I'll believe it when I see it.
Almost as if you need properly trained people to administer human resources functions.FTFY.
The spouse of one if my soldiers just went through this debacle. Moved to Supp Res in 2023, asked to move back into the Reg F and VOT, was told to start re-enrollment from Day One.
Wasn't until I did some digging and found the Sup Res National coordinator's email that things started to change. All that was needed was the CFRC to send him her file number and...bam. Back in uniform and on POET within a week.
And these are the people running entry to our system, it's sheer incompetence. Don't worry though none will face consequences or get anything negative on their PAR.FTFY.
The spouse of one if my soldiers just went through this debacle. Moved to Supp Res in 2023, asked to move back into the Reg F and VOT, was told to start re-enrollment from Day One.
Wasn't until I did some digging and found the Sup Res National coordinator's email that things started to change. All that was needed was the CFRC to send him her file number and...bam. Back in uniform and on POET within a week.
And these are the people running entry to our system, it's sheer incompetence. Don't worry though none will face consequences or get anything negative on their PAR.
Don't worry though none will face consequences or get anything negative on their PAR.
Are the CFRG issues related to the recruiter or admin side of things?
Yeap, it's all about promote promote promote, had my CSM ask why i haven't gotten my sgts yet. I laughed and asked why there's is a need with 3 RCEME sgts above me. That and thanks to our staffing issues my final trades course for howitzer has been cancelled 5 years straight.That's pretty much CAF-wide. Even with negative FB notes or sub-standard PARs, people are still getting promoted due to attrition. Cpls ranked in the 150s were getting their leaf, it's insanity.
Not Cpl Bloggins fault. Its the supervisors fault. IC to start. Escalate from there.Those gains are for naught if Cpl Bloggins can't be fucked to action items in a timely manner because "reasons".
Can't speak for HQ, but I can speak for the Dets."I knew a full-time reservist who was working at CFRG while holding down a day job, and an elected position in municipal government. I met a lot of folks at CFRG HQ when I was instructing, none of them seemed terribly busy."
While I love to throw blame on President Trump, I do think Canada has played a not too small part in causing issues.Kevin. Until last month I was in full agreement.
However, when you're the smaller partner in a bigger conglomerate then you better have trust in your bigger partner that at some point he won't pack up his IP or divert the critical parts supply coming from his subs to your plants or start raising the prices of parts or licenses unilaterally. Last month all that trust disappeared in a cloud of orange vented stupidity.
Chinese interference and other issues with security of high level government personnel. General apathy about Defense and Security issues. While I think DJT had made some colossally poor decisions on tariffs and other issues, I see a lot of DoD pointing to more than a decade of prodding, shaming etc trying to get Canada to deal with a number of the above issues. Canada has been a shitty partner for years.I went grocery shopping with 9D today. It took twice as long as usual because we were looking at labels to see the country of origin. US Brands that we've bought for decades are staying on the shelf.
I said it before: the two of us were two of the most solid fans of the US you could have up here. Not anymore. I don't think Americans truly understand what's going on here. Even worse, the vast majority of them couldn't give a rat's ass what we think up here.
I agree - we erred before. Sometimes stupidly so. From here on in it's more likely to be stubbornly so.
Respectfully FJAG, it was naive to think they've ever been any other way. They're just as duplicitous and ruthless as any other of the other superpowers in history, they were just our dog in the fight.Kevin. Until last month I was in full agreement.
However, when you're the smaller partner in a bigger conglomerate then you better have trust in your bigger partner that at some point he won't pack up his IP or divert the critical parts supply coming from his subs to your plants or start raising the prices of parts or licenses unilaterally. Last month all that trust disappeared in a cloud of orange vented stupidity.
I went grocery shopping with 9D today. It took twice as long as usual because we were looking at labels to see the country of origin. US Brands that we've bought for decades are staying on the shelf.
I said it before: the two of us were two of the most solid fans of the US you could have up here. Not anymore. I don't think Americans truly understand what's going on here. Even worse, the vast majority of them couldn't give a rat's ass what we think up here.
I agree - we erred before. Sometimes stupidly so. From here on in it's more likely to be stubbornly so.
Which means Canada should find better allies/friends...While I love to throw blame on President Trump, I do think Canada has played a not too small part in causing issues.
Chinese interference and other issues with security of high level government personnel. General apathy about Defense and Security issues. While I think DJT had made some colossally poor decisions on tariffs and other issues, I see a lot of DoD pointing to more than a decade of prodding, shaming etc trying to get Canada to deal with a number of the above issues. Canada has been a shitty partner for years.
Most US opinion on Canada ends with, at the end of the day, if you are not on board, you’re just another impact area for BMD…
You won't find me disagreeing with that at all.While I love to throw blame on President Trump, I do think Canada has played a not too small part in causing issues.
Kevin. I'll agree right off the top that not reaching 2% is problematic especially we agreed in 2014 that we'd be there by this year. Trudeau is an ingenuous little bitch who'd lie through his teeth if it helps his political position. Remind you of anyone south of the border?Chinese interference and other issues with security of high level government personnel. General apathy about Defense and Security issues. While I think DJT had made some colossally poor decisions on tariffs and other issues, I see a lot of DoD pointing to more than a decade of prodding, shaming etc trying to get Canada to deal with a number of the above issues. Canada has been a shitty partner for years.
Most Americans think vaccines are bad and only one in twenty could tell you the five freedoms protected by the 1st amendment to the constitution (speech, religion, right to assemble, freedom of the press and freedom to petition their government). How many can name even five of Canada's provinces? The US is not generally known for its ability to think too deeply when it comes to global strategy. They simply do not have the facts but are awash in misinformation.Most US opinion on Canada ends with, at the end of the day, if you are not on board, you’re just another impact area for BMD…
Most Americans think vaccines are bad and only one in twenty could tell you the five freedoms protected by the 1st amendment to the constitution (speech, religion, right to assemble, freedom of the press and freedom to petition their government). How many can name even five of Canada's provinces? The US is not generally known for its ability to think too deeply when it comes to global strategy. They simply do not have the facts but are awash in misinformation.
Won't be long until it's polio.Meanwhile, in Texas...
In rural West Texas, a measles outbreak grows with no end in sight
At least 49 cases have been confirmed. Health officials — who are scrambling to get a handle on the vaccine-preventable outbreak — suspect 200 to 300 people may be infected.
In rural West Texas, a measles outbreak grows with no end in sight
At least 58 cases have been confirmed. Health officials — who are scrambling to get a handle on the vaccine-preventable outbreak — suspect 200 to 300 people may be infected.www.nbcnews.com
That's a good thing to have and its mostly worked to our advantage.they were just our dog in the fight.
As is ours. I don't think we have a national strategy that extends beyond the next election cycle. It's the burden that a democracy bears.I think the current US administration's view of politics if far too short term, to the detriment of America and the rest of the world.
I tend to agree albeit that the public has tremendously short-term memory.The relationship between Canada and America is permanently damaged.
We tried that. China would love us to kowtow to the belt and road. Europe is too self centred. And we'll still have that pesky 5,525 mile border that we share with the US and which 90% of us live within a 150 miles of. Africa? South America? I don't think that we have the talent.Canada should be exercising every opportunity to engage with others.
Fair, but I suspect our governments have erred toward caution and quiet non-compliance. America has essentially declared economic war on the world. I expect their current actions will have far more of an impact than Canada's protection of dairy farmers, and refusal to commit enough to NATO.As is ours. I don't think we have a national strategy that extends beyond the next election cycle. It's the burden that a democracy bears.
It may be recency bias, but this feels different... America is turning it's back to the world, after decades of enforcing it's will on the world. There will be far reaching and unexpected consequences for the entire world.I tend to agree albeit that the public has tremendously short-term memory.
I'm not suggesting we try to abandon America all at once. I'm simply suggesting that when it comes to defence, and other critical things we stop pretending America is on "our side". Maybe buy NATO, Korean, Japanese, etc... systems , rather than be entirely reliant on an "ally" who is threatening to annex us.We tried that. China would love us to kowtow to the belt and road. Europe is too self centred. And we'll still have that pesky 5,525 mile border that we share with the US and which 90% of us live within a 150 miles of. Africa? South America? I don't think that we have the talent.
I'm generally against European kit. That's going back to when my people were going into war with kit that was finely machined so as to freeze up in Russia and jam with sand in North Africa and in vehicles built for the Autobahn and not Russian mud. Plants for building Korean kit in Canada are looking better to me every day.Maybe buy NATO, Korean, Japanese, etc... systems . . .
Perhaps a "Middle-Power" coalition of some sort. Let's work with our natural allies and friends such as the EU, UK, Chile, Brazil, Japan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Perhaps it's time for a human experiment where we eschew the great powers do our own thing in the middle and work to develop new members through development and aid initiatives. I know I'm more likely to win Lotto Max than see something along those lines but one can dream and man, I'm dreaming of a world where the Americans, Russians and Chinese are diminished as much as possible and recognized globally as the threats they are.Fair, but I suspect our governments have erred toward caution and quiet non-compliance. America has essentially declared economic war on the world. I expect their current actions will have far more of an impact than Canada's protection of dairy farmers, and refusal to commit enough to NATO.
It may be recency bias, but this feels different... America is turning it's back to the world, after decades of enforcing it's will on the world. There will be far reaching and unexpected consequences for the entire world.
I'm not suggesting we try to abandon America all at once. I'm simply suggesting that when it comes to defence, and other critical things we stop pretending America is on "our side". Maybe buy NATO, Korean, Japanese, etc... systems , rather than be entirely reliant on an "ally" who is threatening to annex us.
Maybe Canada should make a pointed effort to remind our allies that threats so of annexation are not a "cool" thing to do.
From what I've heard from some online acquaintances, SK makes some stellar shit. I bet they'd be more than happy to build factories here as long as we are reliable customers (which we probably won't be haha).I'm generally against European kit. That's going back to when my people were going into war with kit that was finely machined so as to freeze up in Russia and jam with sand in North Africa and in vehicles built for the Autobahn and not Russian mud. Plants for building Korean kit in Canada are looking better to me every day.
Great idea in principal, but entirely unrealistic in practice.Perhaps a "Middle-Power" coalition of some sort. Let's work with our natural allies and friends such as the EU, UK, Chile, Brazil, Japan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Perhaps it's time for a human experiment where we eschew the great powers do our own thing in the middle and work to develop new members through development and aid initiatives. I know I'm more likely to win Lotto Max than see something along those lines but one can dream and man, I'm dreaming of a world where the Americans, Russians and Chinese are diminished as much as possible and recognized globally as the threats they are.
Oh I agree. Russia is our main threat 100%, no further explanation required. China is a nebulous, vague threat but poses a substantial risk to our main partners in the Indo-Pacific, so watch and shoot on them, especially since they only have 5-10 more years where they can project their influence aggressively. Demographic collapse is a bitch. I wonder what China looks like after the death of Dear Leader? Maybe another Hu Jintao is in the wings, certainly no saint but a rational leader willing to work with the West.Great idea in principal, but entirely unrealistic in practice.
Canada should buy kit elsewhere, but it would be silly to assume we'd side with China or Russia against America. We are linked to the American sphere of influence, so we need to be useful partners in that sphere. That said, we also need to be prickly enough that America doesn't think it's worth a 10 year war to make us a colony.