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FTX stories

CI L. Phillips said:
I believe that ham steak in any of its forms was absolutely disgusting...remember ham steak and pineapple, ham steak and mustard sauce and the last in line, ham steak and raisin sauce. YUCK!! As for other IMPs, i think that chicken stew with rice or ravioli are definitely the best. no other complaints here...i like imps, although i have had friends that would eat nothing but the desserts, even on multiplie day long ftxs. Food is food.

And thus why according to DND I was non-meat eating.

So I would say the most interesting FTX of my cadet career would have to be the last one I was ever on, which was while in was on staff cadet for Blackdown in 2004, to make a long story short, I blew out my knee on the ruck march and didnt know it, I thought I twisted it and figured I would play through the pain...bad idea. When I finally got the the MIR after 2 days...yeah I am stubborn, I was told I tore cartiledge...yeah no scans of my knee btw or nothing, so I got thrown on light duties a couple of days no big deal, yeah swelling didnt go down still couldnt really walk, but according to Blackdown nothing was wrong with me. So finally I said screw it and played through the pain my last 3-4 weeks on staff.

Turns out when I went home and got my knee checked because it was still giving out, I couldnt walk without a brace, lots of pain, lucky me, I tore cartiledge alright, plus my ACL and my MCL...so I got to spend my first month of college and my 19th birthday on crutches, it was fun.

The Moral of the story is demand proper medical attention...lol...good times...needless to say the knee never compleatly healed but meh...i still play through the pain, what does kill you just well doesnt kill you..lol.

Note: Just a personal experince, in no way am I condeming Blackdown and its medical care, I assume I just slipped through the cracks no big deal...thus is life.

S.Stewart said:
And thus why according to DND I was non-meat eating.
So you pretended to be a vegetarian so you wouldn't have to eat Ham Steak?  Thats stupid, not only is it stupid, its also lying.  Way to set the example for your cadets Miss Stewart.
Kyle Burrows said:
So you pretended to be a vegetarian so you wouldn't have to eat Ham Steak?  Thats stupid, not only is it stupid, its also lying.  Way to set the example for your cadets Miss Stewart.

Cute, but that isnt the entire reason according to DND that I dont eat meat, alot of it having to do with the way food is processed, espcially IMP's, basicly I cant eat it because it makes me sick, same goes for alot of meat in general, I dont break down the enzymes properly, so I get sick...so way to jump the gun on that one, and when I made that statement reguarding miss phillips post, it was made in just....in other words sarcastic...when the two of us did staff together, it was always interesting cause my company never remembered the fact that I didnt eat meat, by about the 4th week in coy so my 5th week on staff, my CQ finally got it. 

And as far as my cadets are concerned or I should say were...that has nothing to do with my diatary needs does it....didnt think so....I am pretty sure the medical info on my CF51 doesnt conflict with my ability to be an effect staff cadet for example, besides if all my cadets see me eating is non-meat products, then obviously its not like I am not eating meat one minute, and downing a buger the next.  I do eat meat, but a limited amount, basicly enough to get certain vitamins out of it...i would take iron pills but I dont react to them well either, its fun...not...lol.
I go back to the point that IMP's are not meant to satisfy the palate, they are meant to get nutrients into your body during combat operations. IMO, Cadets eating IMP's is a fun "treat" that you guys get to enjoy, there is zero value in it except maybe if that Cadet goes on to the Reserves s/he will know what they're in for re: IMP's.

I do not like eggs, can't stand the smell of them cooking. But when you have a choice for breakfast that is: Eat eggs or go hungry, guess what you do?

I hate to see complaining about food, it is a crutch. Have you ever had to eat half frozen IMP's?

I'd pay money to see some of you guys have to dive into the old hayboxes. Or try being really hungry a few times. Add in cold, wet and tired and you have the combat arms quadra fecta.
I'd love to do that but it seems like they are trying to take the "army" out of Army Cadets  :-[
Piper said:
You want to be cold, wet and hungry for the fun of it?

A true sign of someone who has never actually done any of that.

its called enjoying nature and being hardcore. You should try it sometime
ryanmann356 said:
its called enjoying nature and being hardcore. You should try it sometime
I don't quite think you know what "hardcore" means...


hard-core also hard·core (härdkôr, -kr)
1. Intensely loyal; die-hard: a hard-core secessionist; a hard-core golfer.
2. Stubbornly resistant to improvement or change: hard-core poverty.
3. Extremely graphic or explicit: hard-core pornography.
A few constants from the collective works of Army.ca:

-Questions about how to become a sniper/JTF Commando.

-Posers claiming to be Snipers or JTF Commandos

-Cadets talking about taking the "Army" out of Army Cadets and being hard core.

Relationship between them all? Locked threads and warnings.

ryanmann356 said:
I'd love to do that but it seems like they are trying to take the "army" out of Army Cadets  :-[

You were never in the Army in the first place. You belong to a youth group meant to foster an interest in the CF, no more.

ryanmann356 said:
its called enjoying nature and being hardcore. You should try it sometime

You're talking out of your backside. You are 17 years old and you want to try to lecture serving and former soldiers about enjoying nature and living out of doors? You have a long and prosperous career ahead of you, sunshine. Trying to be hardcore is stupid, get over yourself.


The DEAD END Topics.

While most FAQ lists focus on helpful topics answering legitimate recurring questions, there has also been unfortunate recurrences of less desirable topics in the Cadet Forum. The following threads provide some of these discussions, and should be read thoroughly by any cadets thinking about opening threads on weapons training, combat training or that openly question the intent and purpose of the Cadet program by confusing its intents with those of Reserve or Regular Force training. Note that all of these threads were locked for very good reasons, as will similar threads.

Why Can't we Fire C-7's or Better?

This is Cadets not Boy Scouts

Combat Training in the Cadet Program

Should RCAC Allow Combat Training?

DND Making Cadets Less Military Every Year

Cadets Becoming Less and Less Interesting

Cadets Becoming Too Much Like Boy Scouts

Military Games for Cadets

Cadets Taking Things Too Far

Go read a little bit before yapping off again.
Be at peace gentlemen, fighting will get you nowhere but negative places.

Use of the word Hardcore, as well as "Army out of Army Cadets" is now comparative to profusely beating the body of a deceased mammal.
Kyle Burrows said:
Be at peace gentlemen, fighting will get you nowhere but negative places.

Use of the word Hardcore, as well as "Army out of Army Cadets" is now comparative to profusely beating the body of a deceased mammal.

haha ok perhaps that was a little uncalled for, and the army out of army cadets has been done to death,
but there is nothing wrong with enjoying camping and the outdoors, even if it is cold and wet. 

And no, I dont play airsoft.
Well you're right. If you enjoy the outdoors then you can have a good time even if you are cold and wet. I just wouldn't go out of my way to match those conditions!! Heck, since I have saved some money I have even bought a place to go "camping" at. It's called a cabin!! And I feel quite rugged in my little hut with a nice warm fire.

Seriously though, when I do hike I make sure I take the best that I can with me in: clothing, pack, tent, fart sack, food, hydration, boots, sun protection, bug dope, TP, etc. Because there is something manly about going and living a few days in the bush, there's nothing manly about having a SAR party called out for you.
Scott said:
You're talking out of your backside. You are 17 years old and you want to try to lecture serving and former soldiers about enjoying nature and living out of doors? You have a long and prosperous career ahead of you, sunshine. Trying to be hardcore is stupid, get over yourself.

Go read a little bit before yapping off again.

I think you're officially my hero Scott.  ;)
Well, I wish I had worded that a bit better.

Given the chance again (I could edit it all but feel that's unfair) I would say that there is no such thing as hardcore unless you're talking about having hardcore frostbite because you didn't pack proper kit, hardcore wet because you didn't bring rain gear, hardcore hungry because you thought you could live off of twigs and berries. It all equals hardcore stupid.

ryanmann356 said:
but there is nothing wrong with enjoying camping and the outdoors, even if it is cold and wet. 

Again, +1 for you. See my comments above. Also read the dead end topics to see why I may have come on a bit strong a couple posts back. I enjoy the outdoors. I enjoy it in the rain, sleet, snow. I do not know anyone who enjoys being cold, wet, tired and hungry so take all measures you can to avoid it, if not you're asking for trouble. Have fun, that's the main thing.

Scott said:
Well, I wish I had worded that a bit better.

Given the chance again (I could edit it all but feel that's unfair) I would say that there is no such thing as hardcore unless you're talking about having hardcore frostbite because you didn't pack proper kit, hardcore wet because you didn't bring rain gear, hardcore hungry because you thought you could live off of twigs and berries. It all equals hardcore stupid.

I agree with you, I didnt mean intentionally not packing important kit, because that would just be stupid, what i meant was, that even if it was raining and cold I would still enjoy it.

Scott said:
Well you're right. If you enjoy the outdoors then you can have a good time even if you are cold and wet. I just wouldn't go out of my way to match those conditions!!

C/ M.Bdr. Banks said:
Whats this topic about again?? ;)
Exercises and things related.  Don't be fresh.