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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

next group photo of the NATO leaders put Trudeau on the outer edge and then crop him out in the press release
Which appears to be exactly what Xi Jinping did:

"After more than two years without leaving his country, Chinese President Xi Jinping isn’t missing the chance for in-person diplomacy as he joins other world leaders at the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, this week ... [and]... Mr. Xi had a highly anticipated meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday, and will meet with the leaders of Australia and Japan, as well as Indonesian President Joko Widodo ... [but] ... Not on the list, however, is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau."
Which appears to be exactly what Xi Jinping did:

"After more than two years without leaving his country, Chinese President Xi Jinping isn’t missing the chance for in-person diplomacy as he joins other world leaders at the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, this week ... [and]... Mr. Xi had a highly anticipated meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday, and will meet with the leaders of Australia and Japan, as well as Indonesian President Joko Widodo ... [but] ... Not on the list, however, is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau."
The Good Grey Globe gave me a perk this morning with that.
How about stating the CAF will take unnecessary casualties in any conflict due to lack of, and aging equipment. Tell citizens, who are watching what is happening in the Ukrainian, that Cdn troops don't have Javelins to stop tanks killing our troops, have zero air defense capabilities to stop attacking aircraft/helicopters from killing our troops, minimal modern tanks to to stop enemy tanks from killing our troops, and, largely in the news, minimal artillery, zero MLRS, to stop our troops from being killed. Let alone logistics.
"After more than two years without leaving his country, Chinese President Xi Jinping isn’t missing the chance for in-person diplomacy as he joins other world leaders at the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, this week ... [and]... Mr. Xi had a highly anticipated meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday, and will meet with the leaders of Australia and Japan, as well as Indonesian President Joko Widodo ... [but] ... Not on the list, however, is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau."

CBC is making a big deal of the few minutes together they did spend when they passed each other. CBC did say minutes. I am sure Global, CTV, CBC and the print media will blow the few minutes up,. Somewhat the Quebec Conference, with Mackenzie King in the photo with Roosevelt and Churchill.
CBC is making a big deal of the few minutes together they did spend when they passed each other. CBC did say minutes. I am sure Global, CTV, CBC and the print media will blow the few minutes up,. Somewhat the Quebec Conference, with Mackenzie King in the photo with Roosevelt and Churchill.
If it ain’t a pre-planned sit down with an agenda, it ain’t worth squat.
How about stating the CAF will take unnecessary casualties in any conflict due to lack of, and aging equipment. Tell citizens, who are watching what is happening in the Ukrainian, that Cdn troops don't have Javelins to stop tanks killing our troops, have zero air defense capabilities to stop attacking aircraft/helicopters from killing our troops, minimal modern tanks to to stop enemy tanks from killing our troops, and, largely in the news, minimal artillery, zero MLRS, to stop our troops from being killed. Let alone logistics.
Like we have done with EVERY war Canada has joined. Woefully unprepared.
You mean the little nation that already bought P-8s to remain serious ASW players, while we look to extend our aged platform out to 60-year lifecycle?
Wow, the Kiwi's bought some P-8's. Do they let US nuclear vessels into their waters yet? There are plenty of Kiwi and US friction points. Particularly the one where the contribute zero info the the Five Eyes.

By “massive” you mean the US share of the “bi”-lateral relationship? The US could cease all bilats with Canada tomorrow and the morning hiccups will be done by afternoon.
Massive as in criminal, legal, trade and NORAD. What about ELINT which is huge, full cooperation between CSIS, CSE and military INT. When Canada goes onto a mission whatever we learn is fed directly to the US analyists. Which is more then NATO does.
That’s a classically Canadian view that isn’t shared by many south of the border.
We see what we want to see in these relationships often. The classic Canadian view is complete ignorance of the entire situation. I'm not so nieve that the US isn't entering a period of "America First" and isn't willing to bully us around. We saw it with the renegotiation that was USMCA where they basically forced us to cave on almost every single point. Canada is a competator to the US now, no longer a market or a partner in many ways.

I would caution that its more likely the US is able to leverage Canada into doing what it wants using the bilats as a lever, then getting what they want by cutting ties. They also are smart enough to know that a single election cycle can change things for them and for us.
I would caution that its more likely the US is able to leverage Canada into doing what it wants using the bilats as a lever, then getting what they want by cutting ties.
Oh, I think we both agree on this. My point was more along the lines that if push came to shove and Canada was pompously resistant, the US wouldn’t blink twice to thump us and not lose any sleep that night, nor any night thereafter.
CBC is making a big deal of the few minutes together they did spend when they passed each other. CBC did say minutes. I am sure Global, CTV, CBC and the print media will blow the few minutes up,. Somewhat the Quebec Conference, with Mackenzie King in the photo with Roosevelt and Churchill.
But Team Trudeau's decision publicize the brief chat has, now, further annoyed Xi Jinping ... le Dauphin cannot seem to figure out this diplomacy stuff, can he?

"Chinese leader Xi Jinping angrily confronted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the sidelines of the G20 meeting Wednesday, complaining Mr. Trudeau’s office had published details of an earlier conversation between them ... [saying] ... “Everything we said has been leaked to the papers, that’s not appropriate, that’s not the way the conversation was conducted ...[and] ... “If you are sincere, we should communicate with each other in a respectful manner, otherwise it will be hard to say what the result will be like.”"
“If you’re sincere”
I wonder if JT has ever been sincere.
In fairness to le Dauphin, the overarching political aim was a photo that Canadian media could use showing that he was NOT excluded from meeting Paramount Leader Xi Jinping. He appears to have correctly recited the 30 second, two point script that someone (PMO or Global Affairs) drafted ... so it's a win, right?
In fairness to le Dauphin, the overarching political aim was a photo that Canadian media could use showing that he was NOT excluded from meeting Paramount Leader Xi Jinping. He appears to have correctly recited the 30 second, two point script that someone (PMO or Global Affairs) drafted ... so it's a win, right?
Not quite like the interaction between LBJ and Pearson but I think the same message was sent.
In fairness to le Dauphin, the overarching political aim was a photo that Canadian media could use showing that he was NOT excluded from meeting Paramount Leader Xi Jinping. He appears to have correctly recited the 30 second, two point script that someone (PMO or Global Affairs) drafted ... so it's a win, right?
and perhaps to show Team America he knew what team he was batting for...
In fairness to le Dauphin, the overarching political aim was a photo that Canadian media could use showing that he was NOT excluded from meeting Paramount Leader Xi Jinping. He appears to have correctly recited the 30 second, two point script that someone (PMO or Global Affairs) drafted ... so it's a win, right?
The other photo op ‘available’ didn’t pass PMO’s selection… ;)
(Photo: Global News/Corus)
and perhaps to show Team America he knew what team he was batting for...
My guess, and it's a guess based on one rumour, is that neither the Conservative nor Liberal parties is terribly upset by the message that may have been delivered three weeks ago by Secretary of State Blinken. Both major parties know that the USA is p!ssed at us for being strategic shirkers but the overarching political objective to is to put loyal Liberal (or loyal Conservative) bums in the seats of (not really luxurious) ministerial limos in Ottawa. That means not annoying the Canadian populace.

I think that Justin Trudeau really, honestly believes that climate change is the battle of the century - the only war that really matters to the modern world. It doesn't matter why he thinks that, it also doesn't matter if you and I agree or not. The fact - and I assert it is a fact - is that at least a very, very large minority, likely a majority of Canadians agrees with him. Within that large group are many, many well educated "opinion leaders" including many, many high-school teachers and university professors (including from science and engineering) ands many, many senior civil servants.

I believe that there remains, as there was in the 1960s and '70s, a broad consensus, in the "chattering classes" that:

  • Unfettered American capitalism - red in tooth and claw - is a greater threat to the world than are Chinese or Russian autocracies;
  • Military spending is wasteful and unnecessary; and
  • Canada is a "nice" nation and people should listen to our preaching, pretentious though it may be.

Canada will "bat" for Team America because we have no choice, but our political leaders, Conservative and Liberal alike, will do the bare minimum that can be found acceptable - that's the Canadian way.