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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

I mean there are more & more seniors looking for part time gigs, and Wal-Mart isn't for everyone...

25% of the population will be 65+ by 2028 in Canada. We will need them in any capacity to keep this insane gov spending going.
For the most part seniors will either be retired or working time-filling jobs that don't pay enough to make them appreciable contributors to income tax revenues, and their retirement savings (those that have them) won't be going as far as before inflation took a bite. Some of them will be voting for whoever promises to increase payments to contemporary beneficiaries of CPP, OAS, and GIS. Whoever makes any kind of promises - no matter how wild - to improve access to health care might also get their votes.

What I expect to happen is that taxes will increase substantially on the upper quarter or third of filers by income. The amount won't be noticed by the super-rich, but below that small fraction there is going to be a large tranch of taxpayers whose disposable income starts to shrink - maybe starting at $70K income, if you're wondering whether that is likely to include yourself. Roughly half of Canadians receive more in transfers than they pay in income tax, so don't look to them.

Launch the Geriatric Response Force!!!!

I'm REDy ;)

bruce willis GIF
Spending rose sharply, in real dollar terms, from 2002 to 2011 (Afghanistan) but in 2012 Defence Minister Peter MacKay decided, on the advice of his admirals and generals, to disobey a pretty clear directive from Prime Minister Harper to cut the HQ bloat and the PM, in his turn, cut DND's funding sharply. By 2014 Canada spent less than 1% of GDP on defence and that, I think, was a shot aimed directly at Rick Hillier and Walt Natynczyk and so on.

Under pressure from the GOB (Great Orange Buffon in the White House) Prime Minister Trudeau has made the defence budget rise from 1.15% ($18B) to 1,4% ($23B) but that is not even keeping pace with inflation.

The message I get from the numbers is that Canadians are unwilling to spend on defence. 2% may be a red line that Canadians are unwilling to allow any government to cross.
And, based on the first para above and the transformation report by Leslie on where the new Afghan money for personnel ended up, it seems clear that the generals and admirals and EXs are more than happy to spend money in Ottawa and the greater defence administrative system bloat rather than on defence capabilities.

Personally, as a Canadian, I'm willing to spend 2% of the GDP on defence, but not until DND/CAF sorts out its personnel imbalance, its bloated administrative system and the moribund procurement system.

And, based on the first para above and the transformation report by Leslie on where the new Afghan money for personnel ended up, it seems clear that the generals and admirals and EXs are more than happy to spend money in Ottawa and the greater defence administrative system bloat rather than on defence capabilities.

Personally, as a Canadian, I'm willing to spend 2% of the GDP on defence, but not until DND/CAF sorts out its personnel imbalance, its bloated administrative system and the moribund procurement system.



You could hand DND/CAF 4% of GDP tomorrow and it would have zero positive effect on how we do business.

We still have 6 "Divisional" HQs fully staffed, yet could probably field a Brigade's worth of personnel, Reg and Reserve, and roughly a Combat Team's worth of assets to support within each Division (completely glossing over the fact that 3 of those 6 Divisional HQs lack a CMBG in them.)

Unless we are pulled into Article 5, or we are outright attacked; no government of any political stripe will give the order to mobilize enough personnel to field a full Division. It's a money pit to maintain these structures "just in case."
We need all those HQs. One of the Lessons Learned of the war in Ukraine is that the enemy artillery we don't have much to fight back with is probably going to wipe HQs off the map on a regular basis.
Personally, as a Canadian, I'm willing to spend 2% of the GDP on defence, but not until DND/CAF sorts out its personnel imbalance, its bloated administrative system and the moribund procurement system.


And I'm guessing that the politicians are thinking the same. No need to throw good money after bad until the CAF can get its internal act together...

... which will probably be never ;)

You could hand DND/CAF 4% of GDP tomorrow and it would have zero positive effect on how we do business.
This close to the end of FY they may as well hand it directly to CORCAN and skip the middle-man. Just drop off some crappy furniture that’s identical to what’s here now.
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You could hand DND/CAF 4% of GDP tomorrow and it would have zero positive effect on how we do business.

We still have 6 "Divisional" HQs fully staffed, yet could probably field a Brigade's worth of personnel, Reg and Reserve, and roughly a Combat Team's worth of assets to support within each Division (completely glossing over the fact that 3 of those 6 Divisional HQs lack a CMBG in them.)

Unless we are pulled into Article 5, or we are outright attacked; no government of any political stripe will give the order to mobilize enough personnel to field a full Division. It's a money pit to maintain these structures "just in case."

The RCAF isn’t sitting around in garrison waiting for a deployment - we’re “operational” every day of the year.

I can’t speak for the entire RCAF but I know my fleet could put more flying (gas and TD $) to good use.

Use some of the money to buy things, use some of the money to train people to use the things you buy. My fleet would benefit hugely from that combined with an increase in YFR.
The RCAF isn’t sitting around in garrison waiting for a deployment - we’re “operational” every day of the year.

I can’t speak for the entire RCAF but I know my fleet could put more flying (gas and TD $) to good use.

Use some of the money to buy things, use some of the money to train people to use the things you buy. My fleet would benefit hugely from that combined with an increase in YFR.

You stop it! If it's not Army it's not doing anything.
The RCAF isn’t sitting around in garrison waiting for a deployment - we’re “operational” every day of the year.

I can’t speak for the entire RCAF but I know my fleet could put more flying (gas and TD $) to good use.

Use some of the money to buy things, use some of the money to train people to use the things you buy. My fleet would benefit hugely from that combined with an increase in YFR.
Sorry how old are your planes?
Or the rest of the RCAF assets?
You’ve been at your current work location for a while now; would you shut it down and give the money to the RCN for ships and sailors? 🙂

It's much the opposite where I am. In Halifax the Army is the bastard child.

It's been eye opening for some when I express that the CBG is not the priority here. There grey floaty things are.

But what has been refreshing is working with a bunch of people who want to be here. Stay tuned, I've been approached and am contemplating a major change.
The RCAF isn’t sitting around in garrison waiting for a deployment - we’re “operational” every day of the year.

I can’t speak for the entire RCAF but I know my fleet could put more flying (gas and TD $) to good use.

Use some of the money to buy things, use some of the money to train people to use the things you buy. My fleet would benefit hugely from that combined with an increase in YFR.

I only can speak to my own experience and observations. The most I have been exposed to how the RCAF operates were in and out of 8 Wing to head to theatre.

My point was mainly that while we need more $, we tend to take that money and piss it away in acts of delusions of grandeur thar making what we have more functional.

I would love to see more money as well. I need to get folks firing more than 49 rounds a year to stay proficient on their personal weapons. I need more money to perform the crucial O&M tasks that have been kicked down the road for decades.

The Army is garrison bound, yes; but there has been a lot of "ridden hard, put away wet." In the past 10 years that has come to roost in 2022. Especially personnel wise.

I find exercises in "who has it worst" only serve to deflect from those truly at fault, and continue the infighting between the L1s.
It's been eye opening for some when I express that the CBG is not the priority here. There grey floaty things are.
There are people in Halifax who seriously don't think the RCN is the big priority?

Unlike Esquimalt, where the base is tucked away in another cove, it's pretty impossible not to see the Atlantic fleet when driving over the bridges.