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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

No please, go on. Seriously.
I'm sure you have heard the "great reset" And You will own nothing and be happy.

I have for the last few years and especially the last two been trying to use Hanlon's Razor as the reason for things that are happening....it is becoming harder and harder all the time.

Question to ask yourself.
Doubtful. People will vote for whoever promises to try to change that.
Will they? I have my doubts that they will.

Plus this more than just voting for red/blue team. Its mega corporations embracing ESB. Universities' speech codes. Hollywood pushing agendas in entertainment. CRT in schools. Climate Change emergency so stop whatever activity they deem bad. etc etc etc.....

I do believe we (meaning people who believe in western values) have lost....

All though I read your post script "Despair is a Sin".....I thought you're right...keep fighting.
Its mega corporations embracing ESB.

Buying opportunities.

Universities' speech codes.

Real world fixes that.

Hollywood pushing agendas in entertainment.

Plenty of old movies you probably haven't watched.

CRT in schools.

Involved parents.

Climate Change emergency so stop whatever activity they deem bad

Take the long view. No-one is really acting like it's an emergency.
Hollywood pushing agendas in entertainment
When did Hollywood not push agendas via entertainment?

It's like people getting mad now that Star Trek [insert show] is being "too liberal". This is the same franchise that, in the 60s, had a multicultural crew with a Black woman in an important role, and had an episode deliberately and blatantly denouncing racism.
When did Hollywood not push agendas via entertainment?
No joke... Think of all the heteronormativity in Disney. Even child marriage is encouraged. To say Hollywood hasn't pushed an agenda, well you would have to be blind or someone who was apart of the agenda it was pushing, aka straight, and white.
It's like people getting mad now that Star Trek [insert show] is being "too liberal". This is the same franchise that, in the 60s, had a multicultural crew with a Black woman in an important role, and had an episode deliberately and blatantly denouncing racism.
Start trek and Mash as well.
When did Hollywood not push agendas via entertainment?

It's like people getting mad now that Star Trek [insert show] is being "too liberal". This is the same franchise that, in the 60s, had a multicultural crew with a Black woman in an important role, and had an episode deliberately and blatantly denouncing racism.
Yeah plus I mean Kirk will screw anything with two legs and a vagina - if that’s not diversity…

Oh wait I may have downplayed the rampant sexism.
Meanwhile, NDP foreign affairs critic Heather McPherson said the issue of Canada’s declining military resourcing is both longstanding and nonpartisan.

“We have seen our military be decimated over [the] long-term. This is not something that has just happened. We have not provided the tools that our soldiers, our men and women in uniform, need to do the jobs that we're asking them to do safely,” she said.

This is not what I would have expected from the NDP:

Perhaps the NDP are reading their own socialist doctrine finally. "The first duty of the state is to protect the state".

That's like Socialism 101. Granted old school socialism but France still practices it.
Hell, I felt uncomfortable watching Mad Men and there have been articles saying that it was downplayed from what it was like back then.

Dude, you don't get out much, do you? ;)

In various sectors of the civilian work world it's still 'Mad Men', on steroids in some cases. Such as:


Tech companies are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to improve conditions for female employees. Here’s why not much has changed—and what might actually work.

Looking back, Wu is struck by “the countless times I’ve had to move a man’s hand from my thigh (or back or shoulder or hair or arm) during a meeting (or networking event or professional lunch or brainstorming session or pitch meeting) without seeming confrontational (or bitchy or rejecting or demanding or aggressive).” In a land of grand ideas and grander funding proposals, she found that the ability to neatly reject a man’s advances without injuring his ego is “a pretty important skill that I would bet most successful women in our industry have.”

Perhaps the NDP are reading their own socialist doctrine finally. "The first duty of the state is to protect the state".

That's like Socialism 101. Granted old school socialism but France still practices it.
Not so fast says Comrade Singh…..

NDP against Canada increasing defence spending to hit 'arbitrary' NATO target​

Wouldn’t want the NDP to go against the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics now would we.
Not so fast says Comrade Singh…..

NDP against Canada increasing defence spending to hit 'arbitrary' NATO target​

Wouldn’t want the NDP to go against the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics now would we.
Cool... so what's their metric then? Seeing as we treaty bound to NATO and NORAD, I would love to see his indicators. More "punching above our weight" talk?
Cool... so what's their metric then? Seeing as we treaty bound to NATO and NORAD, I would love to see his indicators. More "punching above our weight" talk?
My guess is PMJT has secured Singh's support for two critical files:

New Fighter Jet

To go along with that, NDP won't give the Govt grief over implementing SSE.

Like I have said many times though, I don't foresee major increase in Defence expenditures from this Govt.
I sort of agree with Comrade Singh. The CAF needs direction on what its purpose is, then we can figure out the budget. Dumping another $20b into the budget will just mean new office furniture every year rather than anything meaningful like new equipment.
I sort of agree with Comrade Singh. The CAF needs direction on what its purpose is, then we can figure out the budget. Dumping another $20b into the budget will just mean new office furniture every year rather than anything meaningful like new equipment.
I agree totally with those points, however, we need an alternative metric.

If 2% GDP isn't the metric wanted, what is the plan? What capabilities do they want added? What are the timelines?

SSE isn't worth the paper it's written on, so that can't possibly be a guide or point of reference
Not so fast says Comrade Singh…..

NDP against Canada increasing defence spending to hit 'arbitrary' NATO target​

Wouldn’t want the NDP to go against the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics now would we.
Why is now Liberal back bencher saying anything? He gave it up to his master, Trudeau. Hopefully the PM reels him in.