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Favourite War Movies

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what;s you fav war movies that you‘ve seen?

here‘s my choices(what I could think of/remember when I made this thread)

Pre 1900‘s:
Sharp series

All Quiet on the Western Front
*german point of view on the western front*

Band of Brothers
Saving Private Ryan
*even with it‘s errors, it is still enertaining*
*german point of view, battle for Stalingrad*
A Bridge to Far
*Operation Market Garden, different POVs*

I havent seen any good ones

Full Metal Jacket
The Boys of Company C
Hamburger Hill
Causlties of War
We Were Soldiers
Flight of the Intruder
Born on the 4th of July
*not a vietnam war movie, but a good movie on the effects war can have on people when they return*
A Bright Shining Lie
Garden of Stone

Afghanistan(Russian one)
The Beast
*Russian an Mudjaheden? point of view*

Modern War/Armed Conflict
*Canadian soldiers in Croatia*
Black Hawk Down
Tears of the Sun
Clear and Present Danger
Here are mine (not based on which war but ordered by my preference)

Band of Brothers
Platoon (skip the part where they kill villagers)
Saving Private Ryan
We Were Soldiers
Enemy at the Gates
Full Metal Jacket(first 45 minutes)
Any war documentary(currently watching the World at War series)
Some favourite war movies:

A bridge too far

-peacekeepers was an interesting movie, because of its authentic canadian weaponry, meaning the movie probably had :cdn: gov‘t support.
Many of you guys have mentioned some of my favs. One I had not seen listed but thought was a really great movie was; A Thin Red Line. What a cast of actors it had to, to list a few;

Sean Penn, John Trovolta, Nick Nolte, George Clooney, etc.

Its about the World War II battle of Guadalcanal. Interesting anyways, and well worth the watch.
Of movies that others haven‘t mentioned, "Zulu" is an outstanding war flick. "Guns of Navarone" is another classic. "The Great Escape" is very entertaining, but you‘ve got to deal with a high concentration of pretty-boy actors of the day, and the fact that Hollywood turned many of the characters in the film into Americans, when the real people involved were all Brits and Canadians.

"Band of Brothers" is best war movie ever, bar none. Someone in another thread badmouthed it for showing "heroic bulletproof Americans slaughtering Germans with hip shots"... I don‘t know what the mouthbreather in question was watching, but it wasn‘t BoB, where the familiar characters died with depressing regularity.

NB: I picked up "Zulu" on DVD for five bucks at Wal-Mart; for that price, you might as well buy instead of rent.
Noid,Zulu was a required watch on my 6A
course. Probably the best movie about
command & control i saw,also showed
how men under extreme conditions may
react to combat. :warstory:
Pork Chop Hill
Bridge Too Far
Longest Day
The Devil‘s Brigade

Sorry, I just had to say it.. ;)


Apocalypse Now
Longest Day
Johnny got his gun
Tears of the Sun (Except for the F/A-18s firing AIMs as a ground attack weapon, and the resulting Napalm explosions...)
The Devils Brigade

THere‘s others, but I don‘t remember them all...
Saving private Ryan
Black Hawk Down
Bridge Too Far (personal fav)
Cross of Iron
The Beast
I know it is a little off topic, but did anyone ever see that documentary "Battle Stripes" on TLC? Watching that Brit Para Colour Sergeant deal out the jackings was amazing.
I usta whatch "Stripes" before I moved to the states.

I like most of the movies mentioned , but i was disipointed in Black Hawk Down (i liked the book alot more , but thats ussaly the case.)

I didnt like Tears Of The Sun that much (baisicly because of the "bullet proof Americans" even though they eventualy did start getting killed/wounded , i also thought Bruce Willes was too old to be a LT.. but their could be many reasons.)
"Band of Brothers" is best war movie ever, bar none. Someone in another thread badmouthed it for showing "heroic bulletproof Americans slaughtering Germans with hip shots"... I don‘t know what the mouthbreather in question was watching, but it wasn‘t BoB, where the familiar characters died with depressing regularity.
lol; that was me. I own the series, and I just finished watching... I forgot which episode. But It really pissed me off when the guys just threw a .30 cal over the side of a window and mowed down 20 Germans.

It also pissed me off how they showed the guys from EZ slaughtering that company of Polish conscripts (the episode before Cpt. Winters "fired his last shots"). Yet an episode later, they didn‘t show the Americans getting slaughtered in the initial phase of the battle of the bulge (just a few army soldiers saying "they came out of nowwhere" and "they slaughtered us").

That aside; BoB is ok. It‘s much, MUCH better than Saving Private Ryan (which I think is a terible war movie). The Thin Red Line, I consider to be both the best war movie of all time and the best WWII movie. Stalingrad is pretty good too. Das Boot was also a very good one.

I think one quality that war movie MUST posses is that it leaves the audience thinking that war is an absolutly horrific, terrible, undesirable experience that no human being should go through. That the line defining good and bad all but dissappear constant sight of pain, fear, misery, and anguish. Noone should leave a war movie thinking "Wow, war is so cool, I want to go fight in one." for whatever reason.
Well my favs are
- B.O.B.
- We were Soldiers
- Black Hawk Down
- Bridge to far
- Longest Day (book was much better however)
- Platoon
- FMJ just for the drill SGT

Tears of the sun is ok but there are many errors such as the helicopters used were ASW helos and not transports, standing up and shooting from the hip advancing as a squad and several other small events.
The helos used in Tears of the Sun were SH-60 Seahawks which are primarily used for ASW, but have secondary roles as well (such as transport). The main characters in ToS were Navy Seals, so it makes perfect sense that they‘d be transported in SH-60s. :)
Umm, there‘s this series that plays on A&E about navy seals I like those alot, also Saving Private Ryan(WW2), The Dirty Dozen(WW2), Band of Brothers(WW2), Black Hawk Down(Modern Conflict), and The War In Iraq(CNN) :mad:

cheers :cdn:
1- Black Hawk Down
2- Full Metal Jacket
3- Siege For Firebase Gloria
4- Canadian Peacekeepers
5- The Lost Battalion
The helos used in Tears of the Sun were SH-60 Seahawks which are primarily used for ASW, but have secondary roles as well (such as transport). The main characters in ToS were Navy Seals, so it makes perfect sense that they‘d be transported in SH-60s.
I stand corrected, thx korus. :blotto:
Favorite War Movies?
in no specific order

1- Thin Red Line
2- Platoon
3- Apocalypse Now
4- King of Krajnia (was on CBC once, watched it, loved it, cannot for the life of me find it)
5- Blackhawk Down
1- Purple Heart
2-We were soldiers
4-B of B
5-Hamburger hill
6-Blackhawk down
8-The lost battalion

Most of the older ones & some of the newer ones.
Have a hard time with most,to much crap to choke
I forgot about Sniper and The Lost battalion, both great movies, evem though Sniper wasnt the most realistic movie(least I think), it‘s enertainment value was good

the BBC show, battle stripes as great, the final part of it, where the Brit‘s had to attack a a town held by Ghurka‘s was quite "cool"

also, in the BoB episode, "crossroads" where they killed most of a company? of SS men, hard to believe it actually happened like that, but the american‘s did catch them offguard, most of the SS were sleeping an just chatting

I dont think they were Polish conscripts, I havent heard anything about pole‘s being conscripted into the Waffen-SS. Other eastern-european‘s were conscripted or they volunteered for service in the W-SS, such as the Latvians, Estonians, Ukranians and even Russians, etc(lot‘s of foriegn volunteers and conscripts from different countries served in the Waffen-SS, by 1944, I think either over half of the W-SS or just half of it was made up of non-germans