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Favourite War Movies

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A Bright Shining Lie staring Bill Paxton would be my favorite.
Black Hawk Down
Tears of the Sun

I'm much more into the Modern Warfare movies

Behind Enemy Lines was pretty good
I really enjoy war movies based on world war 2. Not sure if this counts as a war movie, but I loved Gladiator. It's unfortunate that they can't make more movies somewhat like that, hopefully they will.

I watched Tears of the Sun and I enjoyed it alot.
has everyone oticed how there is a lot of midevel and before type movies coming out now? they should spread them out more.
PPCLI MCpl said:
How can we forget Pauly Shore's brilliant performance in "In the Army Now"

ha that was an amazing movie. i remember the first time i saw that movie. oh the memories
my all time top 10 favourite war time movies (although some of them may not actually show a whole hell of alot of killing and violence)

1: Braveheart (although i dislike mel gibson, i liked this movie for the tactics employed by the scots and the reason in which they fight)
2: We were soldiers
3: Full metal jacket
4: Tigerland
5: saving private ryan
6: the thin red line
7:the patriot
8:Pearl harbour
9:enemy at the gates
10: Bridge on the River Kwai/ all dirty dozens
Top 5:
1) A Bridge Too Far
2) Bridge on the River Kwai
3) The Hill
4) Zulu
5) The Longest Day

damn i gotta add one more, i completly forgot of it when making my list and is definetly up there around 1/2 and it is : Hamburger Hill.
ok now we should add up all the movies and show the top 10 of the group.

I personally liked the older ones mentioned, but we should see the top 10 if a moderator could do a poll that would be intresting.
One movie I haven't seen on here is Rain. A movie about a dog, "Rain", serving in the Vietnam war. Basically the movie just follows the dog and his handler around for an hour or so with one ambush in the movie because the platoon leader wants to make a point on how he distrusts dogs and leads his men across an opening in the forest when the dog says there's bad guys in both directions. I found this movie great, although judging from what I've found on the internet, from the people who have seen it, not many love it as much as I do. This was playing on one of the movie channels on Bell ExpressVu, but for some reason they've decided it would be fun to show The Matrix over, and over, and over, and over, need I say more?

Oh I just had to add this, this movie is not very realistic in some departments. Like when the handler of the dog get's his dog stolen by the vietnamese guide and he takes his nurse girlfriend out with him to shoot the people who have his dog up before they can sell him to the VC. It would have been okay if the dumb broad did what he told her to do, but instead she gets the bright idea to run down there and fumble with the lock for the time it takes her to get knocked out. ::)
I have seen many  of the movies here listed. lots of great hours here to watch.

I enjoyed a lot the mivoes the US Army  and the Brits did during WW 2, they are a blast to watch, you know the good guys are going to win but still had to get people to pay  for war bonds.

" when we were soldiers" great movie, read the book it is based on, even better explains some of the stuff you do not see or have explained in the movie. The wife of the CO, she started to get the telegraphs sent to her house instead of the taxi driver handing them out. The US army had no system in place to deal with that  yet.  Hate to have my  family get the letter by  cab driver. Love the line by  sgt major, how do you know it ***** good morning or not

Devils Brig good story  a little far from the truth but good movie.

John Wayne movies well they are just that, too many  to list and too many  to laugh and enjoy. He wanted to go on Patrol with SF in Nam and the CO told him no way,  do not think JW could do JW for real if the shit hit the fan and could you imagine being the CO explaining tot he world that  JW was killed or wounded?

Saving private ryan
thin red line hated it
longest day
raid on toyko
u571 great story  but it is full of holes

lots of great movies
will ahve to check out other movies here listed

Heres some movies I thought were pretty good (no particular order)

1) We were soldiers
2) Platoon
3) Saving Private Ryan
4) The Patriot
5) U-571
6) Harts War
7) The Thin Red Line
8 ) Black Hawk Down
9) Enemy at the Gates
10) Behind Enemy Lines

Pearl Harbor was O.K. a little one too many soft parts though.
Still, I have never seen Full Metal Jacket

That new movie The Great Raid coming soon looks pretty decent

Here's one "THE AFFAIR".

A true storey, during WWII the first of a all Black American Battalion are Camped outside a small English Village. The principle charactor falls in Love with the wife of a Lt.Commander who's at sea. I won;t give away what ensues or how it ends.

I was very surprised (considering the title), its worth watching

The Big Red One
Cross of Iron
Tons of others listed here.

Impressed with
Black Hawk Down
Bunch of us went to "Hamburger Hill" in Wainwright. We just finished defensive week during basic,we were bagged. Had a beer at the ranks, went "down town", sat in the theater, popcorn, pop, ...... watched the opening credits, next thing I know, I'm seeing credits again, ... start waking up the others, then we headed to the Wainwright Hotel.. many beers later... lights out....
Those were the days

Guns of Navarone
Force Ten from Navarone
Battle of the Bulge

My favorite: Probably "The Odd Angry Shot" it is about the Australian Special Air Service in Vietnam, but focuses on the troops more than the combat. Reccomend it to anyone who can find it.
Full metal jacket
G.I. Jane
Top Gun
First blood

Not my favorites, but worth mentioning
One more war movie that I really enjoyed watching was about a German U-boat crew in world war2  its called "Das boot". I highly recommend it  ;D