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good things come to those who wait!

I dont know about you guys but during my interview stuff when i joined the reserves last year i wore jeans and a t shirt and they seemed morethan happy to be recruiting a new member.
Respect for the Forces, the unit, the Officers and yourself merit dress pants and a shirt at the minimum.
Thats very true, and after being trained now i would have dressed differntly, i was only 16 tho and applying to get into a BMQ program through highschool co-op. I just meant to say that going out and buying a new suit for ur interview is completly unnecissary
It is, just dress in the best that you have and ensure that it is clean.

Use the spell check feature please.

all i wore for my interview was a basketball jersey and shorts, lol (no word of a lie either) and i am currently doing SQ right now , yay, go me ;D
I just wore nice Kakhis and a nice dress shirt.  Had no problem.
Will probably be going overboard but I plan on wearing a suit for my swearing in and picture taking.. Such a serious and pivotal moment in my life, I think it would warrant perhaps overdressing a bit wouldn't you?
I wore clean jeans, a brand new shirt, were clean shaved and just got a fresh haircut. The recruiter told me after the interview that he got a "very good first impression of me" when he saw me the first time.
IMHO, just look very clean and presentable and that should be fine


p.s : Steve, I think it's a good idea, i'll be doing the same (that's  if I ever get sworn in). I only wear my suit on very special occasions, and that's one of the most important occasions i'll ever get in my life :)
Yeah the Captain who did my interview way back said same thing. "Very good first impression and very respectable attire"...

I wore clean relatively new jeans, a nice sweater and was all spiffied up (hair spiked, showered+shaved etc etc).

One guy wore a full suit to the interview and even now days the Capt still makes fun of him! :P

Goes to show you, depends on who is interviewing you. Some guys dressed like dirt bags, but I don't see them around now. Except 1 guy...

hehe.. I must admit that I hesitated to put my suit before the interview. I asked my girlfriend and she told me to dress very clean like if I would go to a club or something.. Now if the captain laughed at the guy in a full suit, I guess I made a good decision .. ;)

BTW, I saw a guy when I did my CFAT who looked like a farmer, I was wondering if he even came to the CFRC with a tractor and smelled like stables, but he got a very good interview and I think he's merit listed now  ???

I guess that there are things I still have to learn about passing interviews!  ;)

Funny...  I wore a full suit to my DEO interview, and received the same accolades.  (shrug)  To each his own, I suppose.  As I am applying to a career that will (hopefully) see me stay in the CF for at least 25 years, I thought a suit would be a good idea.  I guess it depends on what you're applying to, doesn't it?  ;)

In my opinion, applying for a DEO in a full suit is a good thing, as well as applying for NCM.. it just depends on what you prefer. But one thing's for sure, i'll put my full suit for my swearing in ceremony and for all other interviews that i'll ever get in my life.. I find this looks very professionnal.

Cheers  :warstory:
I think it's just a matter of respect to wear a suit...i did and passed my interview.  Not because of the suit, but because of me.  My reasoning for not even debating on wearing jeans to an interview was that I respected the profession and trade.  Now, would you walk into any other interview for any other career wearing jeans and t-shirt?  Probably not, unless you didn't really want the job in the first place.  Working for the CF is a respectable profession and as a fed. gov. employee on top of that, deciding on wearing a suit to show you respect it in an interview would work more to an advantage then not....

just my .02
How you dress reflects on the level of respect that you have for yourself and your potential employer. Afterall, it boils down to a job interview. present yourself in the best light possible. No need to go out and buy a new suit...just be presentable.
When I applied at the CFRC I was wearing a tie.  When I did my testing, physical and Interview I was wearing a tie. Not saying that a tie would be needed but looking presentable would probably be a huge asset.  Any potential employer of a job of importance, that is being applied for, sees this and knows that you are wanting this job and will look presentable to get it.  It shows that you have a list of attributes that you can offer for the position.

1) First impressions are lasting impressions
2) Respect for the positon
3) Respect for yourself, providing confidence of how much you want this job.
4) Respect for the company that you are applying for and how much you want to work for this company
5) How you would look and conduct yourself in public representing the company your working for.  Are you going to look sloppy or neat?
6) Shows that you have a level of professionalism
7) Shows intelligence.

Lord knows that I've gone to one or two interviews in my lifetime and by following these simple things can help in going a long way.    :)

One guy wore a full suit to the interview and even now days the Capt still makes fun of him!

And someone needs a punch in the mouth.