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Federal Payment?

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I checked my online banking today, and found that in addition to my pay, which I got yesterday, I got another, slightly smaller, today labelled "Paiement Federal Canada." Normally, my pay is labelled "Paiement Salaire Canada," and I already got it, so I'm wondering what's that new money that just appeared in my account. And more importantly, is it money I can safely waste away, or do I have to assume it's money that was transfered by error and that they'll ask for it back, or something?

I figure it's probably something normal, I just don't remember filing any claim or doing anything to get extra money... Any input?

Don't touch it until you have gone to your Pay Clerk and inquired about it.  If you spend it and they discover their 'error' later, you may be out the money at a very inopportune time - like when you are paying all your Visa Bills in January.  Always best, when in doubt, to go in and ask about what is happening with your Pay, of the Pay Clerks.  Perhaps you had an outstanding claim that you had forgotten about, from a 'distant' time?
It's probably just the annual Christmas Bonus; they aren't allowed to call it that anymore, of course. 

As a retired RMS WO and having some knowledge regarding these things - ignore Mr. Dorosh - there has NEVER been such a thing as an "Annual Christmas Bonus".

Although I have no idea what the payment may be, Mr. Wallace has given you good advice - do yourself a favour and follow it.
Roy Harding said:
As a retired RMS WO and having some knowledge regarding these things - ignore Mr. Dorosh - there has NEVER been such a thing as an "Annual Christmas Bonus".

As a currently serving RMS, who are you to question my knowledge? Don't blame us just because we finally turned a profit this year.  Should have stayed in, instead of running for the hills with that fat severance package just because it looked like we were going to be bought out.
Michael Dorosh said:
As a currently serving RMS, who are you to question my knowledge? Don't blame us just because we finally turned a profit this year.  Should have stayed in, instead of running for the hills with that fat severance package just because it looked like we were going to be bought out.

If you want to continue along these lines, let's take it to PM.
Roy Harding said:
If you want to continue along these lines, let's take it to PM.

No offence intended, I just think the public has a right to know how Canadian Army, Inc. is doing in the market this year...I predict a downturn in the first quarter of 2006; enjoy those bonuses while you can.

And in all honesty, people should really stop coming to this site and expecting serious answers to questions that should be resolved within their units...for the record, George gave the correct answer already.
Roy Harding said:
If you want to continue along these lines, let's take it to PM.

A wee bit cranky so early in retirement are'nt we Warrant?  :)
GO!!! said:
A wee bit cranky so early in retirement are'nt we Warrant?  :)

Hell, I've destressed quite a bit in the last two years.  You should have seen me when I was still serving!!

My only concern was that a young fellow with an honest question would receive appropriate guidance - my concern was acknowledged. 

'Nuff said, I think.
back to original question - could be some sort of pay adjustment that occured after a pay period - you sure you haven't submitted a claim for anything??
short final said:
back to original question - could be some sort of pay adjustment that occured after a pay period - you sure you haven't submitted a claim for anything??

It could well be a repayment of an EI or CPP overpayment.  When I was still serving (two years ago), this was common - members would have topped out their EI contribution in Oct or Nov (depending upon salary) and the resulting overpayment would be reimbursed in Nov or Dec.

This may or may not be the case here - the best advice for the member concerned is to NOT spend the money, and consult his local pay clerk to ascertain the facts.

I'd be interested to know the resolution of this particular circumstance.
As for this being resolved within the unit... I would've done that, but I'm not going back to my unit until January, and wanted to know before that.

That being said, I'll see a clerk as soon as I get back to Kingston, and tell you guys what's up.

Thanks for the answers, sorry I bugged you guys.
Frederik G said:
Thanks for the answers, sorry I bugged you guys.

You weren't bugging us. That's why we're here. You had a very valid question, which you received excellent advice for....initially.

Unfortunately, you were then mislead with misinformation, from a serving clerk who should have known better. Using his status as such, only lent credence to his misdirection. I can only guess it was a rather limp and ill conceived attempt at humour, which nobody found amusing, in the least. He then further attempted to solidify his wrong information with an attack on a senior, albeit, retired clerk, who was trying to help you.

As with all thing internet, it's caveat emptor. Although we do try, as much as possible, to present factual information on the site, sometimes a goofball or two manage to pull their assclown act before we can catch and correct.

Do not hesitate to ask any other question you find relevent to your situation(s).
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