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Grey Cup 2007

Who is going to win the Grey Cup this Sunday?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
exgunnertdo said:
The Longitudinal Centre of Canada is actually a little east of Winnipeg, about 20km.  There's a big sign on the Trans Canada. 

Ack, I was confusing the Canada/North America line.
west is best er east is er oh hell
GO BOMBERS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                              best regards,,
                                                      scoty b
Wes, I know exactly what you mean...the Labour Day Classic was always a blast. 
Hawk, I'm with you...I had season tickets when I lived in Winterpeg but was a Riders fan before that.  So I can wear both hats on Sunday, let the BEST team win.
But I still have to say:  GO BOMBERS!!!
Meh being a TO guy im an Argos fan. Though is it just me or did they start sucking when Pinball left the field and became the coach?
Rayman said:
Meh being a TO guy im an Argos fan. Though is it just me or did they start sucking when Pinball left the field and became the coach?

They won the East division this year........
Bruce Monkhouse said:
They won the East division this year........

No, Winnipeg did.  Toronto merely finished the regular season with the most points, earning them a bye to the East final and a week off, which ultimately did them in.  ;)
2 hours until kick off and the poll stands at:

Sask - 29
Winnipeg - 16

What a matchup a QB today; The league's Most Outstanding Player vs a QB who has never started a game in the CFL....

I am going to be sitting with my Ryan-coke Dinwiddie (who has a very impressive record pre Bombers) and enjoy this match up between our two fair cities/provinces...
Okay...now that I've wiped away the tears watching my beloved CF (and who were those ass**les who wouldn't shut the **** up during the minute of silence for our fallen soldiers?)...
Let the game begin.  Should be a great one.
Game time

Saskatchewan Roughriders  30 (58.8%)
Winnipeg Blue Bombers  17 (33.3%)
Saskatchewan WINS!!!!!

I love the CF involvement in all the ceremonies.
Anyone notice the Snowbirds sticker on the bottom of the cup?
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
Anyone notice the Snowbirds sticker on the bottom of the cup?

HAHA! I just came on here to see if anybody else noticed that. I was waiting to see if anybody managed to decorate the bottom of the cup and there it was as soon as they raised it; no mistaking the red sticker.
Well, not my first choice for finishes... however, it's better than Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, or BC winning.  That's just a crime against football.
OSKIE-WEE-WEE  GO TI-CATS, GO. Once again my beloved Tiger-Cats lost out on being at the Grey Cup by the slimmest of margains
I think now I have some insight as to what it feels like to be a Leafs fan....those poor, poor people.
Rayman said:
Meh being a TO guy im an Argos fan. Though is it just me or did they start sucking when Pinball left the field and became the coach?
Not much of a Boatman fan are you?  Read the following and heed, young pedawan:
In 2006, Coach Clemons became the second winningest coach in Argo history with 57 wins, second only to Bob O’Billovich. Clemons’ Argos clinched their fifth consecutive playoff berth, tied with Leo Cahill for the second longest streak by a head coach in team history. Michael Clemons is also in fourth place in Argo history for most playoff appearances by an Argonauts Head Coach with five.
From http://www.argonauts.ca/Argos/Team/ClubDirectory/clemons_mike.html

EDIT: after reading this, I gave the wrong impression. I'm not calling you down, just trying to show you that Pinball is a much better coach than you give credit.  Anyone who likes the Argos is good enough for me.

D Squared said:
Okay...now that I've wiped away the tears watching my beloved CF (and who were those ass**les who wouldn't shut the **** up during the minute of silence for our fallen soldiers?)...
Only saw the first half (I'm in the field again on Royal Gunfighter II)
As for the guys who didn't shut up, I heard one of them yell out "WE LOVE YOU GUYS!"

I imagine that was the jist of most of the "silence"....most were probably drunk.  Intentions were probably in the right place; however, their timing may have been off.

Congrats to the Riders.  Seems like it was a good second half as well.  Congrats to Dinwiddie.  Yes, he threw three picks, but his FIRST PRO start was in "THE game".  Well done also to Toronto.  It looked good from up here in Pet.
Second the congrats for Dinwiddie. That had to have been an insane amount of pressure. He played a good game and the Blue fought right to the last minute of play.