I'll believe it when I see it.
I agree. I think its time for the wealthiest generation to pony up. Lets draft everyone 45 years old and up. This would also help sort out our lopsided age/wealth issue.
If the old men want to go to war, well lets send them. And no buying your way out.
For the record Im 46.
I see those stats - but I disagree with them. I have a 19yr son in his 2nd yr of Uni. He lives at home when he's not at university. He and the vast vast vast majority of his co-students are not minors and fall under their parents family income but they enjoy ALL the benefits of their parents income and should not be considered 'poor' - a place to live rent free the 6 months of the year when they are not in school, free food during that entire time period, no heating/electricity costs, a substantial number get their car insurance paid for by their parents, a substantial number get their clothing needs, personal hygiene needs, vacations, etc, etc, etc paid for by their parents. If ALL of those things were counted as 'income' those numbers would be completely different. I can't believe the amount of 'free money' my son has received from Jan 1 onto today from the Federal and Provincial governments since he's over the age of 18yr - its quite ridiculous.Every proposal I've seen this, usually from those who are ignorant on these matters, always see this as a cheap way to boost numbers. But if this has to actually be sold to young people, it can't be done cheaply. What you propose probably wouldn't be enough. There has to be a fundamental change in this:
What you're proposing is for the poorest cohort in the country to give up a crucial year. Compensation for that better be a lot more than a year's worth of education. Especially if they then face tax increases to fund this. My personal proposal would start at $100k in carry forward tax credits. And it would go a lot higher if there's any consideration to deploy these folks. And that's on top of conscript pay, 0% student loans, etc.
Keep in mind, you're not just selling this idea to this board. You need to sell this to the very young people who have to do this and all their parents. And I haven't seen an idea here what I would vote for, as a parent, and CAF member. I can only imagine how the muggles will take these fever dreams of compelled service.
I see those stats - but I disagree with them.
I have a 19yr son in his 2nd yr of Uni.
He's not serving. He's got a life threatening allergy to peanuts and nuts that requires him to carry an epi-pen with him at all times. Do you think the CAF would be able to ensure that all its prepared food, whether prepared inhouse or by 3rd party companies is 100% nut/peanut free on a daily basis?Is he serving? If not, ask him what it would take to get him to serve. And ask what fair compensation would be, if he were to be conscripted.
He's not serving. He's got a life threatening allergy to peanuts and nuts that requires him to carry an epi-pen with him at all times. Do you think the CAF would be able to ensure that all its prepared food, whether prepared inhouse or by 3rd party companies is 100% nut/peanut free on a daily basis?
Sorry for the delayed response. Cell service isn’t great where I’m at currently.The Challenger 3 is a refurbish and upgrade program for the Challenger 2, using hulls built in the 90s. The biggest difference is a new turret with the Rh-120 L/55.
My line of thinking is put the Challenger 3 into full scale new production. Besides us, the British Army would probably like to have more than 148, or at least be able to account for attrition, and Ukraine has nothing but praise for the Challenger 2s they received and would probably like to have new tanks.
Since BAE Systems built the Challenger 2 in the first place, logically they should have the blueprints so it should be physically possible to build new hulls.
In other words, make the Challenger 3 not an orphan system.
Sorry for the delayed response. Cell service isn’t great where I’m at currently.
Even with Canada and the UK adopting the C3 it would still be a relative orphan. You’d have what 400 tanks in the combined fleet at max?
You’re looking at 5k plus versions of Abrams, and 3,600+ Leopard 2 variants, K-2 Black Panther over 1,200 (and climbing), heck even the rather (comparatively) fledgling KF-51 Panther has orders over the top of what have ever been built for Challengers 420-450 depending on sources, and Ukraine is going to be be building at least 400 KF-51 in the Rheinmetall factory there.
I just don’t see the viability of a Challenger III for anyone (including the Brits) and the C3 for them are just rebuilds of the older C2.
Realistically I see the KF-51 being the next logical tank for Canada given RM’s footprint in Canada, the second would be a domestically produced K-2.
The M1A2 Abrams would have been the easiest option, but my current President has made that option less of a palatable choice.
God no, but it simply doesn’t have the same level of support due to fleet size that other Western MBT’s have, but unlike the Brit bullpups it’s not a lemon….So you're saying the Chally 3 is the tank version of the SA-80 and the LSW?
Now I get it![]()
God no, but it simply doesn’t have the same level of support due to fleet size that other Western MBT’s have, but unlike the Brit bullpups it’s not a lemon….
UK armed forces dropping the SLR and adopting the SA-80 is like dating a 10 and settling for a 3
— your ex-friend Vince (@TheVinceGerard) May 23, 2020
I’ve said numerous times in the past year that the Trudeau government needs to drastically reduce the number of people coming into this country, whether legal immigrants, students or refugees. I’ve seen all the unemployed people living in the streets and going to the Food Bank for something to eat. The infrastructure of our cities are being strained to the limit. I’ve also been one of those who were shouting for Trudeau to step down.If we're doing this to help young people, making them dig trenches and fill sandbags is not how it's done. Just cut back on the number of foreign students (and the hours they work) and cap immigration so that young grads aren't competing with immigrants who have 10 more years of work experience for an entry level job.
Let's be clear, it has been a series of conscious policy decisions to screw young people to benefit the old. Conscripting them to help them gain experience is bordering on Orwellian irony.
European countries managed it for years.I’ve never been a big fan of conscription unless absolutely necessary. Seeing the American experience in Vietnam with unmotivated draftees and the problems they caused sold me it was more trouble than it was worth.
I just never liked the idea of depending on someone to have my back who had no motivation at all to serve. Forcing someone to serve who doesn’t want to never sat well with me, unless things were especially dire.European countries managed it for years.
Or course the Russian Bear being next door was more motivational I suppose…
I just never liked the idea of depending on someone to have my back who had no motivation at all to serve. Forcing someone to serve who doesn’t want to never sat well with me, unless things were especially dire.
For instance, conscription in Israel and Ukraine makes sense. In Canada and the US, not so much. I could see a case in pre-1990’s and post-2014 Europe.
Which is still more than the original Challenger 2.Even with Canada and the UK adopting the C3 it would still be a relative orphan. You’d have what 400 tanks in the combined fleet at max?
The closest thing I've seen to an army of slaves is a conscript army.
If you hate your kids, make sure you draft them![]()
British basic pay was about 14 shillings per week (US $2.80 at the time). US basic pay after 1942 was $50/month, so about four times more. $50/month was a very good pay rate for a single man at the time, especially when you bear in mind the Army provided food, housing, etc.
The daily allowance for conscripts and women performing voluntary military service will be increased from the current 5.90 euros to 6.10 euros for the first 165 days or six months of service. The allowance will be increased from 9.80 euros to 10.15 euros for service lasting more than 165 days, but less than 255 days. Dec 27, 2024
Apparently armies of slaves win.
Paras got double pay, their standard 2 shillings a day plus another 2 shillings a day parachute pay.
Canadian pay.
Regimental Rates - All Arms
[th width="20em"][th]Basic Pay[/th][th]Overseas allce[/th][th]Separation allce[/th] [td]Colonel[/td]
[td width="10em"][td]Lieutenant-Colonel[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Majors[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Captains[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Lieutenants[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Adjutants, in addition to pay of rank[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Paymasters[/td]
[td width="10em"][td]Quartermasters[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Warrant Officers[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Quartermaster-Sergeants[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Orderly Room Clerks[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Pay Sergeants[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Squadron, Battery, Company Sergeant-Major[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Squadron, Battery, Company Quartermaster-Sergeant[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Colour Sergeant, or Staff Sergeant[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Sergeants[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Corporals[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Bombardiers or 2nd Corporals[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Trumpeters, Buglers, and Drummers[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"][td]Privates, Gunners, Drivers, Sappers, Batmen, Cooks, etc.[/td]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
[/td][td width="10em"]
Danish conscripts get a stipend.
Danish homeguards are volunteers and don't get paid unless they are called out in which case they get expenses and lost wages.
Swedish conscripts get $450 per month.
Finnish conscripts
Sounds like a dream job![]()