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FTX stories

ham and steak in mustard sauce has to be the worse IMP ever. got if for my IMP ever but I got peaches for dessert so it wasn't as bad as some ones. :-X The second IMP was beef ravioli which was a major impovement. :D
Well personally, sleeping the whole time beats staying up.....or not having to deal with the cadets. Yeah, both those beat staying up all night.
I believe that ham steak in any of its forms was absolutely disgusting...remember ham steak and pineapple, ham steak and mustard sauce and the last in line, ham steak and raisin sauce. YUCK!! As for other IMPs, i think that chicken stew with rice or ravioli are definitely the best. no other complaints here...i like imps, although i have had friends that would eat nothing but the desserts, even on multiplie day long ftxs. Food is food.
Wow, so many stories. And I've enjoyed reading about all of your past experiences. My most notable FTX story, is one from the end of last year.  Myself and our corps' RSM organized & conducted a "night military simulation" (war-game for ye politically incorrect  ;)) This FTX consisted of a separation of our 2 platoons, acting as opposing forces and conducting night raids upon each other.  Prior to these night raids, we instructed various camouflage & concealment techniques, as well as patroling, stealth, & section attack tactics.  In addition, we let both platoons have a "morale session" which consisted of a 1/2 hour of almost continuous yelling & chanting. This in turn produced a higher level of enthusiasm, and esprit du corps within both platoons. We consequently named each platoon "Russia" and "Germany" to add to the competition.  They had several forts constructed for defensive positions, and rules of engagement were given to each platoon.  In all 4 hours of the execution of these "night raids", the cadets were able to experience interesting Po's not ordinarily taught in their reference manuals. During our post-FTX response period, all of the cadets stated that it was the best FTX they ever experienced in their cadet careers. Since then, our RSM and myself have conducted multiple FTXs at corps level, using the comments imposed by our cadets. I encourage all other senior NCOs to bring these POs up with your Officers, and maybe incorporate this sort of instruction in your corps FTXs. It offers a unique learning environment to your cadets, and they will love it, I guarantee it!
We taught them:
  -Stealth tactics
  -defensive position construction
  -Section Attacks
  -Rules of engagement

None of these POs are in the army cadet reference manual, and were made  up of extensive research from qualified instructors.(Also CF personnel assisted in instruction, and some did in fact teach)  In preparing these lessons, we had to filter, or censer some material, so that cadets would not endanger themselves/others.
That idea sounds really awesome, I hope we do that on one of our upcoming FTX's.  How many FTX"s do your corps go on during the year.  We have 4 or 5.
yoman said:
I heard some interesting stories about the bread. I have had it and it is good. The story was that this one cadet had the bread and it expanded in his stomach causing huge stomach pains.

recceguy said:
It won't happen. The story is bullhockey.

Maybe this cadet ate that little packet thats inside the bread pouch, the one that says "do not eat".
Has anyone else noticed that the bread is a placebo?

Anyways, a story;
Last year, my corp went on a short overnight hike up a local mountain. It wasn't hard, it was simply for the newer cadets to get some feel for bushcraft. The campsite required us to keep all our food in a cabin so bears wouldn't be attracted.
So that night everyone's in the cabin finishing up supper and one of the CI's gathers everyone for a 'ghost story' about a trip to an island in a lake where he and his friends were attacked by...the GOATMAN!! It was great, he layed the story in thick and all the cadets were engrossed in the plot.
While the story was going on, I slowly made my way to the back of the cabin (it's just one big room) and perched myself in a window sill (the windows were just plexiglass screwed onto the outside). So as the CI neared the end of his story, he lifts his shirt, slowly, to show this 'scar' from the Goatman cut him. And as all the cadets lean in to look, I banged heavily on the plexi behind me.

Needless to say, they all needed to change their pants.
FuBaR said:
That idea sounds really awesome, I hope we do that on one of our upcoming FTX's.  How many FTX"s do your corps go on during the year.  We have 4 or 5.

We have roughly the same, it's a shame though, our detachment only pays for about 3 of our 5, so we have to fund raise more. But it has to be done to teach all of our POs for the field. I wish Detachment payed for it all, like when my dad was in.
Hatchet Man said:
Maybe this cadet ate that little packet thats inside the bread pouch, the one that says "do not eat".

I actually saw a cadet do that once....she was so tired, she thought it went with the bread.....
Lerch said:
Has anyone else noticed that the bread is a placebo?

You do know that anything that contains no medication can be used a placebo...
But, placebo's are pills(like a vitamin pill or sugar pill, etc), so unless you can make the bread into a pill, it won't work.
Well, since we're on the topic of ration packs, that chocolate dessert is heaven when your on an FTX. Also, chicken cacciatore is by far the best meal in them.

Just my 2 cents
Man last time I ate the beard at FTX i didnt take a *urd all week end. The bread was like a brick.
Soon2binfantry said:
Man last time I ate the beard at FTX i didnt take a *urd all week end. The bread was like a brick.

A tasty brick, that contains many calories. Frankly, in the field that bread is all you could ask for, and more!
I love the bread, especially with PB and Raspberry jelly.
Kyle Burrows said:
I love the bread, especially with PB and Raspberry jelly.

Jelly = Gag (for me atleast)

PB is the ultimate 'carry me around and eat me later' snack. I remember telling my cadets a while back that the PB has toxins in it and they were to hand them over to the seniors when they come around to collect the matches (dry brush around.) Man, I never had so much PB :P
PB is the ultimate 'carry me around and eat me later' snack. I remember telling my cadets a while back that the PB has toxins in it and they were to hand them over to the seniors when they come around to collect the matches (dry brush around.) Man, I never had so much PB

Thats not setting a very good example, your cadets are entitled to the PB just as much as you are.