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Gas Chamber


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Anyone have any opinions or experiences in it?

ive watched it on youtube and it looks crazy! as crazy as it is im excited just to see what its like.
Im sure it aint fun but will be something different.
Some find it intimidating the first time, but - at least in my unit - we do it once a year every year. It gets boring quick. Yawn.

Just do the drills properly and the decontamination goop (RSDL) will be worse then the CS gas itself. Unless you take a shower right after, the RSDL just gets in your hair and you feel dirty for the rest of the day. :P
Don't worry about it, it's not that bad. I just re qualified the other day and the course isn't like it used to be. They use just enough CS gas to let you know you're not in a healthy environment. The aim of the course is for you to build confidence in your equipment, not make you puke. Now it's true that some people will have a bad reaction to CS gas even in small amounts but it's very rare. The worse thing that will happen if you don't get your mask on quickly is you'll feel some mild burning on any exposed sweaty skin, a runny nose and you'll probably sneeze alot also your eyes will water, they don't call it tear gas for nothing :crybaby:. But it's all very mild just enough to make you uncomfortable.
really? thats it lol
in the videos all there guys were throwing up and freaking right out lol
JohnnyCanuck1977 said:
Don't worry about it, it's not that bad. I just re qualified the other day and the course isn't like it used to be. They use just enough CS gas to let you know you're not in a healthy environment. The aim of the course is for you to build confidence in your equipment, not make you puke. Now it's true that some people will have a bad reaction to CS gas even in small amounts but it's very rare. The worse thing that will happen if you don't get your mask on quickly is you'll feel some mild burning on any exposed sweaty skin, a runny nose and you'll probably sneeze alot also your eyes will water, they don't call it tear gas for nothing :crybaby:. But it's all very mild just enough to make you uncomfortable.

I was thankful to get the runny nose part of it the other day when I did it. I had a stuffy nose from a cold I had but after going through the Gas Chamber it was cleared right up and haven't had a problem since. We did have a guy a good dose of it though, after coming in for the third time to do his mask up drill.

I got to spend the rest of the day on the range with the RSDL all over the place. Just when I figured I was done for the day and could go home and shower I got a phone call. Had to go back to work and do some fleet serving and handle some stuff with the SAR gear. :rage: Ah well, life goes on.

To krysta. It's not bad at all as long as you do your drills properly.
Was it a Canadian Gas Hut range video? As mentioned above the purpose of the gas hut is to a) test your drills and b)instill confidence in the soldier about his gear. If participants are throwing up and freaking out the instructors will escort them out.
i watched so many videos on the gas chamber typed in canadian and random ones came up not to sure if they were canadian tho
I did a quick youtube search.

There are a few videos of some Marines getting gassed. One video liked some prankster threw a CS grenade in their accomodations, then captured on film reaction of the guys running out. They were hurt'n, puking, ect. The CF Gas Hut is nothing like that.
krysta said:
i watched so many videos on the gas chamber typed in canadian and random ones came up not to sure if they were canadian tho

Quick point...we usually call it the gas hut...*chamber* is not usually what it was called...if you think about that for a second or two.  The purpose of the gas hut has already been mentioned.

When I first got in, the running of the gas hut was not so...regulated.  Since then, instructors who run the hut have to have a specific course/qualification and follow specific guidelines on how many tablets to put on the burner for a given space/room size, etc etc.

The point I am trying to make is this;  it is not a free for all where the staff get to 'have fun'.  Some troops do get nervous, screw up their drills, and get a good dose of the CS gas used in training and pay the price for it.  However, it is not run like some university dorm prank.  It is training, plain and simple.  That training is run in a common sequence which you will be introduced to if/when you attend CBRN training.
Eye In The Sky said:
Quick point...we usually call it the gas hut...*chamber* is not usually what it was called...if you think about that for a second or two...

lol true enough didnt even think of that when i typed it...i guess chamber sounds bad lol
Do people have to take off their glasses if they wear them to seal the masks or will they fit over glasses?
jonz67 said:
Do people have to take off their glasses if they wear them to seal the masks or will they fit over glasses?

I noticed one member doing training with us had special glasses to wear while using the gas mask. I'm sure you will find out if you wear glasses.
They do not issue them anymore, they now have prescription inserts that clip into your gas mask.
Shamrock said:
AKA birth control glasses.

They are DEFINITELY ones you should wear to the bar Friday night, with your Course T-shirt on and ID disc chain showing...(how many times I saw that at Sweetwaters I can't count).
Eye In The Sky said:
They are DEFINITELY ones you should wear to the bar Friday night, with your Course T-shirt on and ID disc chain showing...(how many times I saw that at Sweetwaters I can't count).

I bet they would be major chick magnets. :o
dangerboy said:
They do not issue them anymore, they now have prescription inserts that clip into your gas mask.

I didn't know that.  I haven't seen a C4 since Feb 07, when I had to turn mine in for my Air Force kit (coffee maker and umbrella)  ;D.