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good things come to those who wait!

mjr payne

New Member
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today i received a call from my local recruiting office to book medical physicl and interview. So i called them back and they told me that i have passed my enhached reliabilty check. I first applied almost two years ago  and i received the information saying i had been denied in october 2003 then i went to the local recruiting office and filled out somepapers for the enhanced reliability check and i have been waiting ever since, it has been a long road travelled but i am beging to see the end

Now i just hope everything else goes smothly (knock on wood) any advice for my interview like apperence and what i should wear i do not on a suit so i was thinking nice jeans and a nice button up shirt. And for my medical i wa on comp last year for a week  due to a sore back due i need any paper work from that?
Bring any relevent paperwork you can .. I don't think you want to wait 3 weeks to hear "...oh by the way we need this .." especially after waiting so long
For any job interview, if you've got a suit, wear it.  You need to look professional, and jeans don't cut it.  Congrats, and I admire your persistence.  :)

Don't have to overdo it however. I myself wore dress pants and shirt with a blazier (sp?) and the Captain told me it wasn't completely necessary. Dress pants and a dress shirt would probably be enough you know. I felt like I overdid it myself and it really had no impact whatsoever on my final interview.
Patrick H. said:
I've been trying to get into the army for the passed 4 years or so, and everytime I get closer, those stupid jackholes at CFRC just push me back a bit more. No offense if you work there, but jesus murphy....

Why did they keep pushing you back?

Patrick H. said:
I've been trying to get into the army for the passed 4 years or so, and everytime I get closer, those stupid jackholes at CFRC just push me back a bit more. No offense if you work there, but jesus murphy....



I think 9 out of 10 applicants feel your pain man. Although 4 years is one of the longest waiting periods I've heard; but there are probably some certain circumstances involving your wait that isn't ordinary. I hope.
There is one circumstance really that happened a few years ago. I was asked if I had done any hallucinegans(sp?) and admitted to mushrooms 2-2.5 years prior. Well, he said, sorry, you have to go home. Apparently it was 3 years. Close. I  showed again after going to college, sober for all that time of everything (cept the ol' rye!), 1.5-2 years later and again was rejected - after doing my aptitude/physical testing - because my file was still closed. What really infuriated me was they embarassed me by waiting until I was the last one called and then told me to go home in front of everyone. I didn't like that too much. Their reason was, "Oh, we didn't know. Sorry".

Now I'm being tossed around again by the same detachment because of stupid administrative issues. So... having this application rejected due to a few "mistakes" - it is being mailed back to me for correction - I will be applying for the FOURTH time.

Doesn't this show a determination that would somehow be an advantage in selecting a recruit? 4 years, 4 applications, a bunch of poppycock on their part but I'm still giving it all I got with as little patience as I have. This is something I want to happen very much and my goal is delaying me from my goal.

Apparently, there is a huge recruiting process going on right now. Just sweep me under the carpet some more. *shrugs*

I'm just losing patience but I will see yo uall in the field ONE OF THESE DAYS!


Sorry for the repost but the modify feature was too laggy.

Congratulations Payne! Deserve it! Good luck with everything!
Patrick H. said:
There is one circumstance really that happened a few years ago. I was asked if I had done any hallucinegans(sp?) and admitted to mushrooms 2-2.5 years prior. Well, he said, sorry, you have to go home. Apparently it was 3 years. Close. I  showed again after going to college, sober for all that time of everything (cept the ol' rye!), 1.5-2 years later and again was rejected - after doing my aptitude/physical testing - because my file was still closed. What really infuriated me was they embarassed me by waiting until I was the last one called and then told me to go home in front of everyone. I didn't like that too much. Their reason was, "Oh, we didn't know. Sorry".

Doesn't this show a determination that would somehow be an advantage in selecting a recruit? 4 years, 4 applications, a bunch of poppycock on their part but I'm still giving it all I got with as little patience as I have. This is something I want to happen very much and my goal is delaying me from my goal.

By not being able to read and follow directions?  How so?  The first time you applied, they told you that because you had done `shrooms within the prerequisite time, you were denied, and rightfully so.  YOUR fault, not CFRC's.  Now, you say you applied 1.5-2 years later, because your file was still closed.  After you were rejected the first time, how long did they say it would take before you could apply again?  I get the feeling you went back too fast.  As for the other two, you haven't mentioned how they aren't your fault either.  Poppycock?  Seriously Patrick, who's screwing up here, you or the CFRC?  I'm being a dick because I don't see how you can CONTINUALLY rag on the people who work at CFRC.  As for them hiring only the worst soldiers (your quote from another thread) gee, I wonder where you'll end up?  ::)  Good luck, have patience, and stop blaming others for your mistakes.

They said a year, next summer, because I applied in... july/august... I reapplied in about Jan/Feb the following year... but you are right *sticks foot in mouth, sideways*


m payne said:
ok will do i guess i am going out to buy a suit!

I bought a good inexpensive suit for my MP interview.  I feel I wasn't over dressed but now I have a costly suit hanging my closet that I only wore once (well twice to another interview).  If your budget can handle a suit go for it...if not buy some nice dress pants, white shirt and tie with a nice jacket if you can find a cheap one. (think a professional funeral look).  Details count, check for lose threads, ensure your tie is straight be clean shaven, get a haircut...put your best foot forward always!
that makes sense i am shure they are not going to dwell to much on what i am wearing as long as i am presentable
I finally remembered the word for it ... semi-formal; that's more than sufficient
Yeah that's the part that's so screwed up.

Get all dressed up so the guy on the other side of the desk can wear CADPAT.

I spent all that time polishing my boots so I could see my face in them and when the guy walks over his boots were not even that shiny.

I was not impressed,  all I could think was I got all dressed up for this guy?
Ghost said:
Yeah that's the part that's so screwed up.

Get all dressed up so the guy on the other side of the desk can wear CADPAT.

I spent all that time polishing my boots so I could see my face in them and when the guy walks over his boots were not even that shiny.

I was not impressed,   all I could think was I got all dressed up for this guy?

He's not the guy that wants the job, you are. You can't very well show up in CADPAT yourself, can you?
I'd like to see the face of the recruiting officer if someone did though
Business casual is the term I think everyone is looking for here. I have worked in a professional environment for years now, suits seem to be for power players (or presumed power players (Bankers, Insurance agents, accountants etc)) A suit in ones wardrobe is a necessity, there will be occasions coming in your life when you will need one, think weddings, funerals, christenings etc. You will not always want to wear your DEU's. Here is a good suggestion, if you are applying as an officer wear a suit, you are supposed to be a professional manager, and that is what professional managers wear. If you are applying as an NCM wear nice Khakis and and a nice LONG SLEEVE COLLARED shirt. Apperance is about corporate culture, military people in recruiting offices generally wear combats which is their business casual, some do wear what used to be called garrison dress. Clean shaven, clean haircut, well manicured nails (not just for women) and well groomed shoes also go a long ways. Also relax, they want you to join the forces, you just need to jump through some hoops first. Be confident not cocky and be honest, it also goes a long way. Good luck, you'll do fine!
He's not the guy that wants the job, you are. You can't very well show up in CADPAT yourself, can you?

Yeah and I haven't exactly been flooded with job offers since my interview.