"true, they did breed like roaches, didn't they?"

-Well, Du-uh!, Yeah! Once they found a place where they could finally get their TEETH fixed!


England gave them 500 of repression, they gave the world golf, haggis and bagpipes.... I'd say we're even
GO!!! said:
Due to a prepondrance of heterosexuals, a problem not encountered in England.  ^-^  Then or now.....

Pretty manly talk for a nation of skirt wearing sheep shaggers
-Hutch- said:
you poor thing. just Wait until the playoffs.


-Hutch- said:
that is just like the Ontario liberals idea of stopping the spreading of aids by supplying crack kits to crack addicks

I believe that was heroin, as crack is smoked, not injected, and thus not an avenue of HIV transmission.

Piper said:
Thats why I avoid going to many parts of Toronto unless I'm armed.

Since I own no firearms at all, I don't go to Toronto.

I lived 22 years in Toronto, visit there frequently, and have never even seen a gun on anyone, short of the police. I've spent my share of time in the seedier parts of the city and have only been in two violent altercations, both of which took place in a relatively affluent area.  I have no idea where this image of "Toronto the Dangerous" comes from.
Glorified Ape said:
I believe that was heroin, as crack is smoked, not injected, and thus not an avenue of HIV transmission.
It's crack kit's too.
Crack users commonly experience abrasions and cuts on their lips. Crack pipes are frequently shared, which exposes crack users to potentially infectious blood. While smoking drugs such as crack cocaine is generally thought to be a lower-risk practice than injection drug use, studies have shown that crack smokers are at high risk of HIV and Hepatitis C infection. In order to respond effectively and comprehensively to the HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C epidemics in Canada, drug policies need to incorporate harm reduction approaches such as safe crack-smoking kits.

Kilts are worn only by those so "scottishly" endowed that pants (or knickers as you say) would be unduly restrictive.

Need we discuss the antics of a certain nations' national army? I'll give you a hint - they are predisposed to poor dental care and hygiene, binge drinking, dressing up like women, and a revolting game known as "$hit tag". I'll let you connect the dots..... :-*
That nations army is full of Scots also, who play the same games.  They also watch Braveheart 4 nights a week, hoping for a different ending.  It must be very disheartening to know that such a worthless people managed keep your lot down for the best part of a thousand years.
Though one has to admit, fashioning one's musical instruments from the hollowed out thigh-bones of one's enemies does have a certain cachet to it.


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