I recieved this email on the 7th.
I first met Kerry in 76 when I first joined the Militia and he was a Mr after going CFR then he left 6 Fd Sqn and over the years we met off and on had a good laff.
My shock is he imbibed very a little and enjoyed life but died of skin cancer.
Good Bye Mr McCranor.

I have some unfortunate news to report. Kerry Mccranor passed away on Sunday.
Very sad. I'll miss him.
For those that don't know I was the section commander and Kerry was a section member in the same field section in the 6th over 30 years ago. I got to know him again in 98 when I transferred to Brigade HQ and he was the Brigade G6 (Sigs Officer). A couple of years ago Kerry (now a Capt) joined CIMIC, whose office is across the hall from mine in Jericho. As such, I got to know Kerry quite well over the last 6 years.
Two weeks ago he attended the Brigade Unit Information Officer conference as the CIMIC Det UIO. He was coughing and hacking and thought he had a cold. We had coffee and sticky buns. A couple of days later he was going to see his GP about the cold (He now thought it was pneumonia as it was unusually persistent) but he decided he was too weak to drive, so he called an ambulance. They took him into the local hospital in Coquitlam then transferred him to Royal Columbian when they began to suspect it was more than pneumonia. They did two test series and concluded on Friday Dec 3rd that the skin cancer they had treated 10 years ago had migrated into his lungs.
I saw Kerry that afternoon. They had just told him there was only a 20% chance that Kemo would be successful. He was very weak but determined to fight. He was on oxygen and an IV. I only stayed an hour as he found visitors very tiring. The plan was to start Kemo on Monday. Unfortunately he died Sunday morning. It was only 10 days from the time he entered hospital to the time he passed away.
The memorial service will be held later this week or on the weekend. Most likely at the Canadian Memorial United Church at 1825 W 16th Ave in Vancouver. Dates, times and location TBC. Dress will probably be DEUs and medals. There will be a military component to the service. Details TBC. The Brigade Chaplain is actively involved as are other members of the Brigade staff. Expect a large military contingent at the service (Kerry not only served with the 6th and CIMIC but also with the Seaforth, 12 Svc Bn, 744 Comm and 39 CBG HQ as well as Bosnia).
Kerry is survived by a mother, several siblings and some nieces.
If you want more details or want to send condolences please don't hesitate to call. And please pass this on to anyone that might have known Kerry.