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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

Never ascribe to conspiracy what can be explained by spontaneous order emerging from the individually applied biases of people abusing position and/or authority.

On the other hand you can't discount conspiracy completely - people do co-operate to effect change.

Where the problem arises is ascribing the conspiracy to the Commies, the Illuminati, Opus Dei or the WEF. My take is that in all of those groups, and many others, there are lots of people trying to conspire. The good news is that they are as effective as any other aspiring governments.
On the other hand you can't discount conspiracy completely - people do co-operate to effect change.

Where the problem arises is ascribing the conspiracy to the Commies, the Illuminati, Opus Dei or the WEF. My take is that in all of those groups, and many others, there are lots of people trying to conspire. The good news is that they are as effective as any other aspiring governments.
I think with organizations like WEF as an example, is they think they are genuinely doing good but even with great wealth and broad political and corporate access, one can still be stuck inside a "bubble" .

However, no matter how well intended or pure of motives your decisions or actions are, if you try to "slip it in" or "sneak it past" the public/masses/the population, etc, the more you you will be villified and rejected by said masses.
I smell an update for SSE coming shortly.
  • Rumourmill on impending UOR contracts for AD, AT and counter-drone
  • On social media, MND Anand with François-Philippe Champagne (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry of Canada) are in Washington for 2 days in meetings with Boeing, LM, Raytheon on the military-industrial supply chain.
I smell an update for SSE coming shortly.
  • Rumourmill on impending UOR contracts for AD, AT and counter-drone
  • On social media, MND Anand with François-Philippe Champagne (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry of Canada) are in Washington for 2 days in meetings with Boeing, LM, Raytheon on the military-industrial supply chain.

The odor is strong because an update was directed some time ago to be ready this spring.
I smell an update for SSE coming shortly.
  • Rumourmill on impending UOR contracts for AD, AT and counter-drone
Question for the field regarding the UOR's, if we use a UOR for something that there's a standing project for (AD & AT) is there any predictive value in the UOR awards as to what the result of the long term project will be? Or should they be viewed only as stop gap purchases that carry no to little weight in shaping long term decisions?
Ideally, the same staff work the UOR and the project, and may even put in place contracts that can later be leveraged by subsequent projects.
I smell an update for SSE coming shortly.
  • Rumourmill on impending UOR contracts for AD, AT and counter-drone
  • On social media, MND Anand with François-Philippe Champagne (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry of Canada) are in Washington for 2 days in meetings with Boeing, LM, Raytheon on the military-industrial supply chain.

Which will probably all be sidelined by some scandal involving a GOFO, right? ;)
I honestly hope the UOR bears no resemblance to the actual project.

From various conversations I will be surprised if the UOR is filled by any common systems like NLAW, Javelin, Stinger, etc.. Simply put we can’t get a spot in the production que fast enough so we will likely be forced to go to a bespoke limited user base system in order to be able to get anything timely.

For the actual project I would want North American production, commonality with the US military and a large number of users to fund spiral development and improvements, something I don’t see being likely with our UORs.

Of course the last UOR I saw was submitted in 2017 for an Aimpoint FCS for the 84mm, contact was finally signed just before Christmas 2022 so hey maybe I am expecting faster movement on this than reasonable.
I smell an update for SSE coming shortly.
  • Rumourmill on impending UOR contracts for AD, AT and counter-drone
  • On social media, MND Anand with François-Philippe Champagne (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry of Canada) are in Washington for 2 days in meetings with Boeing, LM, Raytheon on the military-industrial supply chain.

Interesting because the reports I've seen (eg Politico) make no mention of meetings with Boeing, Lockmart or Raytheon. Hope springs eternal.
I guess another question on the UOR side is what is the size of the force that we are equipping? The current Cdn sub unit plus in eFP, a Cdn BG or the Cdn/MN Bde construct for 2024?
Very different numbers depending.
Trudeau is all hat and no cattle, Canada won't get more military spending, just look at the medical assistance to provinces offered. The CAF needs new equipment and more of it and more troops and training. We could not shoot down a Chinese balloon, the balloon itself quite low tech.
Our govt. is in massive debt that created inflation that we haven't seen in decades. Personnel need pay raises due to inflation, I know what it's like to be making less $ every year due to no increases and finally a 0.5% increase that did nothing. You get what you pay for. Now is the time to be on a war footing, the world is not so friendly today and to believe the ocean will be the buffer it once was in the past is not realistic today.
Trudeau is all hat and no cattle, Canada won't get more military spending, just look at the medical assistance to provinces offered. The CAF needs new equipment and more of it and more troops and training. We could not shoot down a Chinese balloon, the balloon itself quite low tech.
Our govt. is in massive debt that created inflation that we haven't seen in decades. Personnel need pay raises due to inflation, I know what it's like to be making less $ every year due to no increases and finally a 0.5% increase that did nothing. You get what you pay for. Now is the time to be on a war footing, the world is not so friendly today and to believe the ocean will be the buffer it once was in the past is not realistic today.

The power of words and convening will save us!
I guess another question on the UOR side is what is the size of the force that we are equipping? The current Cdn sub unit plus in eFP, a Cdn BG or the Cdn/MN Bde construct for 2024?
Very different numbers depending.
From what I read on an Ottawa Citizen article that can't be quoted here I believe it said that the SHORAD and AD systems were for the eFP Latvia contingent and the counter-UAV system was for the broader Op Reassurance deployment.
From what I read on an Ottawa Citizen article that can't be quoted here I believe it said that the SHORAD and AD systems were for the eFP Latvia contingent and the counter-UAV system was for the broader Op Reassurance deployment.
That’s the thing, right now the eFP contingent is effectively a sub unit in terms of ATGM and 2-3 sub units for SHORAD but that does not account for the growth to a Bde with at least double the number of Cdn sub units inside of 12 months assuming we have the will to actually follow through.
So if the UOR is for the eFP contingent as of 1 yr ago when we first started talking about this in earnest, it is too small.
I smell an update for SSE coming shortly.
  • Rumourmill on impending UOR contracts for AD, AT and counter-drone
  • On social media, MND Anand with François-Philippe Champagne (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry of Canada) are in Washington for 2 days in meetings with Boeing, LM, Raytheon on the military-industrial supply chain.
Yes. It was in the 2022 budget.

Trudeau is all hat and no cattle, Canada won't get more military spending, just look at the medical assistance to provinces offered. The CAF needs new equipment and more of it and more troops and training. We could not shoot down a Chinese balloon, the balloon itself quite low tech.
Our govt. is in massive debt that created inflation that we haven't seen in decades. Personnel need pay raises due to inflation, I know what it's like to be making less $ every year due to no increases and finally a 0.5% increase that did nothing. You get what you pay for. Now is the time to be on a war footing, the world is not so friendly today and to believe the ocean will be the buffer it once was in the past is not realistic today.

Don't worry your little heart, Trudeau will just print more money like he did for covid. After all he dosent think about monetary policy. Therefore it dosent exist. You know like Elmer Fudd didn't study gravity.
Don't worry your little heart, Trudeau will just print more money like he did for covid. After all he dosent think about monetary policy. Therefore it dosent exist. You know like Elmer Fudd didn't study gravity.
Besides, the chattering class say it’s not his to worry about, the Bank of Canada is a separate entity and makes the monetary policy for Canada.
Besides, the chattering class say it’s not his to worry about, the Bank of Canada is a separate entity and makes the monetary policy for Canada.

I have a real hard time believing that the decision to print that much money came from bankers. Bankers would know what happens to an economy when money is printed en masses. Trust fund babies on the other hand, not so mych