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Experiences in armoured


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I‘m not sure whether this should be here or under recruiting, forgive me moderators :)

I‘m submitting my component transfer this Thursday from reserve to regular with my 1st MOC choice as armoured. I‘m infantry now but I‘m only SQ qualifed. I‘ll be getting my BIQ this summer.

I‘m extremely excited about the armoured and it looks like the best choice for me. I have a few questions.

1.) Is the armoured actively seeking troops right now? I‘ve looked a lot but I‘ve been unable to find out.

2.) Specifically, the Lord Strathconas? I‘d like to be in Edmonton, close to my sister.

3.) What kind of requirements are there to get in? like as far as aptitude test and such? is it pretty hard?

4.) What could I do to improve my chances of getting into the armoured? I‘m very enthusiastic and I‘m going to do as much as I can.

Thank you!

I would guess that the biggest change you‘ll have to get used to is what we‘d consider "basics"... things like using toilet paper, chewing with your mouth closed...things that the armoured corps just kind of expects, and that they plain don‘t teach you in the infantry... :)

You‘ll do fine.
Just talk to a Zipperhead...they‘ll more than likely help you out. Where are you posted currently?

I‘m in the Comox area. There‘s only CFB Comox (airforce) and our tiny reserve base.

they‘re letting me in the QY Rangers (Armoured Recce) and Im not exactly the smartest fellar goin, so I dont think you need to worry about getting in. There seems to be a fairly decent demand for them from what I‘ve been told.
Shortbus....he wants to join the Regs and drive panzers.

Sinblox...join up if you‘re interested and rarin‘ to go. As for picking your posting...become top candidate on all your courses and you‘ll have your wish...most times anyways.

Just remember this: keep your knees in tight in the turret while traversing :D

Hi Franko,

I‘ll be doing my best for courses, I‘m not exactly the most switched on troop but I always try my best.

Doesn‘t matter too much what I end up driving or where I go, I just want to be armored, though Lord Strathconas is my first choice because of the area.

Well, I‘ve filled out my paperwork and I‘m putting it in on Thursday. Any advice?

ya and if u get posted to Pet watch out for Frankos tricks to the new people!

Attitude is everything. Keep smiling, work your butt off, and try to have fun with everything you do. Most of us have taught various courses, and the guys who are truly working hard, trying their best, get noticed...and get cut some slack if needed.

Between now and your start date, run a little every day, and do push ups and sit ups every morning and night. Throw in some chin ups too.

Lastly, relax and enjoy the ride, you‘re going to have a ball!

Hey Sinblox,
I‘m in the Queens York Rangers for 2 years now and I‘ve just started my component transfer for armoured. I was told that come april the MOC will be open since it‘s the start of the fiscal year so don‘t expect much word till then. Maybe I‘ll see you around.

Originally posted by sinblox:
[qb] I just want to be armored, though Lord Strathconas is my first choice because of the area. [/qb]
Excellent...You have chosen well! :skull:
If you want to be a (PTOOOIE) Strat! ;)


I really appreciate the responses. Thanks guys.

I have one more question. Lord Strathconas is part of the mechanized brigade in the area along with a couple PPCLI battalions I see and it‘s HQ is the Steele Barracks on CFB Edmonton, is that true?

If I were a member of the Lord Stratchconas, would I be stationed on CFB Edmonton or is it just the HQ that‘s there? How big is CFB Edmonton? It‘s in the downtown area, correct? I‘ve read it has 5000 troops on it, both reg and reserve. I‘m either really inept or it‘s hard to find info about it on search engines.

Thanks, the reason I‘m trying to find out all this is to see it‘s location relative to some family that live in the area.

First thing: CFB Edmonton is split into 2 parts.
1. Gresbach is in the city proper on the North end near the municiple airport. Also there is located the majority of PMQ‘s.

2. Namao is located outside the city to the north. It is the old 1AMU ( Air Movements Unit). The brigade is occupying buildings built on the runway area of the old airport.

The Strats are based in Namao. All of their tanks are also located there. You will be posted to the base. Most training will take place in Wainwrightwhich is 2 hours west.

Hope this answers your questions.

Originally posted by Slim:

The Strats are based in Namao. All of their tanks are also located there. You will be posted to the base. Most training will take place in Wainwrightwhich is 2 hours west.

Slim [/qb]
OK Slim, reorientate your map. If you are facing Calgary, all the words should be upsidedown (If you were to be in Edmonton) (If you are a Gagetown Strat (Ptoohee) than get a bigger map :D ). You‘ve got him headed out to Hinton.

while we are talking about armour, i‘d like to pose a few questions of my own.
I‘m currently an officer cadet at RMC prep year in saint jean(*boos, hissing, muted cursing*) and i used to be Pres in the infantry, but for some reason they decide to put me armour, so i have a few questions:

first of all, since all leopard capability is now concentrated with the strats, does that mean chances of tours with them are slim to none compared to rcd/rbc?

in your opinions, would it be worth it to go to a tank unit when they are about to be phases out, or just go to a recce unit?

what is the 12rbc like? i‘m not french but i‘m still interested in this unit.

what is your best advice for keeping lint off this flipping black beret?(i was a highlander in the reserves)

and, finally, i know this is ridiculous, but i‘m 6foot3, with very long legs. Will i actually fit comfortably in an armoured vehicle? or will i just fold myself like a pretzel?(some of my buddies are facing this same problem)

thanks for the replies, and i‘ll see some of you in your units in 4 years
Originally posted by kosstro:
first of all, since all leopard capability is now concentrated with the strats, does that mean chances of tours with them are slim to none compared to rcd/rbc?[/qb]
Only the CDS knows for sure.

[qb] in your opinions, would it be worth it to go to a tank unit when they are about to be phases out, or just go to a recce unit?[/qb]
By all means. It is good to keep up the skills for future generations. More to follow.

[qb]what is the 12rbc like? i‘m not french but i‘m still interested in this unit.[/qb]
It is a good place for an Anglophone to advance quickly. Every Regiment is different, as you probably already know. They do things different from RCDs who do things different from Strats, and so on.
[qb]what is your best advice for keeping lint off this flipping black beret?(i was a highlander in the reserves)[/qb]
Use your boot brush, with a little black polish. Don‘t spit shine it though. :D

[qb]and, finally, i know this is ridiculous, but i‘m 6foot3, with very long legs. Will i actually fit comfortably in an armoured vehicle? or will i just fold myself like a pretzel?(some of my buddies are facing this same problem)[/qb]
You would fit better into a tank. I am 5‘8+/-" and with SAS and other IT gizmos in the Coyote turret, I can hardly move around in the hatch. With the boxes that they have installed under the Crew Commander‘s seat, I have my knees in my face when I am hatches down and using the sights. I have to have my hands over my head or down by my sides to get into or out of the hatch. Go Tanks. More room, especially for you big guys.

[qb]thanks for the replies, and i‘ll see some of you in your units in 4 years [/qb]
Unless TOS change again (and I am sure they may) I will be long gone before you have a chance to see me....Just a Recce type of guy.

Kosstro....we‘ll be waiting :evil:

franko, what‘s up with the flaming devil head? I‘m no numpty, just a future junior officer! (*huge grin*)
hey koss where you ever in calgary, with the reserves ? the junior officer/ + koss sounds familiar...